2 months--no drugs or alcohol

No, that was called a typo… and you didn’t have to explain it.

Aaawww, need a tissue, Freddy? :-({|=

It wasn’t a typo and did need to explain it, because it originally read ‘insulting monkey’ instead of ‘insulted monkey’, which is a huge difference in meaning where one is more insulting than the other. And, when such a ‘typo’ is made on my part, it’s usually one such as that that isn’t a typo at all.

Gib, I’m going to tear you a new one and you’re going to hate me. You’re going to get sucked right back into drugs. They’re going to drag you back down. The alcohol will consume you. Your book will fail because of change of direction, you will simply give up on it and walk away. Your attention will wander as you learn more and more and ‘see what the world is like’ which will further serve to cement in your mind that every bit of the book you’ve been writing was meaningless and full of shit. You’ll die surrounded by friends that aren’t friends, family that isn’t family and you will know what it’s like to truly be alone, by that time, bitter and jaded, hateful and mean. In the afterlife, you will become worse and you’ll go down a trail of evil and insanity until you get to a point where something, not me, comes along and smacks the fuck out of you, which isn’t going to fix you or make you less bitter, jaded, hateful and mean. It will further push your into those things and you’ll keep getting hammered like an unwanted woody.

Your life is a mess, you’re barely holding it together; barely hanging on by a thread. You keep slipping and know it, are striving to keep your head above water in a world that you know is waiting to eat you alive and you don’t have it in you to overcome your downward spiral into self-fulfilling prophecy and where, for some, saying these things would galvanize them into actually succeeding, saying these things to you will destroy you the rest of the way. There is no deception or falsity spoken here this day or in this thread on my behalf. You just weren’t doing a good enough job of making yourself fail and you really picked the wrong motherfucker to step to with trolling. So, excuse me while I tear you down the rest of the way and don’t expect things to happen right away. It’s a long, slow burn that will take years and all of a sudden you’ll find yourself in too far above your head, lost in the drugs, discarded papers and works scattering as you chase the high and the addiction. All because you never had it in you in the first place.

A typo that isn’t a typo, huh?

You saw all that in your crystal ball, huh?

Weak, man, weak.

Personally, I think you’re projecting. ^ This almost sounds like a cry for help.

Look at the tough man pretend to be tougher than he actually is like so many other broken males. Isn’t he cute?


I almost forgot. Here’s the chart so far:

drug chart - Jan 1 2017 - Feb 28 2017.png

It’s that time again. It’s been 3 months since I did my strictly caffeine drug diet, and now it’s time for another round. This will be the second last one. So what should I do this time: strictly cannabinoids or strictly alcohol?

Well, I’m thinking that since Season 3 of Rick and Morty come out this summer, and since I’m fond of watching them for the first time stoned, I think I’ll go with the cannabinoids. Though Roiland and Harmon keep pushing the season premier back, and there’s no word on a release date anywhere on google, it may not come out until the fall or even winter. But just in case, I’d like to be able to watch it stoned.

So this round begins June 1 and ends July 31.

It starts… now!!!

Do drugs. You want drugs. You want them. They’re calling to you. You love them. They love you. They called 50 times in the middle of the night that one time they were all cracked out, didn’t you get the messages? Of course you did, you responded, because you needed the action. You were sexually frustrated, they promised a good time. Like the sucker you are, you thought you could get back together with an ex-lover without the drama. It’s knocking on your door with a baseball bat, now. COME OUT MOTHERFUCKER, it yells. You called the police three times already but they’re having none of it. They’re urging you to take your medicine.

Oh, not you again.

For Christ’s sake, get yourself a smaller sig pic.


You know there has to be someone playing devils advocate whether you’re keeping to your experiment or not. Not that it’s needed at times. Honestly, man, not to sound like a moralistic prick, but one of the moralistic reasons I got more into drugs was with the intent of doing them until I died and moderating them just for myself and at the same time because I’m partially capable of it and because I’m crazy and I like challenges and it doesn’t matter if I fail or succeed because direct failure and success can’t be measured, if my getting into drugs and doing what I’m doing enables others to break free from their addictions, it’s just them going to a more favorable flavor of life that’s becomes another variety of the same thing, but good intent still applied. Other reasons not so moralistic is I like drug, I’m having fun riding the worst aspects of the so-called devil drugs into the dust and kind of working towards a tapering off of the lessons in abuse, if possible, noting that a lot of things don’t have a choice all the time, but the choice still makes a difference when it’s capable of it.

At the same time, if people are able to pull off other experiments that become possible by the change in balancing acts; then that’s pretty cool as long as they remember that whatever data they collect from it would be personal data, probably not wide-spread applicable, but still pretty cool.

At the point of just not caring that I’ve been easily, not-so-easily portrayed as an uncaring individual, I just can’t be bothered to be a constant asshole even when I’m not driven by the pressure to fight a fight impossible to stick to with getting twisted and depraved if allowances weren’t made. The fact that some things easily take that to then put others into and through just as bad spots isn’t anything I can stop and I never even tried to. A lot of my point over the years has been that things happen regardless of what others allow. I have been forced to fight a fight against people while we were forced to perceive each other as enemy combatants of stereotypes we were railing against. It’s not even a lack of morality or for a greater purpose other than because they can and because they enjoy the power. Even if they have to shoulder the extra burdens of those who tried to mimic the massconsciousness to claim individuality on a grand scale, those individual beings still wield power and still are masters of craft, so to speak. It’s the fact that when the paranoia is pared away, nobody truly believes the world to be ruled and governed by corruption, it just often relies too heavily on it being governed by some sense of right or wrong that it can’t even correctly identify half the time for arguments long-winded and tiring and things still needing outlets for fighting, angst, aggression and the continued necessity of having those things on hand whether needed or not.

So, I’m relatively at a point of doing right by my torturers and saying that I’ve just got no hard feelings for anything or anyone right now and it isn’t one of those lost in fantasy or being high types of feelings, but generally and genuinely because I want to because good moods still prevail at times even over the worst. True joy and happiness were found in a desolate wasteland, in all metaphorical ridiculousness as can be afforded the imagery. For sheer lack of anything to bitch about for having ran everything to the full extent of its course, for having maximized every venting pleasure, every twisted thought, every single paranoia to the utmost, in the seeming silence that follows such a sheer amount of expression comes peace and calm in varying stages and true happiness even in a barren wasteland where you can still know every horrible thing and realize that you feel good anyway without having to feel better than anyone, without having to make fun of anyone, without having to look down or worry about self worth or inadequacy or lacking confidence in good nature or evil, savage or civilized.

I intend to retain this visage and strengthen it the best I can up unto my death. It’s the only way that Any true success can be measured in a reality where beyond fate and destiny, pre-ordained and divine creation, that the emotional outlet alone beyond predictions, prophets, legends, etc., would account for things caught up in the tailspin of my choices horribly upsetting their choices in life and having it all traumatize them in actuality to the point where even as things no longer want to wish injury or death upon me, it’s the fact that what will kill me will still be an act of justice for killing a murderer, if even for the greater good and not failing to account for only being able to take personal responsibility. For the very reasons that living in our modern age, we can guess that Jesus stole at times, expected hand outs at other times, demanded his followers to commit acts of blasphemy against the laws of the lands. I’ve broken laws of forbidden knowledge, whether in faulty manner or not; I have broken things in the administering of their lessons in pain when some were doing it legitly. I failed to respect the law of the land in the worst ways as to attack and destroy peoples most cherished beliefs even if they were lies and crafted illusions and self-deceptions that I failed to and still fail to respect. Now, do remark that a decent amount of things aren’t quick in moving towards that justice, but the twisted insanity of things that could rightfully claim to certain degree to exist as an aspect of myself just by peoples expected behavior and responses to my own tragedies forged into existence would be at odds with their own existence as partial fragments of me that were never me.

And whether they’re partial fragments or able to exert vast effect over life, they can still effect the domino-effect seen in sleight of hand deception in mastermind format of starting a rumor, but more diabolical, forceful etcetera.

At the very bottom of the line for things even being legit and just seeing it to the end of the line for more than posterity but to secure for all eternity a stalemate victory that is anything but a stalemate victory.

And then to remember that if I am, then what I know of others even playing out differently along the array is that you all are, too, and everything is. Things can agree and perform to certain degree to societal standards and expectations, though that isn’t the full agenda of society and that is part of the expectations and standards whether voiced or not.

So, I’m babbling at the moment, a little bit. Didn’t mean to steal the show or make it about me. It’s not. It’s your drug show. But, keep in mind that I’m interested in such things and am personally tired of being stuck in frames of mind that limit me to talking about myself. And, things still administer their lessons in pain, their lessons in wisdom, their lessons in growth and the fight continues. Things still do to each in their own way to varying degree based on the artist to both good and bad.

So, Don’t think I’m just sappy or weepy or expected useless sentimentalities. I’m not that high. Even when babbling, not high enough not to notice. And, if I know this to be true about myself, what do I know of others who share similar trends of awareness to me despite what ‘lies’ come out of their mouths in a given moment intentional or not? Would I even need to remind to remember those who still aren’t there and that even if you or others wanted to be patient, you wouldn’t be able to emotionally even if you could do physically and that even ‘twisting’ psychology like that doesn’t procure the downward spiralling effects when psychology falls short of the mark in noting fully what is capable and what isn’t. It only paints its accepted form of a situational truth that, at best, works at the same rate of methodology as anything else. So, be careful with drugs. I know that’s relatively stupid to say to a room full of grown adults who know full well the dangers and it’s not said out of any due consideration for health or life above death, but just out of general practice to actually try to get someones back by actually saying something about it.

It’s not me that you all have to convince are having a rough time of things. I was understanding of that to begin with which is why I tolerated a lot of the disrespect good naturedly and why I accept the apologies not given, etcetera and that is about me because I can be a vain and pompous ass and still make it about me.

I’m at the mercy of things bypassing my ability to cease completely and will probably babble until it dries up one way or the other. But, long-winded bullshit. I was just giving you shit at the same time as actually hoping to make you flinch and go right back to thinking of failure. Wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t necessary for it to be pushed through for any success to be measured. Even if you can or could do it on your own without the sentiment, that’s not a desired life. The fact that I care a little bit more about you than not at all just for having you been part of a waste of time that wasn’t a waste of time, there’s that at the least I care about you for that selfish reasoning of you being involved in my life for a length of time.

Things are vastly needing to work on dealing with this level of openness without taking it so intimately. And, it’s difficult because some things aren’t even trying because they seem to think that we can’t go right back to being underhanded even then.

It’s interesting how to succeed at what I’m doing, I have to teach those who don’t learn what I want them to learn and be happy that I’m teaching those who want to learn and help them work on confidence in fucking things over just to get a point where an acceptable peace can be measured. Not because we’re all the depraved but to cater to the act that some things keep up. And, it isn’t hard to convince them that cutting the edges off of being diabolical is a better tactical advantage for rolling with humans through eternity, the tricky part is seeing them through it. I hope what you’re working on works out for you, just expect lucy to yank the football on you at the end, bro. See if she don’t just to watch you take it and ride the victory through the lie anyway.

And, I’m not even saying that to be bitter or jaded or to cut you down or to stop you from even trying. I’m saying it’s a legit way to have the other foot drop and not even bother you. Right when you succeed the most, learn how much still plays into it? At least you’re in a good mood for a bit, you know.

Do you have that in a Cole’s notes version?

Just kidding; I sense you mean well. You do what you do, Some Guy.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think quitting drugs will solve all my problems. I think it will allow me to start solving them. All they do is hold me back from living the life I want to live, to be the person I want to be.


That’s funny, I was just watching that the other day.

Hehe. I should have known you would have seen it. I just stumbled on it after reading this thread so I thought it was appropriate.

Anyway, good luck with whatever you’re abstaining from. I’m not sure I get what you’re doing but you seem to be getting something out of it. :-k

I sense that you actually forget your own lack of self worth and think that disrespect is actually respect again. That applies to all the things worth disrespecting. Isn’t it great to have confidence fill you that you don’t deserve?

Definitely. When I first started this thread, I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to quit the drugs or not. I knew that I wanted to experiment with 2 month stints of abstinence and see how I feel. Now I definitely know that I want to quit all caffeine, alcohol, and cannibinoids. I know I want to quit all drugs and alcohol for at least a year and more realistically a year and a half. ← This wasn’t inspired by the 2 month experiments (at least not totally) but by the reprogramming of my own values.

Ever since the separation and the change of career, I’ve been on this major self-improvement kick. So far it’s working.

That’s cool (I guess) but have you ever thought that you might actually need MORE drugs and alcohol? I like to use Occam’s Razor - the simplest solution is often the right solution, principle. If the drugs and alcohol are having a negative effect on your life, perhaps you need more drugs and alcohol, not less?

I’d keep away from all that ‘self-improvement’ garbage, too. It will only lead you to being addicted to exercise, neurotic calorie counting and hours and hours of reading labels in supermarkets… or worse… you may end up joining a gym cult or having your own nutrition guru which, we all know, is a gateway to veganism.

That makes absolutely no sense. :laughing:

I may need you to hold me back, Chakra. :wink:

OK, try this. Are the drugs the problem or are the drugs an attempt to mask the problem? If the drugs are used to mask the problem – and they’re not working – then a valid assumption may be that you need more drugs. Amirite? 8-[

I was obviously joking initially but realizing the drugs are not the original problem but a symptom is worth thinking about. A person I respect once said “If people asked themselves ‘What do I know that I really don’t want to know?’ and then listened to what came up, they could prevent so many games we play on ourselves.” I couldn’t quite get the purpose of abstaining then returning, abstaining, then returning but each to his own. Anyway, I’m glad to hear things are looking on the up and up. What’s the new career? Do you like it better?