White countries need White Shariah

White Shariah would have these women galloping straight back to the kitchen


It’s violent and nothing more. Nothing of worth accompanies it and if you find a women to support your mentality of using violence to make an example of her, you best marry that twit and try not to kill her.

Every possible way of setting up a society is violent as all organisms are necessarily violent, saying that what I propose is “violent” (as in it shouldn’t be violent) is thus not only against any form of social order, but against life itself.

I don’t care if any woman supports any of my positions or not.

White Shariah isn’t about beating people up for the sake of beating people up. On a fundamental level it is the same as all societies in history - certain rules are put in place, and if you disobey the rules, you are dealt with one way or another.

Don’t disobey the rules and of course, no harm will come to you. I merely disagree with the kind of rules current society promotes.

You don’t mind “violence” itself, since you are protected by the violence of daddy state, no? No, what you mind is when violence is used enforce the kinds of rules you dislike. You don’t have a problem with violence itself.

If you did, you would have killed yourself already to stop yourself from being violent. You would also reject other people (daddy state) being violent on your behalf.

Your lies don’t work on me. I see right through you and your word games.

Tell what these rules you have in mind are before I take to skull bashing, you have been given an opportunity to plead your case if you so choose.

What lies?

When I see you repost what I’m trying not to assume is a pat answer, it’s more antagonistic than anything, ya know? Regroup and get back to me. I certainly try not to waste my time lying, the truth is my preference.

The lie that you are against violence itself, silly. You’re not, nobody is. You just want to use violence to accomplish a different purpose (enforce a different set of rules) than mine.

When did I write that I am against violence? Personally, I would prefer to be gentile, but I am a bit more dangerous than I like to admit.

Yeah no shit. Everybody would prefer to be able to achieve their goals without having to hurt somebody else or risk anything, but that’s not how the world works.

Risk is where the rewards are, but the trick is to do it without destruction.

The cult of individualism and self centered liberation won’t allow such a thing, you would need a pretty big army to pull off such a thing and, where would you get the financing for such an operation? No, this appeal to wishful thinking will never prevail especially this late in the game of collapsing empire or civilization. 1930’s perhaps, nowadays? No way.

There is no foreseeable way to stop this death spiral.

Also, Trump is pro-establishment not against it. That photo of Trump and Putin made me laugh. Putin is not exactly a purist either with his ambitions of an Eurasian empire.

I agree “death” for whites in the future is the most likely outcome the way things are going now. However, if the masses keep getting red-pilled maybe eventually there are enough red-pilled people to accomplish something.

If whites wanted to survive, White Shariah would be the answer. That’s what I’m saying. Realistically speaking, going Varg is probably the best option for one’s sanity and the option most likely to yield some results.

Why is the enslavement of white women the only answer? Why not the non-threatening solicitation and willing cooperation of white women a possibility?

Lol, non-threatening. The only reason white women can do any of the things they do is that the police threatens with violence anybody who would try to prevent them from doing these things.

“non-threatening” is fantasy.

White Shariah would nicely tell women, and men too, what they can and cannot do, and no harm would come to those who willingly cooperate. Of course, if they don’t willingly cooperate, then they have to be physically dealt with, this can range from a gentle, symbolic spanking to a slap to a beating to an execution depending on various factors.

I’m still waiting for these details, this outline of a perfect society of relatively free men and extremely subjugated women.

Because you are not equipped for a ‘free’ cooperation which sustains a civilisation.
Sorry, the breeding program of the last centuries was pretty shitty in that regard.
It’s not your fault.

Imagine it boys, how cool it would be if we decided to implement WHITE SHARIAH.

Play this song:


I have a dream…

Right in the feels…