What is Your Reason for Doing It?

That’s actually a pretty arrogant attitude. It assumes that you have the true correct knowledge and understanding.

Perhaps the person asking is more educated and/or self-educated than you. Perhaps the asking indicates open-mindedness or a desire to have a discussion on a discussion forum.

Or perhaps the person really is ignorant but wants to benefit from your superior knowledge and understanding, and by asking hopes to avoid unnecessary errors.


► Everything known was once unknown.

► Everything there is still to know already exists, it is just undiscovered, un-evolved an un-configured.

► Everything can be expressed as information.

► Discovery is just the unknown configured into formation.

► Inception is formation.

► Unknown in-formation is known.

This also means for false information.

I agree with WendyDarling here - I will put it another way >> A responsible person asks questions of the person who makes a/the claim/s. When the “asker” suspends their belief → they have already exercised their side of the deal responsibly – equality comes about when you(the “askee”) exercise the other side of the equation of responsiblity - which would be to answer responsibly from your own head/heart → possibly leading to a satisfactorily responsible answer. It seems at the moment you are passing snippets of information on rather than thinking up an answer of your own.

► Everything known was once unknown - this is also a possible answer to the mirror suggestion ie. unknown/known but that would depend upon what mirror each given entity is standing in front of.

I was taught in another thread of a principle about “essential” that I can now apply to information - there is only one mirror of truth the further you get away from it the less truthful the mirrors in the hall of mirrors become.

The seeker of truth does not always attract the “logic of the truth”. The seeker of truth sometimes attracts “willing for belief” instead. A limitation of the seekers mind.



I don’t see how one could ever prove to someone else what it is that he/she has experienced.
Carl Jung said that truth is based on the concert of many voices but I don’t necessarily even agree with that. Look at Nazi Germany and propaganda.
All one could do is to share that personal experience.
The only thing, to me perhaps, which is not proof so much but closer to proof is the way in which one lives one’s life according to or as a result of that experience. If another sees that, they may at least accept the other’s experience as being valid.

No, the inability to prove your experience doesn’t make it invalid. The experience is valid “to you”. I don’t think that there is absolute truth but there is subjective truth. We have to remember this when one tells us of their experience. Of course, some things are simply absurd, like someone telling us that they looked into the night sky and saw a witch flying on a broom. lol

True. There was a time when I thought that reincarnation might have been a possibility based on the cycles of nature but that alone doesn’t cut it.
But still, R may still be a possibility.

I don’t follow this. Can you explain what you mean here?



… a logical … rational … hypothesis … been around in one form or another for a long time. Either all is in the grey matter between our ears or this same gray matter has a conduit … with very sophisticated security clearances … to the “cloud”.

thoughtsofamisfit.weebly.com/our … hadow.html

Eaglerising wrote

Therein lies the stumbling block for most. To get past this and be “brutally honest” (HA, those two words much maligned by many) requires one to step up to the edge of the abyss and look in, something as yet, I have not had the courage to do. So, I am riddled with false impressions and vivid allusions of who I am, incapable of the lofty ability to see unadulterated reason, even though I will proclaim I can.

Psychological Firewalls??

Wash dishes! :evilfun:

I do … regularly. :slight_smile:

Though I prefer chopping cabbage … given there’s no wood in the neighborhood.

Loved that pic of you with the hat of eggs, Tom! A new take on the thinking man…priceless! :smiley:

Wendy … did you notice the geese in the picture?

I sat in the same place for so long a couple of the geese mistook my hat for their nest. :laughing:

Just kidding!

Seriously though … I don’t fully understand my reason(s) for doing it … taking the picture nor for sharing it. :slight_smile:

Sure … soliciting “stroking” is part of it … though not all … do you have any suggestions? Often the “other” sees what we do not.

This is a PG site so no stroking of any kind is allowed…sorry…no suggestions in that regard, but on another front, you need more challenges, mental, emotional, spiritual but you are way too comfortable staying in the safety of a small village when your desires to push yourself farther come from a big city. In other words, stop hiding and playing it safe where you are…and/or you could finally learn Chinese and get into all kinds of trouble with that newly acquired superpower. :evilfun: :laughing:

I figured it out!

It’s all vanity … life is useless … it’s like chasing the wind.

What proportion of human activity traces it’s roots to vanity?

Vanity has propelled human evolution … how bland life would be without it.

Vanity may be the cause of the destruction of humanity … and the planet … as well.

Life is useless … it’s like chasing the wid.


Are you positively sure?

The human condition it seems is more than 97% vanity … I do not think life is useless … it is like chasing the wind.

I would say more than 97%.

Some part of evolution has been propelled by vanity … I contest whether life would be bland without it.

This is more than 97% true.

We can never give up … we have been programmed to live.

The meaning of life is to live.


You’re off to a mountain top to die nobly?

Why die? Why not live nobly?

A popular world view … "Life is a gift! Enjoy it!

A not so popular world view … “My life has a purpose, I want to find it and get on with it … forget about joy!”

Wendy … while reflecting on EC_DC’s comment … "We are programmed to live" … my mind was looking for the words to articulate the distinction between “to live” and “to exist”.

Thank you for providing the answer. :slight_smile:

You just said “life is useless”.

What gives? Why are you hanging around?


You can call me Aaron.

Forget my horrible programmed comment.

We are here to live - to me that is the meaning of life - what we choose to do to give ourselves purpose can be difficult.

I feel I have no real purpose on top of being a person - so I choose to be the best person I can be.


I feel we are social - so I be social.

Don’t let my comments stumble you - if it is just reflection then so be it.

I guess a good distinction would be: Make your life full - live life to the fullest.

I think in many ways you are already doing that.

To niggle you :laughing: … one good turn deserves another … quid pro quo :slight_smile: