A Call To Men

Except that Mr. Wendy isn’t feminine at all. This thread is a proof on its own. Mr. Wendy wants us to confuse genders. Let us have women without feminine instincts and men without masculine instincts. It’s all gonna work out in the end.

WendyDarling wrote:


Teach a woman to physically save herself, to learn to protect her own supposed soul and to stand up for herself, and you have taught her life-long lessons.


Define femininity to me, Gloominary, by YOUR standards.

Who are we females?

What is our uniqueness?

What is our identity?

You see cost and I see gain - far more than simply having more freedom and independence.

In the past, we were not seen for who we were, our uniqueness and our identity. What cost?
We were seen for what the man, not all men, but many men, needed and desired us to be.
What does THAT say about those kind of men and those kind of men of today?

Men were the potters and we were their clay.

Time to peer deeply into that marble and form a deeper wider real perception of what is.

If a man cannot see the femininity in a woman who is say a firewoman, a policewoman, an astronaut, a soldier, et cetera, perhaps it is because there is a great lack of masculinity or humanity in the man himself.

Now, it’s turned around. Now the feminists see men as only what they need or desire them to be. And often, men are the scapegoats for the problems of the world. They ought to be molded so that they are more like women.

I’m worried that it’s an undefined lack of humanity in man himself. Men will do great things for their own (women), but also great atrocities to other’s (women) as if the nature of ownership signifies its worth rather than an inherent worth in the inherent owner, the woman herself. In other words, without being owned by a man in his love, you as a woman have no value, no humanity to consider. Very sad and I haven’t seen this discussed elsewhere.

I would love to teach women to fish. I excel at fishing. :smiley:

I suppose I take a more evolutionary psychology approach to defining femininity and masculinity, so you can probably figure out where I’m going with this, thou I’m not entirely sold on everything science has to say about human origins, I think it’s generally the safest bet.

Women are like men, but with a womb, and all that entails.
You can’t really understand women without understanding children.
Women typically develop a much more intimate bond with children.
Not only do they carry them in their wombs for 8 or 9 months, but they were, and typically still are responsible for nursing them, and for looking after them, especially during their formative years.

In the past, many children died within the first year or two of life, infant morality rate was far higher than it is today, because children were especially susceptible to disease, injury and malnutrition, which were more rampant only centuries ago.
Of course there was no contraception either, so women had a lot of children, and they had to have a lot of children or the human race would not survive.
Consequently their lives, along with their physiology, neurology and typically their psychology revolved around children, where as men’s lives revolved around other things.

In addition to children, women represent the hearth and the home, all that was domestic and domesticated, everything safe, sound and secure, familiar, everything anthropomorphic, soft and social, where as men had to venture out into nature.
While women tended to children and perhaps gathered tinder or some berries nearby, men had to deal with change and otherness, with the mysterious, the unknown and the inhuman.
They had to go on adventures, take chances and confront dangers, wild beasts, trade and go to war with other clans who might try to steal their women, or flocks.

And so as far as intelligence goes, women are a little more social, they tend to be better with verbal, and nonverbal articulation, and expression, and listening.
They’re more likely to talk things out, or use tact, their wiles, deception rather than resorting to overt aggression.
They’re passive aggressive, manipulative and indirect.
They can be more submissive, at least overtly, again their aggression is often hidden, you probably won’t even notice you’ve been had until long after the fact, if ever.

They are less daring, risk averse.
They’re not as good with objective things, like logic, maths, and visual spatial intelligence.
They’re better with the psychological, the subjective, the emotive and the irrational.
A lot more women seem to have religious or spiritual inclinations, but yet they tend not to be the leaders of these institutions, or of institutions in general, but of course this trait will be attributed to patriarchy.
They’re not as good at improvising, imagining or innovating, they prefer order and regularity, the familiar, to play it safe, to not wander too far off the beaten track, physically, mentally, artistically and intellectually.
It’s sort of a paradox men tend to be both more objective on the one hand, and unruly on the other, and women subjective, yet also more organized, punctual.

They’re better at taking care of children, especially girls of course, but boys too during their early years, after which boys tend to drift further apart from their mothers and gravitate more towards their fathers, during adolescence, but also they’re better at take care of the lame, sick, infirm and elderly.
It’s a cliche, but men are more protective, and women more nurturing.

Being dependent was part of what made females female, so it a loss to some extent, however, it doesn’t have to be total.
Women can still be independent, but take on more traditional jobs or roles in relationships, not because they’re forced to, but because they realize their physiology and psychology is more adapted, more suitable to these jobs and roles, it’s easier, more natural…where their strengths lie.
Women don’t have to be exactly like men or totally unlike a traditional woman in order to be fully independent, is what I was saying.
I’m not suggesting independence itself necessitates the eradication of femininity, by/large it does not, but it’s how feminists interpret the implications of this newfound freedom, that diminishes femininity, how they wish to control for their own purposes, according to their own ideals, or the ideals of the puppet master.

Women were more dependent on men than they are now, althou for better/worse we’re all more dependent on the state and big business, some more than others, which equally dominate, exploit, yet cultivate and protect both men and women, women more in some ways and men more in others.
However this dependence of yore wasn’t absolute, women were always free to be themselves to some extent, their families had to allow them to be themselves, develop what was already there down certain channels, rather than impose something completely alien and foreign onto them, because it wouldn’t work, so I think it’s wrong to say women were completely repressed and not really themselves, they were basically themselves, and could only ever function as themselves, but yes some of these energies were manipulated and directed for male interests/the interests of the family, the tribe.

This makes it sound as thou women were born a blank slate, with no nature, which I contest.
Women had a nature, and while men sometimes tried to manipulate it in ways they thought was good for the family, or for themselves, if they pushed too far in one direction, the woman would break, or couldn’t help but resist.
Women already were what they were, basically fully formed, and then women themselves and men came along and worked with the abilities, instincts and energies already present.
Men did not conjure femininity out of the aether or program women like a robot or computer from scratch, althou I’m sure some men tried, *laughs.

And so what is it to you, whatever you wish it to be?
An unsolvable mystery?
Or is their an objective femininity, and it’s just I’ve gotten female nature wrong, you tell me.

And so what is masculinity or humanity to you?
An empty vessel we can pour anything we want into?
A roll of the dye?
Things are usually a combination of nature, nurture, experience, interpretation and decision, don’t you think?

The lion’s share of murderers are men. That’s not scapegoating, that’s murdering. The lion’s share of rapists are men. The lion’s share of destructive violence is perpetuated by men. The lion’s share of depravity is enacted by men. There’s no escaping what men are and do, men need to change…evolve just as women do. It’s time for women to move past the limitations of men…that’s all.

Women are masters of psychological warfare, and it’s only a small minority of men that do these things, most men are fine, only a few need to change.
And like I said, the same, or similar instincts and energies that make men more prone to being villains, also make them more prone to being heroes, when properly harnessed, or when existing in conjunction with our more benevolent instincts and energies…and we still need heroes, even in our safe, soft civilization.
That being said, when civilization is on the verge of collapsing, or it does collapse, and it likely will, all civilizations do sooner or later, hyper-aggressive sorts men will probably be more likely to survive, so long as they have some smarts and impulse control to back it up and it’s not completely crazy or antisocial, just dominant, and it’ll be these sorts of men many women will happily throw themselves at, or reluctantly, of necessity.

Where are you amidst all men?

Mostly not a violent one, althou there were a couple times in the past.


The 437,000 seems padded to appear a lower figure, reason being to not alarm the civilized world and show the failings of the UN’s initiatives. Is terrorism included, I don’t know?

Of course there was a lot of overlap between men and women’s roles, it wasn’t nearly as one sided as I portrayed, I just did that for convenience, but generally, our roles were somewhat different, and our minds and bodies developed to facilitate these roles and vice versa.


How many men are involved in perpetrating and perpetuating? A baker’s dozen? A few animals…bullshit! Millions upon millions of animals.

In Canada, the homicide rate is 1.56 murders per 100 000 people annually, and most of those victims were probably male and gang related, so the odds of an ordinary woman being murdered by a man in Canada are like 1 out of a million annually, it’s really, really…really low.

Actually it’s 2.05 per 100,000 in Canada, but the harsher winter weather conditions curb some access to violence keeping it at home in the form of domestics or prostitution violence (my favorite)…95% of all of it committed by men. Millions of civilized apes but who’s counting. :wink:

Not having any luck with how many missing Canadian women there are which wouldn’t be considered murdered until their remains were identified as such.

Women are also more cowardly, thou, when the shit hits the fan, you can count on women to push their man in harms way while they scurry off.

Most of it is man on man/gang related murder, I bet women murder men at almost the same rate men murder women, or if men murder women more than women murder men, it’s probably only like 2 or 3:1, not something drastic like say 10:1 or 100:1, prove me wrong thou.

Mhm, so if a few hundred murderous men make all men civilized apes, why don’t a few dozen murderous women make all women civilized apes?

How few murderers do you have to have in your population group to make said population group more than subhuman, where’s the cut off point?

Does the fact there’s so few creative geniuses in the arts, sciences and humanities among women make all women a bunch of idiots?

Apparently in your world it does, where a few bad apples spoil the bunch, the baby is thrown out with the bath water and a few exceptions disprove the rule.

A few autistic savants make all autistics geniuses, a few morbidly obese Americans make all Americans a bunch of fat, selfish, undisciplined pigs, I mean talk about hyperbole.

1.56 according to google, but let’s round it off, let’s say 2, and let’s say half the murdered were women, even thou it’s probably substantially less than that, even thou us Canadian families admittedly are all claustrophobic huddled together in our igloos constantly at each others throats, that still amounts to 1 out of every 100 000, you’re still 100s of times more likely to die in an automobile accident, so if you’re going to stop riding men, might as well stop riding in cars too…but hey I almost forgot, you hooked up with Joker, of all men, an admitted criminal mastermind, anarchist, egoist and nihilist, gee that makes a world of sense *laughs, I guess you like your psychopaths out in the open, better the devil you know, right?

Other than to aggravate me, why do you consistently minimize male on female violence rather than conceding on the origin of the problem and persecuting the millions of men, not a few like you keep reiterating, who enact these heinous crimes? The Muslims support their terrorists, men in general, all the men who are fine, support their terrorism too it seems, so no fault to the Muslims for protecting their own, men taught them cowardly ways of ultimate justice. Bombs away (men made the bombs so why waste them)!

Oh, this is personal it seems so the gloves will be coming off. You are the psychopath Mr., don’t be contentious to claim otherwise.