Is 1 = 0.999... ? Really?

Specifically, I lost interest after this post, in which James claimed that we can “only speculate” that (P) is the domain of a function (f:, P \to N).

Between that and refusing to acknowledge the distinction between a set that is a subset of a set, and a set that is an element of a set, I got the impression that continuing the conversation would mean explaining why tautologies are true to someone who wouldn’t admit it even if I could convince him.

Nah, I’m good.

Quite the opposite.

You try to inject irrelevant arguments to distract from the points being addressed. You quibble over what this or that word might mean to a mathematician versus common usage when those words hardly dictate anything relevant anyway. Meanwhile, you ignore the relevant arguments.

And it is certainly your speculation that your function covers the P domain. That is the whole crux of the argument. Oh but you just can’t tolerate it being questioned. Geeezzz…

…just more excuses to divert from the fact that your bijection function has a serious problem that I finally managed to sufficiently expose. You haven’t provided a valid bijection function and you can’t because N cannot pair with N plus A.

To be perfectly honest with everyone in this thread, nobody on earth actually knows why some rational numbers numbers do or don’t terminate such that this question even arises. Doesn’t happen with multiplication. This whole thread and all of these proofs are nonsense until someone solves that.


Take 10/3 = 3.333… ← We know that 10 divided by 3 gives us 3 and a little bit. No mystery there. What is that little bit? It’s 1/3. Dividing 1 by 3 is the same as dividing 10 by 3 except an order of magnitude lower. So we should get similar results: 1/3 = 0.3 and a little bit? How much is that little bit? It’s 0.1… and it continues. ← There’s no mystery to this. We know why we get 3.333… when we divide 10 by 3. It’s just a pattern that reinforces itself on every magnitude lower.

You’re misunderstanding.

When you multiply whole numbers, you never get a number like: 64.786…

When you divide numbers, sometimes the answer is something like: 0.5 or 1.3…

0.5 terminates, 1.3… terminates into infinite regress (keeping it rational)

There’s an even finer point to this mystery that is often overlooked. When you place a bar over the 3 to signify its rational repetition, the threes actually regress, technically, at no point are those 3’s actually repeating!!

You seem to think that just because you have learned how to divide into decimals that you actually understand why some numbers terminate and others infinitely regress. I assure you, you have no clue.

You can multiply any two natural numbers but you cannot divide any two natural numbers.

Operations have limits. They cannot operate on any kind of input you feed into them.

You cannot, for example, take (3) apples and divide them in (5) sets of equal number of apples. (\frac{3}{5}) is an impossible operation. But you can say that this impossible operation is equal to some other impossible operation such as (\frac{6}{10}).

When we say (\frac{3}{5}=0.6) that’s all we’re saying: that (\frac{3}{5}=\frac{6}{10}).

Decimal number is simply a fraction of the form (\frac{a}{10^n}).

(\frac{1}{3}) gives you a non-terminating decimal when you try to represent it in decimal form because there is no natural number that you can multiply by (3) and get some power of ten.

There is absolutely nothing mysterious here.

… and that is why it can never, ever resolve to be equal to it’s fraction … that “..and a little bit” never, ever goes away.

You’re regurgitating, but not understanding. All of us know that stuff.

All of us know 3 doesn’t divide into 10 without infinite regress using those techniques - nobody knows WHY!!

Why is it that every even and odd whole number terminates with even numbers, but not necessarily odd ones??


I know you can parrot shit.

The whole point, is that we might actually be doing division wrong!

Yes, you are right, we are doing division wrong. That must be it. It’s not because division simply does not operate on certain values. No, it’s that we’re doing division wrong because every operation must operate on any kind of value we feed it into it. Nothing should have limits, everything should be without limits, so that when morons such as Ecmandu come along and do whatever they want to do they can never be accused of doing things the wrong way.

Magnus, WHY do some ODD numbers cause infinite regress?


The proofs one way or another are meaningless until you answer that question.

Until then, you’re just like someone who says small government exists because people say it does.

You either have a federal electorate or a non- federal non- elected corporatocracy, which in BOTH instances is big government.

You’re a parrot, not a critical thinker

No, he isn’t.

That’s not an argument. Prove it.

I proved that occasionally some odd numbers cause infinite regress in this system, evens never do.

It’s obvious that until someone figures out why these exceptions occur in this system, not just that they do, that these proofs one way or the other are incoherent.

You need to explain to me how some odd numbers cause infinite regress. I have no idea what you’re talking about, in other words.

It’s an artifact of the decimal number system. (\frac{1}{3}) is .333… in the decimal system, but it’s .1 in base 3.

I’d guess (but haven’t confirmed) that even numbers cause infinite decimal expansions in odd-base number systems.

EDIT: (\frac{1}{2}) in base 10 is .111… in base 3.

You could then argue that the divisor of base and its multipliers are “even”

Yeah … just a matter of recycling on the evens or recycling on the odds.

My point still stands… 3 is an even number in base 3

Sure, if you change the definition of ‘even’, then you could get any result you want. But that’s not usually how we think of it (5 isn’t even in base 10, even though it’s also a prime factor of 10).

No matter the base, numbers that have 2 as a factor continue to have 2 as a factor. And changing the base doesn’t affect the properties of odd and even numbers under arithmetic operations.

So, I’m going to ask you this question…

I pointed out earlier that addition and multiplication, even subtraction of wholes never yield regresses.

3*3 never equals 999999999…

So the fact that you wouldn’t find this issue in factors and such is no surprise - division is inverse to multiplication, yet has very strange properties relative to the inverse of addition and subtraction.

So, my question is… why?

I was trying to point to a clue, since we brought up bases… if base is number, it sets up its lowest common denominator as the even. 2 is the lowest of ten, so no matter what you divide in base 10, that is a multiple of two, will terminate.

In base 3, 2 and 2 add to higher than base, 2 cannot be the lowest common denominator, it has to be 3 or multiples of 3

I don’t disagree, but that isn’t what “even” means. 2 is still even in base 3.

You’re looking at “whole” numbers, by which I take you to mean either integers. And you’re right that there’s an asymmetry between multiplication and division there: multiply two integers and you always get an integer, divide one integer by another and you don’t necessarily get another integer. But you can look at larger and smaller sets of numbers. If you look at just the natural numbers, you see a similar asymmetry between addition and subtraction: add two natural numbers and you always get a natural number, but 3-5 is not a natural number.

Conversely, the rational numbers are closed on division (except for zero), as are the real numbers.

I’m not sure if there are any sets that are closed under division but not multiplication, or subtraction but not addition.