Group pride

Yeah. He’s one of those, “exclude others” types.

It is the same as the difference between patriotism and nationalism. One seeks to celebrate itself without denigrating others as a consequence while
the other does not. I would not however ban white priders from expressing themselves since their right to free speech is the same as every one elses

This is what I’m saying. You’re basically blaming white people for being dominant and superior.

What I wonder is if you hate it only when white people are dominant and superior, or do you hate all groups which managed to dominate some other group. Somehow I suspect the former.


What in particular is “weak” about what I’m proposing, and what is it that you think I’m proposing?

So owning slaves and burning crosses makes a group superior? I just thought that meant they had leverage. Ever heard of luck?

What do we care that Blacks exclude Whites or whoever. Nobody cares. Because we don’t want to be part of them.
But those who overestimate their own worth don’t like it when their perceived betters would exclude them.

That makes them resentful.
Fascism has a lot of jealous enemies with too much narcissism.


There is a lot of hatred in the simple-minded liberal doofus.
But you also have to offer him a target for all that resentment.
And at this stage, he is being taught to hate those other, evil, Whites.

Did the average liberal doofus hate Whites with such intensity 20 years ago?
30 years ago? Of course not. They got worked through the wringer of education and the media complex.
They could have also programmed them to hate on some other races or ideologies.
Plenty of subject matter to highlight among all of them. You just have to know what makes them go emotionally ape-shit.

No, your mom.

No. Your ugly whore mom.

As an egalitarian I am against all dominance wherever it emanates from as the principle is the same regardless of origin or circumstances

That’s nice, and you would make a good ally, if only you could focus delivering your signalling de virtue of equality whenever non-Whites demand some special consideration or acknowledgement of their moral superiority.
But I get it, you don’t care about being part of the Black group or any other group, so your focus of concern is on signalling to Whites.


Banning pride groups promoting hate and violence is understandable, so if any group is/or is associated with any groups promoting hate and violence then their denial of any social media platform to preach that hate from is warranted.

Again… you can’t blame the migrants for what the Governments have allowed, but asking for secure borders across Europe is warranted due to recent terrorist happenings… minus any racial slurs and threats. Those that misplace their anger lack a certain amount of intelligence.

I thought we… as a planet… had gotten over the whole ‘trying to take over the world’ thing and moved on to more high brow achievements? the ruling classes keeping society infighting whilst they continue to accrue trillions a year is still working on the gullible I see. :open_mouth:

I mean commentable.
And yes it sounds very similar to commendable.
That was intended as well.

All those identity groups I don’t like I call hate groups, although they don’t do anything else than the other identity groups.
Muh hateful supremacy group.

So you prefer your group over other groups, hence why you identify with said group, huh.
Lucky for you, you aren’t a White identity group because then it would be ‘hateful supremacy’.

It’s actually even more sinister.
So you are White and so you identify as White.
Sorry but that’s hateful supremacy.

Why can’t you be a good Whitey and embrace your demise?

I see someone totally missed the point I made.

I don’t ally myself with any group, but they are there for those that do. I am not interested in any group’s message or call to arms. Screw all that and another’s agenda.

Why don’t you consider the possibility that some people are enslaved because that’s the only thing they are worth for? That’s what we already do with animals. Do you think that every enslaver is a retard who does not attempt to judge the worth of other people realistically?

Classes exist to acknowledge the reality of distinction. We aren’t equal. When you abolish classes, anarchy (i.e. division) ensues. Kinda like what we have right now.

Groups aren’t banned because they promote hate and violence, every group by definition promotes hate and violence because in order for it to be maintained it needs to hate and be violent towards anybody who disagrees with its principles.

The state is such a hate promoting, violent group. “minus any racial slurs and threats” This is an example. Some people love their race and want to preserve it. Others, whether of the same race or not, don’t love that race and don’t care about its preservation. The former group will support the kind of principles which preserve its group, the latter will not. Each group must use violence to enforce their principles.

Just because your preferred group might be the status quo group (the state) doesn’t mean they aren’t using violence (police and military) to enforce their will.

I am not signalling to anyone I am simply expressing my opinion

Groups do not by definition promote hatred and violence. To assert such a definition would be unconventional and indicative of a misunderstanding of what’s essential to being a group.