a thread for mundane ironists

[b]Michael Lewis

The first thing Gutenberg sought to publish, after the Bible, was a laxative timetable he called a “Purgation-Calendar.” Then there is the astonishing number of anal German folk sayings. “As the fish lives in water, so does the shit stick to the asshole!,” to select but one of the seemingly endless examples.[/b]

Let’s file this one under, “that doesn’t suprise me”.

And so it went in football. The game attracted the very people most likely to get in trouble outside.

And not just the thugs.

After the war Avi, by then twenty-two years old, finally decided what he would study: psychology. Had you asked him just then why he picked psychology, “I would say I want to understand the human soul. Not the mind. The soul.”

Just what we need, another one of them.

For geniuses, they are really dumb, she said. Some of them are really pampered: They can’t even put together a cardboard box. They don’t think you do something. They think you call somebody.

Let’s call them, say, “flash boys”.

A big bonus was about as well concealed on the Salomon Brothers trading floor as the results of a hot date in a high school boys’ locker room.

Gee, what do you suppose that means?

I share your feeling that such behavior is, in some sense, unwise or erroneous, but this does not mean that it does not occur, Amos wrote to an American economist who complained about the description of human nature implied by ‘Value Theory.’ A theory of vision cannot be faulted for predicting optical illusions. Similarly, a descriptive theory of choice cannot be rejected on the grounds that it predicts ‘irrational behavior’ if the behavior in question is in fact observed.

Theoretically, of course, this can mean…what exactly?

[b]Neil Gaiman

I have always felt that violence was the last refuge of the incompetent, and empty threats the last sanctuary of the terminally inept.[/b]

And who among us doesn’t fall in there somewhere.

What power would hell have if those imprisoned here would not be able to dream of heaven?

He wondered if it also worked the other way around.

Adventures are all very well in their place, but there’s a lot to be said for regular meals and freedom from pain.

A hell of a lot.

Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them are things people are scared of. Some of them are things that look like things people used to be scared of a long time ago. Sometimes monsters are things people should be scared of, but they aren’t.

Let’s figure out which one I am.

You don’t get explanations in real life. You just get moments that are absolutely, utterly, inexplicably odd.

And we all know the explanation for that. And why it has absolutely, utterly and inexplicably nothing to do with real life.

Biting’s excellent. It’s like kissing - only there is a winner.

That and a loser.

[b]Jonathan Safran Foer

Mom said, His spirit is there, and that made me really angry. I told her, Dad didn’t have a spirit! He had cells!
His memory is there.
His memory is here, I said, pointing at my head.
Dad had a spirit, she said, like she was rewinding a bit in our conversation.
I told her, He had cells, and now they’re on rooftops, and in the river, and in the lungs of millions of people around New York, who breathe him every time they speak![/b]

No one ever wins these things, do they? Though Dad’s still dead.

Can’t you even tell me if I’m on the right track? Buckminster purred, and Dad shrugged his shoulders again. But if you don’t tell me anything, how can I ever be right? He circled something in an article and said, Another way of looking at it would be, how could you ever be wrong?

Unless of course it’s all just a matter of…perspective?

Only now do I understand the war against boredom, the lost cause of empty hours, of empty days and nights.

Really, am I the only one who has never been bored? Though even I don’t believe that.

I’ve raised my voice at a human only twice in my entire life. Both times at the same human. Put differently: I’ve known only one human in my entire life. Put differently: I’ve allowed only one human to know me.

Put differently. No getting around that, is there?

He was like a book that you could feel good holding, that you could talk about without ever having read, that you could recommend.

Probably written by Nietzsche.

Between any two beings there is a unique, uncrossable distance, an unenterable sanctuary. Sometimes it takes the shape of aloneness. Sometimes it takes the shape of love.

Alternating back and forth more often than not.

[b]Isaac Newton

Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.[/b]

Why does anything exist at all? The simple truth please.

No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess.

Try to figure out mine.

A man may imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true.

Bullshit. Right, Mr. Objectivist?

This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.

And he doesn’t mean Albert Einstein.

What goes up must come down.

In other words, not only apples.

Live your life as an Exclamation rather than an Explanation.

And from a scientist no less.

[b]George Bernard Shaw

Power does not corrupt men; fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power.[/b]

And not just Don Trump. He’s merely the fool to measure everyone else by. Or he certainly will be.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.

A crony you might call him.

We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience.

Is there something we can learn from this?

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.

Well, if only in your head.

The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.

That would be you by the way.

When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty.

Starting [usually] with the Nazis. But eventually we get around to the reactionaries here.

[b]Joseph Heller

He was going to live forever, or die in the attempt.[/b]

Me too. Though, sure, that goes without saying.

Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them.

Trump that Mr. Putin.

There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn’t have to; but if he didn’t want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.
That’s some catch, that Catch-22, he observed.
It’s the best there is, Doc Daneeka agreed.

Of course we’ll have to hear the first 21.

…anything worth dying for … is certainly worth living for.

And in approximately that order.

They’re trying to kill me, Yossarian told him calmly.
No one’s trying to kill you, Clevinger cried.
Then why are they shooting at me? Yossarian asked.
They’re shooting at everyone, Clevinger answered. They’re trying to kill everyone.
And what difference does that make?

Let’s file this one under “the fog of war”.

The enemy is anybody who’s going to get you killed, no matter which side he is on.

In other words, to frag or not to frag?

[b]Gloria Steinem

Voting isn’t the most we can do, but it is the least.[/b]

Now look where we are. But point taken.

In Native spiritualities, there is often a belief that we cannot pray unless we’ve laughed.

Are they laughing now?

If someone called me a lesbian—in those days all single feminists were assumed to be lesbians—I learned just to say, “Thank you.” It disclosed nothing, confused the accuser, conveyed solidarity with women who were lesbians, and made the audience laugh.

For men on the other hand…
And not just back then.

Flo especially took me in hand. When I felt I had to prove the existence of discrimination with statistics, for instance, she pulled me aside. ‘If you’re lying in the ditch with a truck on your ankle,’ she said patiently, ‘you don’t send someone to the library to find out how much the truck weighs. You get it off!’

Or, sure, try both approaches.

An older man who seems to be the leader of the Jesus Tshirt group says that the Bible forbids abortion in its commandment “Thou shall not kill.”
But being in the Bible Belt, people really know their Bible, and an older woman cites Exodus 21:22–23, a passage that says a man who causes a pregnant woman to miscarry must pay a fine but is not charged with murder, not unless the woman herself dies.
Thus the Bible is making clear, that a dependent life is not the same as an independent life.

Maybe, but the Bible does settle everything else.

This balance between tribe and individuality, community and uniqueness, was a surprise in a world that makes us think we have to make a choice between them.

Something to think about?

[b]Malcolm Gladwell

The key to good decision making is not knowledge. It is understanding. We are swimming in the former. We are desperately lacking in the latter.[/b]

Let’s figure out [once and for all] where, philosophically, one ends and the other begins.

We have, as human beings, a storytelling problem. We’re a bit too quick to come up with explanations for things we don’t really have an explanation for.

True, but only from the cradle to the grave.

Who we are cannot be separated from where we’re from.

You still don’t get that part, do you?

Those three things - autonomy, complexity, and a connection between effort and reward - are, most people will agree, the three qualities that work has to have if it is to be satisfying.

Cue Karl Marx on the rationalization – alienation – of labor.

It is those who are successful, in other words, who are most likely to be given the kinds of special opportunities that lead to further success. It’s the rich who get the biggest tax breaks. It’s the best students who get the best teaching and most attention. And it’s the biggest nine- and ten-year-olds who get the most coaching and practice. Success is the result of what sociologists like to call “accumulative advantage".

Imagaine then the consequences. Like, for example, living in the jungle.

The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.

You know, like dasein eventually will.

[b]Will Rogers

There is no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you.[/b]

Or, to put it another way, imagine if he [or Herbert Block] were around today.

Most men are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

Provided of course that’s actually an option.

It is better for some one to think you’re a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

On the other hand, who hasn’t said this?

I’ll bet you the time ain’t far off when a woman won’t know any more than a man.

Let’s just assume there will be exceptions.

Liberty doesn’t work as well in practice as it does in speeches.

Not unlike, for example, morality.

Plans get you into things but you’ve got to work your way out.

You know, if you can.


How to find happiness:

1] Think of where you last saw it
2] See if it’s still there[/b]

That’s why we’re here, right?

Eat. Pray. Ruthlessly critique all that exists.

Actually, that never works for me. Let’s figure out what I’m doing wrong.

Yes, play to your base. But act for your superstructure.

Do you even have one?

Soon Monday will be over, friends. And then it shall continue by other means.

Though only seven days a week.

Civilization. The sad thing is how it ended. But let us also remember how poorly it all began.

Just out of curiosity: Was Trump around then?

We regret to inform you that, yes, there is a tomorrow.

[i]On the other hand…

As of 2014, the number of deaths per day is 155,520, based on the number of deaths per year, per 1,000 people. This means there are 108 deaths every minute, or 1.8 deaths per second.

…not for everyone.[/i]


…a collision at sea will ruin your entire day…[/b]

Though not just at sea.

Mankind are tolerant of the praises of others as long as each hearer thinks that he can do as well or nearly as well himself, but, when the speaker rises above him, jealousy is aroused and he begins to be incredulous.

And not just in the Oval Office.

My work is not a piece of writing designed to meet the needs of an immediate public, but was done to last forever.

And who doesn’t think that? Here for example.

Think, too, of the great part that is played by the unpredictable in war: think of it now, before you are actually comitted to war. The longer a war lasts, the more things tend to depend on accidents. Neither you nor we can see into them: we have to abide their outcome in the dark. And when people are entering upon a war they do things the wrong way round. Action comes first, and it is only when they have already suffered that they begin to think.

Still, a buck’s a buck.

It is frequently a misfortune to have very brilliant men in charge of affairs. They expect too much of ordinary men.

Anyone think this is the problem that we’ve got?

It is useless to attack a man who could not be controlled even if conquered, while failure would leave us in an even worse position.

In other words, we’re fucked. Of course we’ll need to know who the man is.

[b]Roland Barthes

I make the other’s absence responsible for my worldliness.[/b]

Or at least he thinks he does.

We know that the war against intelligence is always waged in the name of common sense.

Still every once in a while it should be.

I am simultaneously and contradictorily both happy and unhappy: ‘to succeed’ or ‘to fail’ have for me only ephemeral, contingent meanings…What impels me, secretly and obstinately, is not tactical: I accept and I affirm, irrespective of the true and the false, of success and failure; I am withdrawn from all finality, I live according to chance…

Well, that and contingency and change.

To make someone wait: the constant prerogative of all power, “age-old pastime of humanity”.

He means on purpose, willfully, right?

The Photograph is violent: not because it shows violent tings, but because on each occasion it fills the sight by force, and because in it nothing can be refused or transformed…

Unless of course it has been, say, digitally altered?

All of a sudden it didn’t bother me not being modern.

While others actually take pride in it!

[b]Jan Mieszkowski

Lying is
Augustine: a violation of God’s aim for language
Kant: always unacceptable
Nietzsche: not nearly as dangerous as conviction[/b]

Trump: clearly presidential.

Heidegger: Why is there something rather than nothing?
Parmenides: We cannot think or talk about nothing.
Donald Trump Jr: Uh…

More to the point, which one comes closest to dasein?

Philosophy is forever on the verge of losing the battle against
Plato: sophistry
Kant: dogmatism
Schopenhauer: optimism
Nietzsche: me

Not to mention all of the above.

The revolution doesn’t need the
Marx: philosophers
Lenin: historians
Luxemburg: politicians
Trotsky: poets
Freud: fathers
Beckett: mimes

The rest is all invested in godot. Though not just in waiting for him.

To be is to be
Berkeley: perceived
Hegel: negated
Augustine: loved by God
Lacan: killed by your children
Nietzsche: forgotten

Let’s put them in the right order.

Philosophy is an eternal struggle with
Plato: sophistry
Descartes: doubt
Kierkegaard: dread
Žižek: jealousy of all the attention Trump gets

Žižek in 2020!

[b]Marianne Moore

The self does not realize itself most fully when self-realization is its most constant aim.[/b]

Oh, and who decides that?

They fought the enemy, we fight fat living and self-pity. Shine, o shine, unfalsifying sun, on this sick scene.

And [for some] getting sicker all the time.

… imaginary gardens with real toads in them …
… if you demand on one hand,
the raw material of poetry in
all its rawness and
that which is on the other hand
genuine, then you are interested in poetry.

Though probably not in philosophy.

Words cluster like chromosomes, determining the procedure.

Even, perhaps, in a world all their own.

When they become so derivative as to become unintelligible,
the same thing may be said for all of us, that we do not admire what we cannot understand.

Though any number of us will pretend to.

I must fight
Til I have conquered
In myself
what causes war

Only in the end to discover it is money.

[b]Evelyn Waugh

We cherish our friends not for their ability to amuse us, but for ours to amuse them.[/b]

I know that I will. Or, rather, I will when I find some.

All this fuss about sleeping together. For physical pleasure I’d sooner go to my dentist any day.

Among other things, you don’t think it can ever happen to you.

I did not know it was possible to be so miserable and live but I am told that this is a common experience.

Indeed. And even when you know it’s only going to get a lot worse.

No one could really hate a saint, could they? They can’t really hate God either. When they want to Hate Him and His saints they have to find something like themselves and pretends it’s God and hate that.

He means the “infidels” of course. Or, for many here, the “liberals”.

I can’t bare you when you’re not amusing.

And I do try to be, right?

The languor of Youth - how unique and quintessential it is! How quickly, how irrecoverably, lost! The zest, the generous affections, the illusions, the despair, all the traditional attributes of Youth - all save this come and go with us through life…These things are a part of life itself; but languor - the relaxation of yet unwearied sinews, the mind sequestered and self-regarding, the sun standing still in the heavens and the earth throbbing to our own pulse - that belongs to Youth alone and dies with it.

On the other hand, the Kids [any number of them], will no doubt take it with them all the way to the grave.

[b]Existential Comics

And then I left Plato’s Cave, and was enlightened by the truth. I was still just as much of an asshole as I was before though.[/b]

Isn’t that probably how it does work?

Philosophy is the only major where you leave school knowing fewer things than when you entered.

Of course we carry on that tradition here.

Philosophers need to battle against:
320 BC: the sophists
400: the mystics
1200: the dogmatists
1700: the skeptics
2017: the Twitter trolls

Here of course it’s still the Kids.

Hansel and Gretel for millennials: Instead of gingerbread the house is made of avocado toast, and the witch lures them into crippling debt.

And not just the witch on Wall Street.

How to lead the good life:
Aristotle: virtue.
Bentham: pleasure.
Sartre: freedom.
Kant: rationality.
Camus: actually leading the good life.

Some being more down to earth than others.

I mean, there are a lot of problems with Capitalism, but at least we get an infinite number of Spiderman reboots.

Thanks, he thought, for putting Don Trump in perspective. You know, if this does.

[b]Marjane Satrapi

Life is too short to be lived badly.[/b]

Whatever that means for example.

In life you’ll meet a lot of jerks. If they hurt you, tell yourself that it’s because they’re stupid. That will help keep you from reacting to their cruelty. Because there is nothing worse than bitterness and vengeance. Always keep your dignity and be true to yourself.

Where does she go off track here?

It’s fear that makes us lose our conscience. It’s also what transforms us into cowards.

Either that or, sure, you can die for the cause.

[b]The regime had understood that one person leaving her house while asking herself:
Are my trousers long enough?
Is my veil in place?
Can my make-up be seen?
Are they going to whip me?

No longer asks herself:
Where is my freedom of thought?
Where is my freedom of speech?
My life, is it liveable?
What’s going on in the political prisons?[/b]

That’s how it works alright. One way for the Shah, another way for the Ayatollah.

We are focusing on the small details and hiding the misery in the world. Look at the smoker and we miss global warming, war, and the crap we eat–not the bad guys but smoking. I smoke and they talk about cancer, I eat and they talk about cholesterol, I make love, it’s AIDS. Before AIDS and cholesterol and cancer there’s the pleasure of making love and eating and smoking. I have to die someday, so if the thing that gave me pleasure all of my life kills me instead of me going under a truck, that’s fine. Besides, why should I live so that when I die I give fresh meat to the worms? I hope that I am rotted and they don’t want to eat me. Fuck the worms.

In any event, to the worms, it’s neither here nor there.

We can only feel sorry for ourselves when our misfortunes are still supportable. Once this limit is crossed, the only way to bear the unbearable is to laugh at it.

Right about now, of course, I’m howling.

[b]Jeanette Winterson

In this life, you have to be your own hero.[/b]

That can’t be good, Kids.

Writers are not here to conform. We are here to challenge. We’re not here to be comfortable—we’re here, really, to shake things up. That’s our job.

That is certainly my job there.
You know where.

I am not tempted by God but I love his trappings.

She meant the Devil of course.

‘I love you’ is always a quotation. You did not say it first and neither did I.

Going all the way back [so far] to Adam and Eve.

The librarian was explaining the benefits of the Dewey decimal system to her junior—benefits that extended to every area of life. It was orderly, like the universe. It had logic. It was dependable. Using it allowed a kind of moral uplift, as one’s own chaos was also brought under control.
Whenever I am troubled, said the librarian, I think about the Dewey decimal system.
Then what happens? asked the junior, rather overawed.
Then I understand that trouble is just something that has been filed in the wrong place. That is what Jung was explaining of course—as the chaos of our unconscious contents strive to find their rightful place in the index of consciousness.

Don’t suppose that will work for all of us.

I asked him why he was a priest, and he said if you have to work for anyone, an absentee boss is best.

On the other hand, He does see all.

[b]Ernest Hemingway

It is never hopeless. But sometimes I cannot hope. I try always to hope but sometimes I cannot.[/b]

Really, no rational human being doesn’t know that any number of things are hopeless.

When I had finished the book I knew that no matter what Scott did, nor how he behaved, I must know it was like a sickness and be of any help I could to him and try to be a good friend. He had many good, good friends, more than anyone I knew. But I enlisted as one more, whether I could be of any use to him or not. If he could write a book as fine as The Great Gatsby I was sure that he could write an even better one. I did not know Zelda yet, and so I did not know the terrible odds that were against him. But we were to find them out soon enough.

Well, some of them were.

Finishing is what you have to do. If you don’t finish, nothing is worth a damn.

Not counting all the things that never do seem to end.

No horse named Morbid ever won a race.

Anyone know if that’s still true?

I have watched them all day and they are the same men that we are. I believe that I could walk up to the mill and knock on the door and I would be welcome except that they have orders to challenge all travelers and ask to see their papers. It is only orders that come between us. Those men are not fascists. I call them so, but they are not. They are poor men as we are. They should never be fighting against us and I do not like to think of the killing.

We are all more or less pawns in one or another narrative. Though, if we are lucky, it will be one of our own.

He could beat anything, he thought, because no thing could hurt him if he did not care.

We think that, sure, but it hardly ever really is that.

[b]Michael Lewis

When someone says something, don’t ask yourself if it is true. Ask what it might be true of.[/b]

Let’s start here: dasein.

The same system that once gave us subprime mortgage collateralized debt obligations no investor could possibly truly understand now gave us stock market trades that occurred at fractions of a penny at unsafe speeds using order types that no investor could possibly truly understand.

Okay, but what’s that got to do with making money on Wall Street?

The frantic stupidity of Wall Street’s stock order routers and algorithms was simply an extension into the computer of the willful ignorance of its salespeople.

Okay, but what’s that got to do with making money on Wall Street?

Here was another way Israel was different from the United States: Its wars were short, and someone always won.

Tell that to the folks who lost them.

That was the reason the casino bothered to list the wheel’s most recent spins: to help gamblers to delude themselves.

Like that is ever really necessary.

Complicated financial stuff was being dreamed up for the sole purpose of lending money to people who could never repay it.

In other words, on purpose.