Instinct, mood, emotion and philosophy . . .

@ James - I want to make this post about the social mood - first I will again quote Wikipedia:

I now quote myself:

Could you first give a brief description of SAM Coops?

Finally I quote you:

So last time I responded to this we talked about the simple minded - this time I would like to sway away from that - however I do want to mention that I have noticed a shift in a percentage of the population toward “simple living” - I get a little confused by this because I think people take this to the extreme much to humanity’s detriment. I also think a lot of people misinterpret the idea of simple living but that is a story for another day - unless you want to add your piece here.

I then finished my post with one of your sentences:

The challenge in the modern age is to control mood with fear while also trying to control hope with diversity. Too many people get very tired of the “run around” and find all efforts to inspire to be unworthy of true hope (no one and nothing to trust).

Could you provide an explanation on how SAM Coops can counter the previous sentence and quote of yours? As it pertains to social mood.

This would be greatly appreciated.

Based on the first two quotes I make in this post - could you tell me how the individual and her/his regions economic situation could benefit from SAM Coops? The individual must be able to balance her/his perspective among the crowd behavior of her/his region.


I am now going to present the topic of curiosity. According to Wikipedia the term curiosity can also be used to denote the behavior or emotion of being curious, in regard to the desire to gain knowledge or information.

I am again going to quote Wikipedia because it usually has topics written in an accessible way. I am only going to quote the first two paragraphs:

So according to Wikipedia being curious is a behavior or emotion. For a long time I never really thought of curiosity as being related to an emotional state.

I thought I would start the flow of thought on emotion by introducing curiosity because I have recently become more curious about the topic of emotion.

Often times reflection on the question of curiosity is superficial - curiosity is regularly attributed to being a foundation to scientific inquiry.

This disease has led us to seek knowledge in many realms including science and I suggest that curiosity leads to good and bad behavior. I often think to myself “now what would happen if we were to stop being curious?”. Augustine it seems considers curiosity as a disease but wouldn’t the authors of all the scriptures been driven by their curiosity? - a desire to answer questions. I say yes and curiosity although too often reflected upon rather peripherally has led us to advancements in science, industry and answers to life in general.

I am glad we don’t take the same approach with emotion as we do with curiosity.

Discussion of my works . . . Part 1

Meta Rationale: The rationale for this post is to provide an overview of: The rationale of some of my works in progress. It does not go into detail on each topic and subtopic and in fact it does not mention all of the topics in my complete works.

Diversion: I also divert a little to reflect on things that I have not built a rationale of. These works I am talking about are not built in an exact order - the ordering takes place on the fly.

This post then is a rationale and reflection of sections and subsections of my works that contains a few definitions of terms used in the philosophy. I do not talk about everything in one post but rather split it up into multiple posts that I term a post. So this is Part 1 of a multiple part post.

Right now I am working on the topics: Instinct, Mood and Emotion. I am also furthering the concept of Rational Confinement(aka Bounded Rationality) which I believe is affected by Instinct, Mood and Emotion.

Reality and Mind are also to be built into this Philosophy.

I intend on bringing together my works into a cohesive whole as time goes on. Following is a list of items that are a part of my works:

The first version of these works is termed Reality Version 0.0 which is the foundation of:

The Primordial Template Of Consciousness

The Primordial Template Of Consciousness forms the basis for the following topics:

Rational Confinement
Paradox Of The Sensed

This list is not exhaustive by any means as you are about to find out.

By versioning reality I come up with the two concepts of: Reality In The Future and The Reality Of Mind In The Future. These two concepts in particular deal with the idea of making sure to update each Reality Version and The Reality Of Mind In The Future Version, for example: Reality Version 0.0 - Reality Version 0.1 - Reality Version 0.2 and so on and so forth. I do this because something that is constant in life is change. As uncomfortable as change can be to some of us it presents itself as inevitable.

I start out the post with three main themes as follows:

  1. Rational Confinement
  2. Emotional Confinement
  3. Social Confinement

I then move on to include five more considerations:

  1. Instinctual Processes
  2. Learning Processes
  3. Natural Morality
  4. Learned Morality
  5. Mood Resolution

The idea here is that these eight items on the above list interact to produce curious outcomes that are different in each person and how they could affect society as a whole. I also explore how paradoxes in the eight items could occur. I could have taken a couple of items off the list and I could have added countless others but these are the items I am mainly interested in at this point in time - these items stimulate thought that could be applied to many combinations of missing items.

Rational Confinement is what I once referred to as Bounded Rationality and is inspired and partially based on work performed by Herbert A. Simon.

Bounded rationality:

1. Rational Confinement

Rational confinement is defined as follows:

Limitations imposed on a person’s logic in any given period of time.

One of the subsections of Rational Confinement is as follows:

Logical deduction, when answering a question, is limited by:

[list]1. cognitive limitations
2. time available to answer the question
3. openness to influence from the social norm
4. availability of accurate information[/list:u]

There are other subsections that deal with rational confinement including but not limited to interactions that affect Rational Confinement. Rational Confinement can be used as a measure of any of the items contained in the lists of the subsections of Rational Confinement.

2. Emotional Confinement

Emotional confinement is defined as follows:

Limitations imposed on a person’s emotions in any period of given time.

Like Rational Confinement, Emotional Confinement inherits the concept: openness to influence from the social norm.

It is still yet to be determined what all of the limiting factors are on emotion.

3. Social Confinement

Social Confinement is defined as follows:

Limitations imposed on a society in any given period of time.

  1. Contains the social norm.
  2. Contains agreements arrived at by people of the society.

An example subsection could go something like this:

When living in a society you are limited by

[list]1. the social norm.
2. agreements arrived at by people of the society.

These three confinements need not be negative or positive as far as their value to people or society is concerned. It is also early days regarding Emotional Confinement and Social Confinement so the concepts have not yet been fully built. Rational Confinement on the other hand is well developed - not complete - but well developed.

Confinements can be used as a measure in each of their respective topics. Being able to measure the level of confinement could be important when considering the type of philosophy the person or society follows along with its economics and politics but the economics and politics have not been fully considered as of the time of this writing. By measuring the levels of confinement you are able to determine how effective the elements that make up the individual and the society are.

Confinement Levels are also useful when developing a new society and possibly useful for its ongoing progress as a society. I still include the concept of decision making - I use the past - I add the future - past and future to form the present based on the best decisions possible within the confinements of the current reality.

That concludes Part 1 of the post.

Any thoughts, suggestions et cetera are always appreciated.


ASIDE: Where does curiosity fit in to all this? An individual and her/his society should always maintain a curiosity in how to improve her/his own situation and her/his society. I am curious as to how equal rights fits into everyone’s different idealized society given how men and women are biologically different. I am curious on the subjects of racism, prejudice et cetera and their emotional impact on different people and society in general.

Humankind really needs to start connecting the dots a little better. I see no reasonable excuse for a lack of this. I see plenty of excuses.


Yes, I suspect far too much for one thread. Perhaps break some of this up into other threads?

[list]Reality vs Perception
Reasoning Methods
Rational Limitations
Moods and Their Consequences
Emotions - Curiosity
Emotions - Anger
Emotions - Love

  • Frustration
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
    Structure of Mind
    Decision Making
    Social Benefits and Detriments of Curiosity
  • of Willing Devotion
  • of Intragroup Conflict (just thought I would donate that one :slight_smile: )
  • of Resolution Debating
    Roads to Social Resolutions (although, all roads to social resolution lead to SAM Coops :slight_smile: )

The SAM Cooperative

The very idea of a “social mood” is merely another modern day corruption of wisdom. It is highly unwise for society to be structured in such a way that there would be a social mood even possible. Basically societies should not be that large. Globalism is a very bad idea. Every SAM Coop would have its own little mood (merely 4-50 people), just as every cell in your body has its own physiological condition. Huge societies of hundreds of millions of people should not be all hypnotized and responding to the same manipulative misinformation that creates social mood swings. This has been a serious corruption of social and economic power (mostly due to usury).

@ James - I am going to make my response in three parts.

Response to James - Part 1

I suspect you are correct. I think that some of this should be broken up into other threads as you say.

Some emotions I suspect have not been reflected upon much in philosophy - and mood it seems has not had much reflection applied to it either, from what I can see at least. I am willing to be stand corrected on this. This particular thread has a title that is not complete hence the three dots after the title. The idea I have for this thread is to tie together instinct, mood and emotion into an interaction philosophy. By interaction philosophy I mean how instinct, mood and emotion fit together in an order and how they affect each other. The other two sides to this thread are 1. A post for each topic and 2. General discussion on each three of these. I divert temporarily on some things for clarity and interest. Lastly I leave flexibility in so as not to dismiss any thought.

This thread focuses on the individual and the society. So talks about such things as mentioned in the previous paragraph in such a format to give us the following three categories:

A. Individual and Social Instinct
B. Individual and Social Mood
C. Individual and Social Emotion

I am interested in developing metrics on these three categories - check measures - there is still a lot to talk about around these topics and in the next part of my last post I talk about:

  1. Instinctual Processes
  2. Learning Processes
  3. Natural Morality
  4. Learned Morality
  5. Mood Resolution

These are the “around these topics” items that I mention above the previous list. I have already talked about the first three in Part 1 of my last post.

In the next part of the response to you I discuss the first half of your response. And then in the third part of my response to you I discuss SAM Coops which is close to being the second half of your response. I exclude in my metric the quotes in your last post when I talk about halves - I will be using them to refer to, when it comes to social order, social mood and hopefully social emotion etc.; what I am saying here is that excluding your quotes I have split your post into two halves by measurement of your comments made; anyway it will become clear soon enough. I am sure you will approve.


Response to James - End of Part 1

@ James - This is the second part of my response.

Response to James - Part 2

Like I said in Part 1 of my response, I totally agree.

I will write a few paragraphs on the first half of your post.

Reality vs Perception - this/these topic/s get discussed often from what I notice. Reality is certainly a curiosity of the human mind as with Perception. I think a Reality vs Perception thread is a great idea and I think it would be wise to discuss objective reality and subjective reality and how they affect perception.

I think that Reasoning Methods and Rational Limitations warrant being put into the same thread as each other. Reasoning Methods I have studied in depth so I have a lot to offer there. I imagine that Rational Limitations could be used to build metrics and analytical tools and I suspect some of these already exist. I suggest in the thread on Reasoning Methods and Rational Limitations that a general discussion take place on the two topics and how Rational Limitations affect Reasoning Methods.

Emotions - Curiosity I have briefly covered in this thread and I intend on covering Emotions - Anger too. I think it helps to pick out a few emotions rather than all of them to cover in this thread for two reasons: 1. Some emotions I imagine get spoken about a lot already and 2. In this thread I want to focus on some of the emotions that do not get much coverage.

I think Emotions - Love deserves a thread of its own; I imagine this topic to be quite popular. Obviously I am not just talking about the love between two people but rather love at the level of the individual and society.

Frustration, Depression and Anxiety could probably fit into the same thread - Do you think constant frustration can lead to things such as Depression and Anxiety? I am not sure what else to add here. Obviously important topics to discuss at both the level of the individual and society - so maybe even two threads would be warranted.

I think Moods and Their Consequences have a significant impact on society when it comes to Joy, Productivity et cetera. When the social mood is harmonious I think that Joy and Productivity et cetera increase. When I look around these days I see a common mood and people are frustrated by this because they feel that they have lost their individuality; I think people need to be careful what they wish for here; I would prefer to be part of a group than focus on individuality after all we are a social creature - still we should proceed with caution otherwise the social mood again becomes negative or flat and we end up back at a problem that has the same magnitude of today’s here and now.

Hopefully this part of my response is clear enough for reading - if it is not then I suggest the reader make a comment.


Response to James - End of Part 2

@ James - This is the last part of my response.

Response to James - Part 3

Just to refresh our memories I will add a couple of quotes from another/other post/s contained within this thread as well as a copy of one of your sentences:

“The challenge in the modern age is to control mood with fear while also trying to control hope with diversity. Too many people get very tired of the “run around” and find all efforts to inspire to be unworthy of true hope (no one and nothing to trust).”

Thank you James for responding to this request.


Your response:

I think we could turn the corruption around and use the idea of a “social mood” as a means to help us analyze the social mood as opposed to control it - what do you think?

I would have to say that the social mood is always going to be there just that it should not be controlled like the way it is these days - this is a sad event taking place and I see it has been taking place for many hundreds of years.

The current form of globalism is a terrible idea as you state. I am very interested in your concept of SAM Coops and I think this is a way for the larger group to have a built in immune system if that makes sense.

Agreed - the hypnotism you speak of would have to be one of the most disgusting examples of humanity I have ever contemplated.

Eventually we are going to have to remove usury from our social diet - some say lending has led to the improvement of peoples lives but what about the lives it has destroyed? - something akin to a greedy child who is happy to share her/his toy but it comes with conditions and if those conditions are not met then it becomes a case of “my toy - you are not allowed to play with it - give it back”. The high rates of interest are the most ridiculous part of it - this leads to unnecessarily acceleration of the small few being able to consume resources at an alarming rate at the detriment to our home - the earth - and what about the idea that “our home” is not just “our home” but that of the creatures that occupy the same space - should we not be respectful of the other creatures on the planet, I can think of a few religions that justify doing what ever we want with the planet and its creatures - again we have to be careful of simple mindedness - not that I want to start a holy war here - lol.

James please excuse the slight edit in the following quote:

It is still possible that this rigorous method you suggest is up for some refinement but I guess what you are saying here is that a solid base set is what is required to produce harmony and that is what I agree with one hundred percent. In saying this you are quite welcome as far as I am concerned to brutally debate this with me. I use brutally in this sense: in a direct way that does not attempt to disguise unpleasantness; For example: “she was unapologetic and brutally honest”; source Google.

OK - I love this - the first time I saw this piece of writing I thought to myself “this is really cool”. I see a lot of thought has been put into this from the smallest micro-particle up to the largest entity.

I am interest by what you mean by communication. Could you elaborate?

That is certainly the oldest contention. I am interested in discussing this at length - I will do this via PM but for everyone else we could elaborate on this topic as needed or requested.

A really good use of Internet resources I think.

I have already read some of this and I came up with a concept on how the network could be built - maybe one day you would be interested in taking a look. I really like the diagram that you provide and it was that diagram that inspired me to put aside the time to build the concept - unfortunately at this time my big computer has crashed and I have to recover the data to be able to show you.


What do you think of the ideas that I have posted regarding Confinement Levels? They are a means of studying how effective a society is performing.

I am still in the early stages of developing this philosophy and have not even begun to develop any mathematical tools but I still think it is worth of a comment of some sort.

The idea of this philosophy is not for a few people to control but rather uncover flaws and to let everyone know about them - like in the News and other information sources.

Anyway - I am very grateful for your response and I hope we can discuss the topic of SAM Coops in depth - even if we have to shift the discussion to PM I do not mind.


Response to James - End of Part 3

Discussion of my works . . . Part 2

Last time I discussed:

  1. Rational Confinement
  2. Emotional Confinement
  3. Social Confinement

This time I discuss:

  1. Instinctual Processes
  2. Learning Processes
  3. Natural Morality
  4. Learned Morality
  5. Mood Resolution

Although this is only a brief discussion, the rationale behind topics 4 through 8 is more of an educational body of knowledge behind topics 1 through 3 - there is a slight disparity but as previously mentioned:

4. Instinctual Processes
When contemplating Instinctual Processes one has to ask a question: how reliable are decisions that are made via instinct?

I wont go into this too much as I am more interested in the thoughts of others here.

5. Learning Processes

I am sure Learning Processes are varied and many - again this is a topic that is open to debate as far as the optimal Learning Processes are concerned and: What should we be learning? Is probably an even bigger debate we could get into.

Regarding Learning Processes - I myself detail how the brain/mind deals with these. I then include other thoughts on what maybe optimal learning processes.

6. Natural Morality

Natural Morality as I am sure most people are already aware of is as follows:

Now while I do not necessarily accept it this way it is still an interesting topic with plenty of evidence to suggest that Natural Morality is very real.

7. Learned Morality

Learned Morality could also be called Moral Development and is partially defined as follows:

Learned Morality focuses on the morality that we learn from birth to death.

Morality is important when we consider how we should be treating one another and currently/probably is/should be used in economics, technological development et cetera. Politics could learn a few lessons here.

8. Mood Resolution

Resolution can be defined as follows:

The action of solving a problem or contentious matter. “the peaceful resolution of all disputes”. Source: Google

The idea here is not so much about mood regulation from drugs but rather how individual persons interact with each other and how those interactions leave the person in mood. I suggest that the way we treat each other is reflected in the individual mood and the social mood and these are indicators of whether or not a society is in good health.

The big question here is how to we go about solving problems associated with mood in a naturally effective way through our interactions and the interactions between other processes on my lists(whether they are currently listed or not).

Rational Confinement, Emotional Confinement and Social Confinement

These are metrics used to measure personal and societal satisfaction, health, efficiency and economic effectiveness et cetera. These three metrics have many uses and can be combined with technology to allow for speedy results via heuristics and other analytical methods.

Organization is key to making anything effectively implemented.

Happiness is key to keeping an implementation alive.

So as you can see - I am in early development of some of these principles - I appeal to anyone who would like to take part in discussion involved with any of these topics and I encourage people to develop their own philosophies based on any of these topics. I also hope that it stimulates thought toward other topics and I hope that it serves as a reminder that there is still a long way for humanity to go and much to do.


I see those somewhat akin to;
A. Hardware
B. Firmware
C. Software

How do you propose to measure them for either society or individuals?

@ James - As you say: Be careful of what you ask for.


That is a good analogy - it caught me off guard initially but I can see it now.

Hardware - > Instinct
Firmware - > Mood
Software - > Emotion

That is a pretty good “one for one” analogy James.

Very good question - I should have known I would not have got that one past you.


A short answer to your question: pattern matching.

Now for a much longer answer:

Take into account that what I am about to write is straight off the top of my head and I try to make a habit of not memorizing too much so if there are any discrepancies I would like to apologize in advance - you are welcome to request for me to clear those up if they appear.

Now regarding measurement - I can tell you that it is only early days, especially with instinct, mood and emotion - but I have an idea that the best place to start would be at the level of society, much like you do in some of your examples.

I do not want to alarm anyone here - I can say that some pattern analysis already takes place - it seems unavoidable in a world full of fear. Current techniques are a little shortsighted but that is my opinion.

There would be a typical baseline developed over time among any activities that develop patterns - this would be apparent among your SAM Coops or similar structures but it is even easier with the current structure of global society.

To name a few activities in global society that develop patterns:

schooling - logistics - crime-rate - days off from work - crop yields - network patterns associated with news reports - weather patterns - sickness rates - mental health data - war - traffic data and much more.

These activities could then be placed into an ontology of activities along with their baseline and their interactive elements. This ontology would be used to define and help manage the analysis of interactions between the above activities using a pattern recognition engine to check for deviations from their baseline. The ontology becomes the pattern buffer so to speak. The ontology lives inside a “living data base” whereby the database can change “on the fly” using subtle deviations over time to update within specified limits. The pattern recognition engine is able to build the ontology to begin with. When anomalies are detected an alarm can be set off.

If it is something that can develop a pattern then it is able to be studied without invading privacy or corrupting any other ethical concern. It is alarming what is already happening and I would prefer this sort of thing to be known - it would be better for society if society is aware of the things that go on in the data centers, behind closed doors or how ever else you want to apply a term for it. Eventually privacy will be the least of our concerns if we don’t awaken to the mess developing right now.

This is not to say that all of this data is needed - generally crime rates are a good red flag. Once a red flag is detected then a secondary process can be put into place. If logistical operations are affected it could be due to weather or sickness among employees - first you would rule out weather and if weather is not a factor you could move on to sickness - sickness could be false data in which case if a flag is raised then employees could be requested to have a meeting that a psychologist is present at. Falling grades at school is another red flag for many things: domestic problems, death in the family, bullying, dietary habits et cetera - incidentally school grades and crime rates work well together.

Sifting out information at the level of an individual is a little more difficult - psychology only has so many tricks up its sleeve - biological monitoring is useful - there will be new methods that will be spurred on by the neurosciences - the thing to watch here is: invasion of privacy and other ethical concerns - but where there are patterns there are metrics.

Instincts have patterns associated with them as do moods and emotions - it is just a matter of determining these patterns and the metrics follow. Over time human and animal behavior develops typical patterns. Orbits in star systems have patterns. If it is moving it is likely to develop a pattern. The evolution of a pattern tends toward convergence too which is why we see some overlap in the sciences with similar mathematics being applied to more than one science. Even chaos systems have some form of pattern that develop - it is hard to say whether chaos even exists at the human level because that would infer complete disorder and confusion which even in this world of crazy people doesn’t really show itself.

Warning: Tech Talk
The type of pattern matching techniques I have come across are scarily simple and extremely effective - forget Artificial Neural Networks(ANN) and Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) - they are slow, complicated and ineffective compared to the tech I have come across. It turns out to be easier than we once thought and soon a revolution is about to begin. Add that to the worlds social demise and guess what? People need to take notice now because ignorance will no longer be bliss and obviously rioting, protesting, boycotting and not supporting these things will not achieve a damn thing; that is for the sixties and things have seriously changed since then.

I like to consider the story of the perceptron, to give people an idea of how long these things have been around; “The perceptron algorithm was invented in 1957 at the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory by Frank Rosenblatt”. They are essentially still with us in a more complex form of the previously mentioned ANN’s and CNN’s. It turns out this year would be the sixtieth anniversary of the perceptrons inception.

Logic seems to be the easiest to measure mainly because logic has many defined patterns associated with it. But inevitably emotions have patterns like moods, they are just at a lower resolution. Anyhow we have mapped a significant portion of the neocortex which is probably the most powerful part of the brain, so many derivations of neocortex patterns can be traced back to emotion, mood and instinct; to the limbic system and reptilian complex respectively. The columns and layers in the neocortex are easily transposed onto computer memory and GPU’s and CPU’s can do the rest of the work. Once you add FPGA’s to the picture things speed up drastically. Human memory is arranged in such a way as to be a hierarchy that uses time based patterns. You can imagine how easy that is to map onto software and hardware.
End of Tech Talk

That is just one technique I can think of off the top of my head. I have learned to detect patterns myself - with my own mind on a conscious level - a computer is of course better at it but people can be taught to do it. In fact most people automatically do it to more or lesser a degree.

There is more to the answer than that but I think I have gone on for long enough. Also take into account that this is a singular proposal out of potentially many more. There is always more than one way of doing something - all I have to do now is put it in a more summarized format.


@ James - so now that I have answered one of your questions I have a request of you:

I would like to talk more about MIJOT and SAM Coops.

I was rather surprised how quickly you worked out where I was coming from in the other thread: The Silent Mind

We have discussed some interesting things so far and I have introduced the emotion of being curious and now I want to talk about the emotion that you have introduced “Joy”. I think joy is the ultimate goal on a daily basis and I really like your MIJOT principle - you also give great examples on how to maintain that joy.

Do you think that being curious is a good way for one to find ones next goal that you speak of? Allowing our level of Joy to rise again.

Does SAM Coops add to MIJOT? I imagine from what you are saying that the answer is yes.

How do you recognize or celebrate your perceived progress?

Curiosity eh??

Fascination perhaps???

Do you want a demon to possess you to cut off your own dick with your own arms???

No, curiosity does not necessarily make you happy!!

What I’ve always been interested in is what control we have over our emotions, and so our responsibility for them.

Everybody has had the sense of being locked in by their feelings, at some point or other. In the moment, a powerful feeling comes over us and even when we would have chosen to feel otherwise, we can’t. Anger, jealousy, despair, etc… But what we feel and how we respond are two different things. The ability to recognize a feeling and it’s whim, to table one’s ego for a moment and not just react - that is golden.

If you ever admired someone for the force of their personality and the way they’re able to navigate social or professional worlds, and if you ever wanted to figure out how they do it - I’d say you should start by paying attention to how they manage their emotions and how they are energized by them. How do they react to the positive, the negative, and everything in-between.

Anyways, I read these awhile ago and I’d recommend them to anyone interested in instinct, mood, emotion and philosophy.
Not Passion’s Slave: Emotions and Choice (other source) - Robert Solomon
What is an Emotion? (other source) - William James

Reminded me of this (I know, not quite on topic): … t-explain/

I’m sure there are a lot more of those kinds of vague sensations that we get which are hard to put into words, but perhaps could be relayed through poetry. :-k

Hi Ecmandu,

Yeah . . .

Maybe . . .

Not too sure about the dick stuff . . .

Thanks Ecmandu - I appreciate this comment.


So are you saying that fascination keeps you happy? - or - Are you saying that fascination keeps you happy at times?

Hi fuse,

True - I guess taking responsibility for our emotions is harder than developing a logical mind.

Good point - which is where I became quite happy at the idea of there being a metric for emotional confinement - I think what you are saying happens all the time but to a more or a lesser degree.

I totally agree fuse.

Thank you very much - I will most certainly take a look at the articles - thank you for the other sources too, that is very considerate of you.


Hi Pandora,

Funny you should say that, when I performed a Google search that is mostly/all what I found from memory - poetry.

Thanks for the link I will take a look and make a comment on it.


Very appreciated Pandora.


This is true, ecmandu.

It would primarily depend on who the individual is who is indulging in curiosity and what the subject of that curiosity is.

There are emotions, besides happiness, which some might find to be more beneficial to our well being albeit happiness is important for our all-around survival. If we are following our curiosity ~~ for instance, intellectual curiosity ~~ that can give us a sense of wonderment and mystery which can be extremely fulfilling.

We all need to be careful of that “cat within” though which could lead us astray.

Instead of words like happiness, intrigue and fascination…

I’d use the word “profundity”

James S Saint

It is going to take me a few days to get my head back in the game.

A) Here I only compare two states on purpose. It it easier to contrast two states than more. I am interested in other states that you might define - would you provide for me one or two more states? Please exclude substrate states; ie. the states within the brain.
B) I just want to remind you that I have often mixed these up. I accept the blame for the ambiguity I introduced - it is clear to me what you are saying.

So reasoning is deterministic and mood is bias?


- - - Extra - - -

There is more than one level of programming:

  1. The substrate code.
  2. The natural language.
  3. Logic Conclusion/Possible Corruption
    Each sitting atop of each other. Confined to states internal and external to the substrate.

- - - logic working in all three layers - - -

Points → i (affectance)

i ≡ inception ∨ recognition ∨ perception

helps us understand why we forget and remember things; helps us understand why ambiguity takes place.

i can be thought of as always there because as you say: “Nothingness”, is absolutely impossible.

i ≡ secondarily the potential for the unknown to become known. In other words the unknown is always there.

- - - Correction - - -

  1. You say: Mood is a mental state that biases emotional response.
  2. I now say: Reasoning is a mental state that determines logical response.

