A Call To Men

Women are masters of psychological warfare, and it’s only a small minority of men that do these things, most men are fine, only a few need to change.
And like I said, the same, or similar instincts and energies that make men more prone to being villains, also make them more prone to being heroes, when properly harnessed, or when existing in conjunction with our more benevolent instincts and energies…and we still need heroes, even in our safe, soft civilization.
That being said, when civilization is on the verge of collapsing, or it does collapse, and it likely will, all civilizations do sooner or later, hyper-aggressive sorts men will probably be more likely to survive, so long as they have some smarts and impulse control to back it up and it’s not completely crazy or antisocial, just dominant, and it’ll be these sorts of men many women will happily throw themselves at, or reluctantly, of necessity.

Where are you amidst all men?

Mostly not a violent one, althou there were a couple times in the past.


The 437,000 seems padded to appear a lower figure, reason being to not alarm the civilized world and show the failings of the UN’s initiatives. Is terrorism included, I don’t know?

Of course there was a lot of overlap between men and women’s roles, it wasn’t nearly as one sided as I portrayed, I just did that for convenience, but generally, our roles were somewhat different, and our minds and bodies developed to facilitate these roles and vice versa.


How many men are involved in perpetrating and perpetuating? A baker’s dozen? A few animals…bullshit! Millions upon millions of animals.

In Canada, the homicide rate is 1.56 murders per 100 000 people annually, and most of those victims were probably male and gang related, so the odds of an ordinary woman being murdered by a man in Canada are like 1 out of a million annually, it’s really, really…really low.

Actually it’s 2.05 per 100,000 in Canada, but the harsher winter weather conditions curb some access to violence keeping it at home in the form of domestics or prostitution violence (my favorite)…95% of all of it committed by men. Millions of civilized apes but who’s counting. :wink:

Not having any luck with how many missing Canadian women there are which wouldn’t be considered murdered until their remains were identified as such.

Women are also more cowardly, thou, when the shit hits the fan, you can count on women to push their man in harms way while they scurry off.

Most of it is man on man/gang related murder, I bet women murder men at almost the same rate men murder women, or if men murder women more than women murder men, it’s probably only like 2 or 3:1, not something drastic like say 10:1 or 100:1, prove me wrong thou.

Mhm, so if a few hundred murderous men make all men civilized apes, why don’t a few dozen murderous women make all women civilized apes?

How few murderers do you have to have in your population group to make said population group more than subhuman, where’s the cut off point?

Does the fact there’s so few creative geniuses in the arts, sciences and humanities among women make all women a bunch of idiots?

Apparently in your world it does, where a few bad apples spoil the bunch, the baby is thrown out with the bath water and a few exceptions disprove the rule.

A few autistic savants make all autistics geniuses, a few morbidly obese Americans make all Americans a bunch of fat, selfish, undisciplined pigs, I mean talk about hyperbole.

1.56 according to google, but let’s round it off, let’s say 2, and let’s say half the murdered were women, even thou it’s probably substantially less than that, even thou us Canadian families admittedly are all claustrophobic huddled together in our igloos constantly at each others throats, that still amounts to 1 out of every 100 000, you’re still 100s of times more likely to die in an automobile accident, so if you’re going to stop riding men, might as well stop riding in cars too…but hey I almost forgot, you hooked up with Joker, of all men, an admitted criminal mastermind, anarchist, egoist and nihilist, gee that makes a world of sense *laughs, I guess you like your psychopaths out in the open, better the devil you know, right?

Other than to aggravate me, why do you consistently minimize male on female violence rather than conceding on the origin of the problem and persecuting the millions of men, not a few like you keep reiterating, who enact these heinous crimes? The Muslims support their terrorists, men in general, all the men who are fine, support their terrorism too it seems, so no fault to the Muslims for protecting their own, men taught them cowardly ways of ultimate justice. Bombs away (men made the bombs so why waste them)!

Oh, this is personal it seems so the gloves will be coming off. You are the psychopath Mr., don’t be contentious to claim otherwise.

Not all Muslims men included support Islamic terror, statistics vary, it’s difficult to say.
You’d be hard pressed to find a man who supports murder or slavery, unless you looked for them in jails or the most impoverished ghettos.
I’m just putting your statistics into context, where as you’re taking one or two statistics and running away with them, blowing them way out of proportion, and making exaggerated claims your own statistics in no way shape or form support, like all men are subhuman, because the small minority of men who commit violent offences is a few times bigger than the small minority of women who commit violent offences.
It’s preposterous.
Men are more dangerous than women as a whole, and both women and men should be more weary of them, however 1 a lot of that crime is inflicted upon other albeit dangerous men, 2 it’s only a few men who’re committing the most heinous, egregious acts, and 3 it’d be foolish to reduce any population groups value to a single domain, men have a lot of virtues women seem to lack, and even their vices are occasionally, necessary.

So you take your pot shots and now you want to philosophize…FUCK OFF!


! :evilfun:

My apologies.
If you wish to get back to philosophizing, let me know.

Canada 2015

Population : 35,848,600

Homicide victims : 604 … 429 male, 175 female

Accused of homicide : 525 … 464 male, 61 female

statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2 … 68-eng.htm

If anyone actually cares.

Men often provide for their women, financially, and in other ways, sometimes even if they can’t or won’t bear their children.

You’d be hard pressed to find a woman providing for a man long term just cause she loves him.

Again men can be extreme dark/light.

Perhaps women’s biggest vice is just being unexceptional.

If you’re really, truly sick and tired of dealing with Dr Jekyll, as it were, cause you had some bad luck/run ins with his twin brother Hyde, you can say bye to Jekyll, but I don’t think there’s anything objective about it.

Murder is so rare it’s hardly worth thinking about or mentioning, unless you’re already in a physically abusive relationship, cause men and women who commit minor-medium offences, are more likely to commit major ones.

As for domestic violence, which’s of course far more common, there’s good data gathered by psychologists and social scientists suggesting women commit violence against men just as much as men women (which we already went over in another thread of yours, and which you already dismissed, cause they’re just “surveys”, but they’re not just surveys, this was research conducted by professionals in treatment centers/institutions for domestic violence), they just don’t get charged or convicted of it as much, cause when a woman starts a fight with a man, either he holds back, or when he finally does go off, she receives the brunt of the damage, just on account of him being many times stronger than her, she’s also more likely to press charges, cause men are supposed to be ‘manly’, nobody takes female on male violence seriously, often even the victims themselves, unless they hack off a penis or something, which occasionally happens.