Group pride

I mean commentable.
And yes it sounds very similar to commendable.
That was intended as well.

All those identity groups I don’t like I call hate groups, although they don’t do anything else than the other identity groups.
Muh hateful supremacy group.

So you prefer your group over other groups, hence why you identify with said group, huh.
Lucky for you, you aren’t a White identity group because then it would be ‘hateful supremacy’.

It’s actually even more sinister.
So you are White and so you identify as White.
Sorry but that’s hateful supremacy.

Why can’t you be a good Whitey and embrace your demise?

I see someone totally missed the point I made.

I don’t ally myself with any group, but they are there for those that do. I am not interested in any group’s message or call to arms. Screw all that and another’s agenda.

Why don’t you consider the possibility that some people are enslaved because that’s the only thing they are worth for? That’s what we already do with animals. Do you think that every enslaver is a retard who does not attempt to judge the worth of other people realistically?

Classes exist to acknowledge the reality of distinction. We aren’t equal. When you abolish classes, anarchy (i.e. division) ensues. Kinda like what we have right now.

Groups aren’t banned because they promote hate and violence, every group by definition promotes hate and violence because in order for it to be maintained it needs to hate and be violent towards anybody who disagrees with its principles.

The state is such a hate promoting, violent group. “minus any racial slurs and threats” This is an example. Some people love their race and want to preserve it. Others, whether of the same race or not, don’t love that race and don’t care about its preservation. The former group will support the kind of principles which preserve its group, the latter will not. Each group must use violence to enforce their principles.

Just because your preferred group might be the status quo group (the state) doesn’t mean they aren’t using violence (police and military) to enforce their will.

I am not signalling to anyone I am simply expressing my opinion

Groups do not by definition promote hatred and violence. To assert such a definition would be unconventional and indicative of a misunderstanding of what’s essential to being a group.

Sure they do. I explained why here in this thread and in another thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=192770

Is worth as rigid as that? What something is worth to you, right now - is that the final worth of the thing? I’d say worth is judged in a particular context. Among a billion other contexts, something is bound to have much more worth. The more complex the thing, the more potential for worth.

If you mean by intrinsic distinction, that’s not the reason why social classes exist. They are perceived and enforced for many reasons: economic, ethnic, medical, by gender, by family, religion, ideology, etc. Classes exist as the product of a particular social order. Social class might correlate with certain behavioral characteristics, but does not guarantee those characteristics, nor does one’s class guarantee one’s potential. This is why people can move between “classes.”

What does that mean - the anarchy we have right now?


Sure, we can get into “philosophical” or “political” discussions of Group Pride. Intertwining both “genes” and “memes”.

But you know me, I am equally as curious to grapple with how your current views about, among other things, “kikes” and “niggers” evolved in sync with the actual life that you lived.

So, as a child being indoctrinated – and we all were – to think about these folks, what were the most important existential factors in your life.

Let’s start there.


Well, having been born and bred in the belly of the white working class beast, encountering the word “nigger” was practically an everyday occurrence. I was taught basically to hate black folks and basically I did.

Kikes on the other hand was more problematic. Every once and a while I would hear a reference to “the Jews” but I was never really able to fathom the significance of it.

Now, on the other hand, I don’t use epithets like this. And I tend to view those that do as embodying particular political prejudices that one way or another they picked up over the course of having lived through one set of experiences in life rather than another.

On the other hand, prejudice is so deeply engrained in the course of human history, it is hard to believe that “genes” aren’t a factor in there somewhere. There certainly seems to be a biological predisposition to create this category we call “Other”.

Again, it always comes down to the extent to which a particular set of genes and a particular set of memes become intertwined in the context of one particular life out in one particular world.

And only the objectivists of your ilk seem compelled [psychologically] to reduce it all down to “one of us” or “one of them”.

No, you explained your misunderstanding of what “group” conventionally entails.

Regardless of what other things you would add to the definition of a group it is most certainly a collection of organisms, and since organisms are inherently violent and thus hateful, so are groups.

What’s the big point of contention here?

Classes create distinction, they don’t reflect them. Only a retarded would fail to see such.

Groups don’t have to have organisms in them

So why… in your opinion… are certain groups banned and not others, if hate and violence are not the reason?

Are the state not there to keep a/represent the status quo?

Do you think that most are in groups, or prefer the global umbrella of the state? I myself have no idea, but being forced to be part of any group would be against my human rights, but my not being so is probably down to not identifying with any one group… no-one is denying anyone their national pride or message, but it’s the way they go about it which is the deciding factor on how they are received.

…the will of the people/the many… not of a disparate few, so therefore offering protection from those disparate few.

Simply getting one’s message across in a palatable form is pretty much key in making that groups mandate more appealing.

The kinds of groups talked about in this thread do.


I’ve already offered my explanation in the OP.

But what when there is a system of indoctrination in place which teaches a certain group from a young age to adopt political ideals which are self-destructive, aka go against the interests of the group?

Can we truly and fairly say that it is their own will? Especially when a “disparate few” manage to break free from the indoctrination and point out all its flaws (though no doubt the system continues to suppress their message and vilify them).

Does a child which has been indoctrinated from early age to believe in God by every adult authority they know, in an environment where any atheist would be labeled a “mindless hater”, “heretic”, etc. and opposing views would never be seriously entertained, believe in God of its own will?

That violence is inherent in all organisms, or in all groups of them. It’s a pretty big stretch to say that.

I explained my reasoning and there weren’t any good counter-arguments so no, it’s not a big stretch at all.

Wait, so you’re telling me that your reasons, minus any good counter arguments = your position is correct?

That’s what you believe?