Intention(s) of the term Holy Spirit

Mowk … how many people’s lives were turned upside down … inside out … within the time span of one or two heartbeats?

I read your comments in the OP “Climate, Health, and Inequality: A Proposal” … a taste of your ‘goodness’ seeped out today … even a tiny crack in a dam can lead to a flood … yes/no?

Wendy, The desire to establish a relationship between the holy and the unholy can not be realized except by faith in the holy as a pre-requisite. Then when that need arises to unify the meaning of good and evil, the unholy alliance presents a problem-the intention(ality) of the quest for the reason for existence becomes muted, because the unholy tries to compete with the holy. It can’t it knows, so it uses misguiding and deceptive rhetoric to demean the value of being. It tries to reduce the Holy Spirit to the level of an intention of goodness into a nihilistic freeze.

Hey +Tom,

Be a good little Dutch boy and stick your finger in it. As a damn; i ain’t holding back a whole lot of water, If this thing should break we’re talking mud slide. Those good folk down in the valley don’t need that.


My fingers are all busy at the moment … thanks for the warning. :slight_smile:

Hey +Tom, Is this what is called free range?

Take it up a notch, past all the dogma. Will ya? Are you able?

Stand and walk, metaphorically speaking.

Partially correct Mowk … we don’t own the range … only invested hours and hours of toil cleaning it up … my wife did that is. :slight_smile:

Is that what’s called … throwing down the gauntlet.

Good timing … I just posted this article … authored by yours truly. :slight_smile:

I guessed there was a + in there somewhere. so why the dogma?

At beast it is a weak metaphor, I don’t see a whole lot holy about the hole. There is a gap.

Go to the source, skip the middlemen. Hinted.

I garden.

Shit, there is so much there, it isn’t working quite yet. I’m still fighting it. It feels like it, this time of the year. In a few months it doesn’t feel like it. Despite what I sow,

Mowk … your comments feel genuine … though … can’t really grasp your intention(s).

  1. “So why the dogma?” … religious dogma? … or … presenting my thoughts as dogma?

  2. Use of the word ‘holy’ can be confusing … suppose there’s nothing ‘holy’ about awareness or (un)holy about lack of awareness.

  3. “Go to the source, skip the middlemen. Hinted.” … the entire article was about “skip the middleman” … “Psychological Firewall” was intended as symbolizing a middleman.

  4. “Shit, there is so much there” … meaning there’s so much we can learn from gardening?

Duplicate post

  1. take your pic, both? dogma, where ever. I guess it isn’t like anyone has imagined it accurately so far; regardless how many have imagined. Not saying that anyone inhuman could imagine it any better. Soap boxes and all.

One size doesn’t fit?.

2). exactly, so why use it?

  1. ‘Freudian’ jumbo. presumption.
  1. from where ever a garden grows.

A taste of your personal dogma? If so … not to worry … you stand firmly with the crowd. :slight_smile:

Why not? Conflicting dogma(s) cohabit comfortably in my mind. :slight_smile:

McCain may have more faith in Freud today. :slight_smile:

Presumption? … sounds like Theresa May. :slight_smile:

Except the garden(s) growing in our mind. :slight_smile:

My intentions?

What would be an appropriate summary?

To get past what I want or what you want and to find out what is needed for us both, ad infinitum. Guess that isn’t always clear. Yeah, that’s pretty close to it, the best approximation so far of what I intend.

Thanks for asking.

Well Hello Again +Tom,

personal over institutional, a preference. Fatima, the catholic tradition, that’s a big institution (crowd). Feels like the closest member of any “crowd” I could be accused of being a part of is a few counties away. We don’t (really impractical) do congregation.

While I still find your language somewhat cryptic, I feel adventurous at the moment … willing to go out on a limb and speculate.



Sounds like the essence of marketing … to turn a personal want into a personal need. The underlying principles vis a vis human psychology are likely the same.

Are you saying at the moment you prefer to move away from being self(ish) and move towards being self(less)? If yes … it’s nigh impossible … the forces in play are simply too powerful.



Describes my intentions adequately … though I still eat regularly at the local KFC. :slight_smile: It’s much easier for me in China than it was in Canada. The language barrier keeps me separated from the ‘crowd’ and there is no church.