Better Ideas

I did not know that pragmatism and reality denial were mutually compatible

Neither did I until today. I don’t condone such insanity and it runs deep.

You need to elaborate on that and explain exactly what you mean

I’ll try to come up with a less despicable example of mixing pragmatism and simultaneously denying reality.

[Edit: Joker suggested how the world is currently set up to repeat the same systems that do not work, the pragmatism is the choice to stay the course rinse and repeat even though it is not working which is the reality denial.]

Explaining insanity is difficult.

It is not pragmatism and reality which are mutually incompatible but idealism and pragmatism and idealism and reality. For idealism is more likely
to be rooted in reality denial because it sometimes seeks solutions to problems which are unworkable but desirable. While pragmatism is rooted in
what is workable if not necessarily desirable. Pragmatism and reality can therefore never be mutually incompatible. For that is simply not possible

You don’t understand my examples? The ideal was the pragmatism which turned into reality denial in that it wasn’t ideal.

Can that be termed deniable plausibility? [Edit:Oh it’s actually, plausible deniability, but in this case a hierarchy of decisions rather than the hierarchy of an organization, unless there is a better word for this type of playing dumb conduct]

Pragmatism is trying a system to see how workable it is. The only problem is that all systems are hierarchical in nature so naturally benefit those at the top
more than at the bottom. That is why no system is perfect. Therefore the focus has to be on making the favoured one as perfect and egalitarian as possible

No system is truly ideal and so the goal should be to find the one that is the most ideal

I was just commenting on a type of insanity in which the ideal was the pragmatism. Joker is not coming to debate the example he gave me to share.

Every single system that has ever been tried since civilisation began is less than perfect and
this simple truth has to be accepted for there is no such thing as a perfect system in reality

Recently, I dedicated a song to you Surreptitious over in my music thread.

That is very kind of you but seriously I am absolutely fine
So please do not waste mental energy worrying about me

Living as a robot worries me.

I am fine like I said and so you have no reason to worry about me

Control yourself and stop trying to control me, I’ll worry if I so choose. :evilfun: :laughing:


I thought that you passed away, Wayne.

I think that what we need in this day and age, Wendy, is more [un]common sense…not the usual run-of-the-mill common sense which runs rampant.

There is no common sense…it is dead and has been for the last twenty years.

And so what occurred twenty years ago to cause that to happen