What's Next?

It will be like a constant cascading effect under tyrannical control of totalitarianism with a big collapse at the end of course. They’ll try to manage and control all of it but chaotic complex systems become futile for anybody to control or dominate for very long…

…at which point they usually exterminate whatever can’t be controlled. When the gardener or farmer sees that the weeds are too far out of control, he simply plows under the entire field and starts over.

Yes, systems are in place for massive genocidal culling when all of this takes place. Add in artificial intelligence and automation assuming civilization survives that long.

Nonetheless even with the whole slash and burn policy of blood being spilled across the planet in the name of ideological progressivism or superiority eugenics in the name of survival of the fittest if you cannot find an infinite amount of energy via natural resources going into the future(presumably to escape this rock called earth with technological civilization intact) all of these things guided by the global elite will be for not amounting to little more than thousands of years of creative-destructive human masturbation. The net gain of human history as a whole in all of its totality will amount to zero. Of course nobody wants to believe or accept any of that where the elites along with all their sycophant followers have decided to go with ‘feelz good’ vicious faith. The only alternative is total realistic acceptance and that is a rare thing that only a handful of individuals at any given point in history can accept, which just leaves us with over-zealous vicious faith along with all the human violence that comprises it. This is the absurd root of all human history revealed (naked without pretenses) and not a pleasant one to say in the slightest.

They have a source for endless energy.
They have a source for immeasurable intelligence.
What they don’t have is a source for infinite wisdom.

The game is to guess what unwise, supremely clever and powerful people will do. :sunglasses:

What did they do on those other planets, I wonder.

There is no such thing as endless energy, nonexistent.



What happens next?



When humanity self annihilates itself that is humanity being conquered by nature, human nature.



They destroyed them and came here. :slight_smile:



Are you referring to that component of human nature … time tested and proven true … expressed as …“If I can’t have it … if I can’t keep it … nobody else can have it either.”

Carthage again??

Well, that’s one way of putting it.

There is nothing but … endless energy - existence itself.

Sounds like Orlow has a good head on his shoulders. Although I’m not so sure that “getting ready to be conquered by nature” is headed precisely true.

I’m specifically talking about usable energy to power technological and industrial infrastructure.

So was I. The energy scare was merely a means to manipulate and control. The whole “free-energy” thing was conquered long ago. But exactly who becomes wealthy and powerful when energy/power is free?

Purely delusional concerning a finite world and universe. I don’t have time to indulge in frivolous utopian pipedreams that bear no fruit or ridiculous rumors of such.

Is it comforting to be informed of the entire compendium of human knowledge? I guess arrogance is tempting to such people.

Speak for yourself and your pipedreams. If you really were confident in your assertions you would try to prove me incorrect but I am thinking you’re incapable of such honest dialogue.

No, quite the opposite. Despite many agreements, I see you as far too presumptuous to entertain an in-depth dialog concerning hardly anything that isn’t plebeian - that “I already know it all” confidence (to quote you - “Purely delusional … I don’t have time to indulge in frivolous …”. Show me that you have a mind, and I might consider proving more to you than you realized was known. The greatest issue with every person is whether you personally believe in your own logic enough to discuss it.

Of course that is all a distraction from the thread topic- “what comes next?”

The greatest issue is not whether someone believes what they say enough to want to discuss it but instead whether they will
change their mind once they have been shown to be wrong on something as everyone inevitably will be at some point in time

What’s next? Who really cares … as long as the banana supply remains secure. :slight_smile:


Crude … yet profoundly true???

Explains why political austerity programs … very practical in the circumstances … are facing such resistance.

Addiction withdrawal … any addiction … is at best unpleasant/uncomfortable … at worst incredibly frustrating/painful.

Turn those stones into ‘bread’ and people will follow you anywhere … docile and cheerful … lower the ‘bread supply’ and run for cover.

Put up or walk away, present your factual arguments now!