The only savior man has is himself

I totally endorse the principle of responsibility in whatever form it takes. And so I accept complete responsibility for everything I have ever thought or said or done
as an adult and blame no one or no thing for any of my failings whatever they may be. For the way my life has turned out is ultimately down to me and no one else

In this universe there are no saviors not even human beings for themselves.

Right. So if someone comes along and hits you in the head and makes you bleed to death it’s you who caused it and not him. He’s innocent and you’re guilty.

Beings require other beings to learn. No way around that. Bastard! You made me post outside of my last thread, because it was on the same topic as a confusion of the topic! sigh. Oh well… I’ll just link this post to the other thread.

Death is not something which bothers me regardless of what form it actually takes because then I will be truly free

lol We don’t know enough about death or the afterwards to know if we would truly be free.
You can have no idea of what awaits you. It’s all supposition to you.
If there be nothing, then perhaps you will be free but then again is nothingness actually freedom?
Can there BE freedom without actual choice?
You are supposing that there is nothing.
You might want to live as though there was something.
At any rate, I do wish you well, Surreptitious, and I hope that what there is for you is what you would want.

It sounds like you’ve been having issues with your own responsibility of self. You’ve articulated a bunch of bullshit. You should probably have a professional diagnose your current case of verbal diarrhea. That could get to be embarrassing in social gatherings.

Nicely put.

I often use the following when speaking to Christians on them using Jesus as savior.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, — so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, — is immoral.

Do you agree?

They usually run for the hills.

They would rather think a God would die for them, when all their God is, basically, is a slave owning tyrant. Slave masters do not die for their slaves, he frees them.

Reality is not something they want to deal with.


As far as what we know, even instinctively, death is our final resting place and that is why freeing the spirit/life is a phrase as old as the hills.

Death then would be freedom of whatever is left of us after death.

Only those who are really vile and haters will believe in something negative like a hell or bandage awaits us.

Only the religious can usually hate that much.


DEATH only exists If you see yourself as being the physical body. In other words, it is a “duality” view. On the other hand, from a non-duality view, death doesn’t exist. There is only LIFE which has always existed and will never end.

Those who see themselves as being the physical body perceive they are in control. They judge things as being right or wrong, good or evil, fair or unfair. On the other hand, those who realize the physical body is a vehicle, realize “control” is an illusion and see things for what they are as opposed to what they appear to be.

If you do not control you, then who is in control of you?

If you judge not, which seems to be where you are heading, then would you not judge the one raping your wife or daughter to be quite evil?


I will tell you that the flesh is you as well as the spirit of the flesh. Whatever chooses to bind itself to the flesh can become part you. If you deny your own flesh, then I think that does really say all that there needs to be known about you and whether to trust or not to a spiritual being of a person who would say goodbye to the flesh that has served them for however many years upon death. Certainly the flesh goes its own way while some spiritual part of what claims to be it goes another, but the not-so-confusing part of it is that you are still the flesh. No matter where your consciousness may drift, it will also go back to the particles, no matter how dead or decayed that it stemmed from, even if it inhabits many casings of flesh in its eternal walk. Think along the lines of the long-term thinker and dreamer that could conceivably create reality and what they would have to go through to actually conceive of it.

Gnostic Christians would agree with most of this without buying into the supernatural which you seem to have bought into with your “flesh in its eternal walk”.

Let’s stick with what can be known and stay away from what cannot be known.


I am sticking with what can be known. Almost every theory I have posited here has been proven as stands or adapted not very far from its formation to a much more cohesive piece similarly able to be proven by the collective information and evidence over time. I have been wrong as things have swayed my mind here and there and had me type silly things, but the overall of my work has not been swayed much. from flesh to flesh as it decays and returns its smallest particles back to a collective of particles that then goes through its own process, there is a shearing and letting go of what we are, the energy that then ‘reincarnates’ and this is beyond just simple meaningless and empty thought. It’s not all that scientific since modern and popular science defies and denies any conversation along these lines and this one still isn’t good enough for anyone, apparently, so they and you can fuck off. Fuck off ahead of time. Done.

So think in a garbage supernatural way as you do, or fuck off, is your only argument.

Thanks for showing us your mind.


Not a fucking problem, jackass.

Jeez guys…language. This is a family forum.

And some guy…you should just do better. You need to set higher standards for yourself if you’re going to go around demanding people’s respect. Surely not every exchange with you has to devolve into you throwing insults…

I mean, it makes you look dumb, or at the very least lazy. Maybe both. You’re not those things are you?

Keep talking to me like a child. Nobody has made THAT mistake, yet.

At least you could try to understand why I might have the right and every reason to be as rude and as crude as I’ve been.

But don’t you dare look down your nose and start condescending me. people have been making that mistake since I was young.

Surely anybody with a brain could see where the conversation was like to go if I actually sat there and explained it in full. I, in fact, already explained enough in the short bit that I did to sate curiosity and the question itself. From there, the response gained from where I turned it only further confirmed where it was like to go had I gone through the motions of explaining it all out.

Not my first rodeo, not my first time on the non-official court stand, not my first time being hounded by the jackasses that be, and it’s a good thing that there’s a tongue-in-cheek part to what you said, though grossly overlaid with seriousness. Seriousness as if there hasn’t been people ripping others to shreds with subtle insults and subtle attacks and making out as if my responses are unwarranted. If that was the case, and a family forum what a joke but even if it was… Why the fuck am I still here at that rate? Oh, right, because I back up everything I say with actual meat, actual evidence, actual creditable credible material. That’s why. I exemplify philosophy, I exemplify reason, I exemplify everything I bring to the table and know what I talk about, otherwise why talk about it? Every time I open my mouth, even in swearing and cutting them down, I never once open it without just cause, without reason; not once have I opened it just to talk shit as so many others, yourself included, have done.

I am better and I will not be treated like shit, will not be treated like this. So, you can kiss it, you can lick the crack in it, watch me walk back down the miracle mile to the infinite mile through the green mile…

Boo hoo. It is all about me. Boo hoo.
