Is 1 = 0.999... ? Really?

Hmm… this is a very confused reply phyllo.

First, math is the abstraction of space and time.

One orange, half an orange…

Apparently, you’d have all us flatlanders believe that when you do math on the 5th dimension, infinite sequences terminate because there’s no more space-time, but you need space time to make the argument that there’s no space time (which means in the purest sense that the division never hits “no output”)

Even if there was no output because space time is finite… what causes it to converge?

The results are confirmed by other methods. The 0.999… =1 result can be achieved by series expansions or with straight divisions, multiplications, additions and subtractions - probably a dozen have been shown in this thread. In order to accept “your logic”, we would have to throw out the work in many fields of mathematics.

You can start another thread where you claim that series don’t converge. I’m sure that you can make it run for 50 pages or more.

It is not.

Mathematics can be used to model time and space.

Intetesting… what does mathematics model without time and space? Thoughts are discrete … what does math model without thought?

You’re confusing space and time and thoughts about space and time - reality and representations of reality.

So… you’re saying that math is just a representation of reality and not reality proper??

I have a question for this pocket of exploring these concepts…

What do you think moves faster … thought or light?

Light moves in space. Does thought move in space? From where to where?

Technically it’s a trick question… thought can make light move faster… thought can traverse all space and time much faster than light, practically speaking… you can talk to embodied beings in their state that was trillions upon trillions of light years ago
Or even what they are now… thought moves faster than anything in existence


:slight_smile: shrug. Analogies and metaphors have their limits… experience reigns supreme still. So tell me, this infinity that you hang out at where all these series converge for you… is it fun? Oh, that’s right… it’s just a metaphor! Like I said, experience reigns supreme…

Yeah, unfortunately I have to work within my limits. I have never talked to God or spirits or demons, been to heaven or hell, touched infinity, had out of body experiences, been reincarnated, been one with the universal consciousness, made a perpetual motion machine, circumvented the laws of thermodynamics …

I’m making lemonade with the lemons that I have gathered over the years.

Well… sounds to me like you’re off to a good start.

When these things do occur, try not to go insane like I did!

I’ll tell you something very important to keep with you…

The question of whether there is a grand creator, is actually yours to decide. There isn’t a wrong answer.
That’s how big this cosmos actually is


Sorry James, I felt obligated to add this to my prior comment, perhaps we can get back to the question phyllo avoided about whether math being a representation of reality is in fact not reality itself, as we ponder ideas of presumed convergences

I think a grand creator is outside of my head. What I decide about it, is inside my head and my decision may be wrong. But I understand that’s how knowledge works and I accept it.

Everything that I know and believe may be wrong.

You have no idea what you are talking about. There have never been any “results” or proofs that 1 = 0.999… And there never will be. And your fantasy about math having to be thrown out is just nonsense.


Do you have the balls to make the same statement?

I can tell you this. There are lots of beings older, wiser, and more powerful than you.

I can also tell you this… a grand creator doesn’t care whether you believe in it, it can make a perfectly consistent atheistic universe for you, co-shared perfectly consistently with creationists …

Personally… I’m an all of the above guy

What is an “atheistic universe”? Everyone there is an atheist?

It’s actually much more elegant than that!!

You can co-exist in the same exact world system and the system is internally and externally consistent for atheists and creationists… this type of precision is mind blowing!!

Bah, humbug.

Atheists think there is no creator and theists think there is a creator. The atheists are wrong if a creator made the universe. Nothing mind blowing.