Better Ideas

Okay, lay out a more practical plan that you have narrowed down.

Since you started this thread do you not have any ideas of your own

I honestly have no plan and would not know what to do even if I wanted to

Why do you think that civilisation is in such a mess

Wendy try to break it down into its constituent parts such as

Economic / Social / Political / Cultural / Philosophical / Moral

As you can see I’ve attempted to answer that question already. If common sense can’t be taught, then the situation is more serious than I can comprehend. In the United States, the facades of the perfect family who portrayed the perfect behavior in public has been decimated by all the modern revealing social media access to 24/7 news, Facebook, YouTube, etc. In other words, everyone is watching now, poor behavior is no longer a private issue.

I have oodles of ideas but I never garner the participation from others when I present them so their worth is untested so to speak.

Here’s one:


Mr. wrote

While form has its uses, this thread is for content. Surreptitious recommended narrowing it down which I’ve done below.

1.The structure of the family is in tatters. What constitutes a core family and what are its values?
2.Repugnant public behaviors and lack of manners run rampant. Without healthy families and their values, how do we turn the tide away from the lack of respect for oneself and others?
3.Common sense seems absent. Can this be taught?

Modern times seem crass.

You religious?

Not in any traditional, organized religious sense. When are you gonna posit some workable ideas Mr.?

The idea that common sense is dead is beyond disturbing. Can any civilization be saved from destroying itself without common sense?

Depends on if it can tap into uncommon senses.

I would not use common sense as the means by which civilisation can be saved. You need something a bit more rigorous than that because as a methodology
it is not very reliable. In fact for something as fundamental as the saving of civilisation it is I would suggest very unreliable indeed. So try and be a bit more
structured in your thinking because that is where the answers lie. Now I do not know what they actually are as I said. But that is where they will come from

The broken individual…segueways into the broken family…which has no values due to lack of commitment in the individual as well as to the family structure.

What beliefs do moderns have? What is their foundation if they were not born standing on one?

Moderns who deny their choices and name it pragmatism as if that excuses their mistakes and the lack of a foundation upon which their child rests is a lie found in their head they tell themselves as they drink to forget, just another type of reality denier. A very selfish and stupid one at that.

I did not know that pragmatism and reality denial were mutually compatible

Neither did I until today. I don’t condone such insanity and it runs deep.

You need to elaborate on that and explain exactly what you mean

I’ll try to come up with a less despicable example of mixing pragmatism and simultaneously denying reality.

[Edit: Joker suggested how the world is currently set up to repeat the same systems that do not work, the pragmatism is the choice to stay the course rinse and repeat even though it is not working which is the reality denial.]

Explaining insanity is difficult.

It is not pragmatism and reality which are mutually incompatible but idealism and pragmatism and idealism and reality. For idealism is more likely
to be rooted in reality denial because it sometimes seeks solutions to problems which are unworkable but desirable. While pragmatism is rooted in
what is workable if not necessarily desirable. Pragmatism and reality can therefore never be mutually incompatible. For that is simply not possible