Is Donald Trump Dangerous?

The ONLY credible conclusion which can be drawn is, whether there is method in the madness.

If there is, which is highly likely, then the question which follows, is , if that method is useful and/or.part of a program,
(be it machine or human or hybrid) run.

If any of the Last can shred an iota of credence toward the possibility of this, then the truth or untruth of reality manufactured or otherwise derived; is beyond good or evil.

But, perchance there is no method we may be for quite a ride

The markets have reacted too:

From what I saw on the news last night… looks like many are now crying for his Impeachment.

I can see this happening… soon.

Putting a nephertistic bunch of businessmen in charge of running a continent isn’t the smartest move… why can’t Arnold be able to run for President… why! why! why! :crying-pink:

I can see Hillary’s hand in all the media bashing.

Confuse and conquer is definitely in his repertoire.

If the US cant get behind its elected leader and manages to impeach him on exhaustively even exhaustingly comprehensively proven to be bullshit grounds, I wonder if it isnt the end. What could possibly go right after such a pretentious self-strangulation?

Is there anyone who seriously expects peaceful elections to be possible after an overt and internationally pushed coup by the global Communist/Rapist community?

Et c’est parti.

Sorry for the inadvertent mix up,.

The new world order may find someone like him quite useful
Trump speaks to Muslim World (urges to unite against global terrorism, vilifies Iran)
[starts at 1:16]

Tit for tat… the foundation that all politics is based on. :slight_smile:

The media are currently comparing Trump/Obama stats… on all fronts, but currently on the stats of the sale of weapons to the Middle East.

I don’t think that Donald Trump is a narcissist. Should he be one? :stuck_out_tongue:


No. He should not. But he could be one, because he is similar to his wife.

Look at him. Look at his wife. Look at his politics.

The Trump show is fun to watch. It will be less so if the carnival barker with his look-at-me antics continues to distract people from a serious discussion of important issues.

The Trump show is fun, yes, but it has been done before, ironically by the Truman show, and the comparison is almost a painful quest for originality.

But a show must go on, in spite of some people’s awareness of the value of the property of intelligence.

Which has more of it?

Which of what?

By electing Trump, Americans avoided WWIII. The world should be saying thank you. Shillery would already be in Syria with the US army, if she had won.

I would say that anyone who liked The Shill needs a psychiatric evaluation, but psychiatry is pure nonsense, so I’m not sure what to do for ya. Maybe read some philosophy and start thinking for yourself? Or red pill? I don’t know a single Shill supporter who cares for truth. Not one. But they sure care a lot about “feelings”, lol.

Make Israel Great Again! MIGA!

What do you have against the only western style democracy in the Middle East, you know with such weird things as human rights and the rule of law, and the one with the most legitimate historical claim to the lands there?