Generation, Tradition, and the rise of the Far Right

Getting to know your enemy that is trying to destroy you = Valuing them more than yourself

Knowing your enemies = being exactly the same as your enemies, becoming them.

Not knowing about Jewish culture = you cannot be manipulated by it (!)

Not knowing/caring about something = not being affected by it.

Liberal/leftist logic…

Why don’t you concentrate on your own culture instead?

But you do put value on it. That’s my point. You value it - you validate it.

You’re putting your own spin on it now. See how your victim mentality is showing through? Propaganda wars is nothing new. Just turn on the tv.

No, but I can see how it would help them. The leverage is low, but it’s there, and it’s enough.

Anyone could have said that, but since she’s a jew and jews are chosen and special, then we must listen to her very carefully, and take everything she says to heart. And then talk some more about the jews and how they are because as long as jews are a topic of discussion, they’re not irrelevant; in fact, they are very, very important to us, so much so, in fact, that we must spend countless of hours, days or years learning about them and their culture.

I am not condoning rapes by Pakistanis, or anyone for that matter, I am pointing to the fact that memetic war is a war for mind space and you have to be careful how you ration it.

And if you concentrated only on your own culture, the same would happen, only the contrast would be even greater, accomplishing the same goal with even more efficiency. It worked for cultures with the help of physical isolations, so would it not do the same with memetic isolation/quarantine? I say it will.

Would it also, at core, mean not to recognize it? And by interaction (in however form) would it not be a some from of recognition? And what if that’s what they want and have always wanted? How does a culture stay alive in the minds of people?

All I am going to say is that you’re helping the survival of jewish culture. You just don’t seem to see it. Just “holocaust” alone is going to carry its culture for the next 500 yrs or so, and who knows, maybe even another 2,000 years or so, based on everything that they’ve never forgot since the time immemorial. And so the cycle will continue, ironically, with the help of people like you, who give them so much attention. What has changed in the history of jewish culture? Nothing. The same dynamic is being played out as we speak.

Here’s another good recent example:
Reminding and educating us that Passover has JEWISH roots, even if it’s done through satire and humiliation (and at the expense of jews themselves). Jewish culture must survive, not matter how it’s done, and this way it will.

If you obsess over them at the expense of your own caretaking, then yes. Self comes first. Right now, you should be concentrating on your own strengths.

It is actually common for people to lower themselves to their enemies standards. Being provoked and reactionary behavior is one example, and that happens when self value is already low.

I’d say it would be harder for a foreign culture to penetrate another when they are unfamiliar with each other; and it’s easer to manipulate and provoke someone who already has a low self-value and low self-worth, and that is something he, himself, is responsible for.

If you take care of your own, you won’t be wasting energies. And see my point above on low self-worth.

And your methods are self-defeating. I only see bashing and obsession with the other, and nothing that is directly and primarily self-supporting. It’s a reactionary strategy that is played out by those who prefer to see themselves as victims.

What I meant by genetic predisposition is that it may also be related to things like hormone production and low impulse control, factors which may have genetic basis.

Hilariously disingenuous.

Why don’t you concentrate on your own thinking? Why do you care what I am thinking?
You are giving me a lot of influence and mindshare with that attitude.
This all makes you think more like me.

Why don’t you think within the boundaries that I set up for you?
Because if not I will simply say that you need to learn to think for yourself.

Don’t worry I will come up with some shaming psychology gobbledegook to remind you where those boundaries are.

If only you were a Jewess, then you could get around and tell your fellow Jews how they should not be so anti-white, not have such a victim mentality.

Again, you validate my thinking, you value it by interacting with me. By thinking about what I say.
And that’s not good because…. don’t forget….you are an anti-Is_Yde_opN.
You are so full of shit.

Look look, there is a tiger eating the villagers. Let’s not think about the tiger and go about our business as if it wasn’t there. Else we might end up validating the tiger, when all we want to do is disappear with it together in one giant blob of non-discriminative existence. As proteins within its belly.

But it’s not just anyone who said it. And it’s not just anyone who is keeping his academic or institutional position after saying those things. And it’s not just any group comprising 2% of the US population which is behind 90% of those statements.

How about you pretend to be part of somebody else’s culture and help them out with becoming less concentrated on other cultures. Go and help them become more efficient and not blame Europeans for their problems. Tell them to “concentrate on their own culture”, to become blind to the competition, I mean, to become enlightened and not think about them as competition.
Do your best for them.

It’s like you belong as much to Pakistan and among Pakistanis as you belong to anywhere else.

OMG, what if they like what I am thinking and doing? Jesus Christ, how am I going to be a good anti-semite if they like what I am thinking and doing? What if they wanted that all along??!!


Only one solution - pretend that Jews don’t exist, no, not even think about it. You know, like that rock on the side of the road. It also pretends and thinks that the Jews don’t exist, it doesn’t recognise them, it doesn’t think about them either way.
If I think like this rock, that will show those Jews, eh, I mean, I don’t care about the Jews, I swear.

How can we become all one blob of existence if we think differently about different people?
Sing with me one more Kumbaya.

Imagine we were hunting tigers and the tigers had gotten mental-aids and didn’t recognise us as their enemy anymore, didn’t think of us at all.
I’m all with you there, Pandora, those mental-aids-tigers would not be a challenge and the hunters would grow fat and lazy. But maybe we shouldn’t worry about those hunters because there will never only be mental-aids-tigers.
Sure those mental-aids-tigers think so but the reality is that not even all tigers have mental-aids. It’s just a phase where those mental-aids-tigers are disappearing.

I think your thinking right now is a little bit too clouded with emotions, because you seem to keep missing my point. But okay, you can go about your way, if you like. I don’t think you’re the first one or the last one, just another consecutive part of the same vicious cycle. But your reactions point to your weakened state, so maybe therein lies your issue. My position on the jews is that jews should have been assimilated long time ago. Think of culture as an organism. Our mitochondria, for example, is considered a powerhouse because it specializes in making energy for the cells, and it does so very well. Mitochondrial DNA shows that it may have been a separate organism that has been incorporated into our genetic structure and now it functions in the service of the whole. This is an example of successful assimilation, on cellular level. If your body keeps fighting with a foreign organism that has become resistant (does not want to be incorporated and will not die) and causes body distress that only tells me that your own body has become weakened to the point where it now cannot maintain itself. Only a strong body can successfully manage itself (with or without foreign organisms), so you’d have to take care of own body. You have to take care of your vulnerabilities and defenses first rather than fighting to protect your vulnerabilities and defenses, is what I’m saying. I don’t think I can explain it any other way. This is the last I am going to say on this because I know this is just going to fly over your head. Just keep doing what you’re doing and once you’re successful in eradicating the jew menace once and for all, stop by and let us know. You’ll be the first in the history of mankind.

Happens all the time, viruses, bacteria invade the body. Sometimes part of it remains within the body, becomes integrated, before the virus and the bacteria are expunged.

If the body can’t fight off the virus or bacteria, the body dies.
No happy ending.

Some can’t face the possibility of death. They take some drugs to mask the pain and tell themselves that this virus will become somehow assimilated or whatever.

The virus cares about itself being a virus. The host body always keeps something from the virus, the antibodies, the means to fight the particular virus next time (if it hasn’t mutated heavily again).

What you have been saying so far is that the body should not recognise the virus. Because the virus is good, it’s gonna make the body stronger in the long run. The body would get stronger by surviving the virus but that’s not what you would allow for.
No, the virus needs to become part of the body. Doesn’t matter if that is realistic, doesn’t matter the costs or the dangers.

Something tells me you are the one here with the permanent solutions and the great plans for society. Doing your best trying to suppress the immune response.
It’s not surprising, you don’t identify with the body. How cynical must be your notion of ‘us’.

It must be that you feel not at ease with that body, with that society. You have to change it.
You can call it ‘strengthening’ whatever, find some more nice sounding words to sell it.
I think you simply don’t give a shit.

No, what I was saying is that if the body is strong enough to begin with, the virus would not be able to hurt it.

If the body is strong and assimilates the virus, there would be no harm to the body. There may be some changes, though, but the body would not be harmed by it.

Or maybe you’re just very fragile and sensitive to begin with.

I feel pretty secure in my history and culture and some re-defining or crafty wording is not going to change that. It is you who’s breaking out in fever at the slightest provocation.

You know, so far, you have said nothing positive about European culture. All I hear is negativity, and not only that, but also the repeated negative propaganda of others, and I get it, you’re probably here just to vent out, but some of your reactions betray your own insecurity and also borrowed mode of thinking. What kind of people would you be attracting with this kind of psychology? And what (personal) goal are you actually pursuing?
Here’s an example of what I mean:

This tells me that you’re vulnerable and insecure enough in your own history and culture to be affected by negative propaganda and even repeat it to others (pass it on). I can take any culture anywhere in the world and take an aspect of it and demonize it. We’ve been doing these kinds of propaganda wars since we first formed separate tribes, so this is nothing new. Someone takes and X and turns it into Y, and then e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e is suddenly obsessed with talking bout Y, and nobody even remembers X anymore. If you were secure in your own past and culture, this wouldn’t have happened, you wouldn’t give it any serious consideration in the first place. But you keep talking about it, like you’re really hurt by it, like it really matters to you. This is why I believe that you already weakened (separated) from your own roots. If you know the history of your people, if you know it, nothing’s going to change that, not internally. And who cares what others say? Don’t go on repeating what they say because you’re drawing everyone into talking about Y.
My original point was very simple and I have tried to explain it in many different ways already. If you teach and inspire your children to be proud of your own culture (instead of just spreading reactive hate), then they won’t be tempted to follow foreign (and inferior) values. Why would they if their own culture has already accomplished so much more? This is my inside-out approach.

Dude, let me make this easy for you.
A Semite, refers to a set of genetic traits. Many Semites are Jews.
A Jew refers to a personal psychological identity. Many semites are Jews, but some non-semities are Jews.

You cannot assimilate a jew, because the whole point of being a jew is to seperate oneself and not assimilate. That is the entire point of their religious doctrine, to say Jews are gods chosen people.

Semites, already HAVE been assimilated. Many whites are semites, cows, sheep, hippopotamus, etc.

I think Panda is saying you’re a narcissist who’s denying his problems by projecting them onto others.

A Jew-hating narcissist.

But what about Jew-hating-hating narcissists who deny problems by projecting them onto themselves?

Is Panda not yet another narcissist?

I don’t know. We need to cast a vote. It’s a battle of fantasies. Like optimism vs pessimism, life vs death, etc.

Is it better to be positive or negative?
To take full responsibility for your actions or to take none?
Which absolute is absolutely the best?

The case when an organism has no immune response and one in a million or billion of cells assimilates the virus DNA without dying. And once it has assimilated that DNA then that makes it automatically better than before because reasons.

Immune-system’s ignorance is strength.
Have to wonder why so many creatures have an immune system - what a mistake.

If you are a frail woman, physically and mentally then you can’t put up with much raping. But if you are ‘strong’ then no harm done. Sure some things change.

Or put it in other words, if you are strong then you can handle the raping, don’t be a sissy. In fact, you can take pride in the raping, feel good about it because it means you are strong if you don’t mind it.
A woman in a coma is also super strong. When you are numb and don’t give a shit you are practically Superwoman.

Or as they say, if there is not much present to destroy to begin with then not much can be destroyed.

I hear some people like to drink profusely to make those ‘stronger’ people bearable for them, I mean, to gain the same ‘strength’ as they have and not be sensitive anymore.
Become a numpty with a bumper of beer in hand.

That comes with making tolerance into a virtue. Think about it… (not you Miss P.)

Having taste, having standards,… all those things just hold you back from becoming the Supercow.

There are some people who, when you tell them about the influence of commercials, will answer that they themselves are not affected by it.
In my experience I find that it’s precisely those kinds of people who are most affected by commercials.

Let’s imagine Bobby to be a very tolerant person.
He can tolerate a lot of shit, it doesn’t upset his stomach nor mind.
Now Bobby is exposed to a lot of propaganda, of whatever sorts. At first he offers some mental resistance to the ideas. Maybe he senses that they violate his being, his sense of identity. But the resistance which Bobby can offer is limited and what’s more, he is a very tolerant person and so he can tolerate all sorts of psychological abuse without breaking a sweat.
Eventually Bobby simply accepts the ideas as true because he is tolerant and his resistance was broken down. The alternative would have been for Bobby to try and remove himself from the environment with the propaganda.

Now Bobby doesn’t mind the propaganda anymore, he has internalised it as being good.
What he does now oppose vehemently is anybody who reminds him of what has happened or who points out how ridiculous it is for him to adopt those ideas. It would be very painful and also, he still has to function within the environment where those ideas are circulating and that’s very difficult without developing ulcers or worse.

Yes, I know Miss P., you are not affected by negative propaganda because for some reason that negative propaganda is not informing you on who you are and what your culture is. You can tolerate it all with ease and you only believe and think what you want to think.

Me, I’m vulnerable and I think getting control over mass propaganda and competing with the opposition is essential for a future of Europeans. Don’t worry Miss P., people will not be affected by it if they are ‘strong’.

I guess we are making progress.
At least you are not attacking the idea of having pride in something which one hasn’t personally achieved himself as an individual.
As I have said before, don’t be a ‘reactive hater’ and don’t attack my values and ideas. Don’t criticise my approach to life. You need to learn to listen and not talk so much Miss P… If your values and culture are superior then you won’t mind anybody else spreading their ideas and values while you keep to yourself and your children. Remember tolerance is your strength. So no counter-signalling from you.

Identifying the other or something as other from oneself, in opposition to oneself, doesn’t sound narcissistic to me.
It’s been a while that I have read about narcissism but from what I remember the narcissist sees others as extensions of himself.
And he gets angry if those supposed extensions of himself don’t do what they are supposed to do, in his eyes.

I don’t expect Jews to be friendly towards me. I think they do their own thing and have their own plans.
From my observations, and this took some time to learn and accept, some people don’t see themselves as just some other individual within an ocean of individuals. They see themselves as a group in competition with other groups. And I think there is nothing wrong with that.

Yeah, narcissism is fundamentally egocentrism, which is the inability to differentiate between what is subjective and what is objective. This is Wikipedia-approved definition. As far as egocentrism goes.

Some of them think that they are the cause of everything . . . thus no reason to blame anyone other than themselves. Everything comes from within, they say.

And then, some think that they are never the cause of anything . . . thus no reason to ever blame themselves. Everything comes from without, they say.

They can’t observe causal relations as they are. Instead, they have to substitute them with imaginary ones.

This discussion is going in circles. #-o

Because a healthy person should be a hypochondriac like you, right?

Everything should to be interpreted as RAPE. You know, to trigger the immune response. (I don’t even know how you get through your day, eyes)

And when you keep obsessing about them, how bad they are, you’re not affected?

Alternatively, when Bobby spends most part of his life reacting and talking about propaganda, he will be drawn into a re-framed dialogue that should not have happened in the first place. But Bobby no longer sees it, he only sees the dialogue in terms of what he was shown and reacted to. Nothing else is talked about. Things that should matter. Turn on the tv and see what is talked about and what is NOT talked about - look at the nature of the dialogue itself that is presented. Your reactivity (your immune system, as you say) makes you vulnerable to being sucked into a garbage dialogue. Who determines what is talked about, because that’s the direction you will be going. Do you want to talk about European accomplishments and how the world has benefited from it (and still does), or the evils of slavery and colonialism?

At the very least we have an idea where the other is coming from. I can see that your reactive methods make you very easy to manipulate and use, because you always take the bait. Well, anyway, enough of that.
I think the biggest factor that is yet to be mentioned and that will have a big effect on either method is technological progress and globalization. This is what I am worried about more. If everyone is going to get even more plugged in, some type of segregation would have to be put in place (maybe even as far as going off the grid completely), because things are going to start changing very fast and in new and unpredictable ways. The battlefield of competing values will become more complex because there will be a lot more players interacting and influencing each other. This is where things might really get messy.

You said I am frail and not strong.
It looks like you are worried about my health much more than I am.

I don’t think of myself as being unhealthy, that’s what you apparently think.
Yet you say I am a hypochondriac.
I think my immune system is fine, it’s you who thinks there is something wrong with it.

What you proposed as an analogy is much more invasive and destructive than rape.
You don’t give a shit about it, you don’t grasp that intellectually. But you do react to the emotions that you associate with the image of rape.

Nobody cares about the Jews being ‘bad’. That’s something which you can’t process.
If the lion eats the villagers and we try to prevent further deaths through lions then yes, we are affected by lions and yes, while we talk about it and recognise this we are affected by it too while we try to figure out what to do.
Sorry, we are not Supermen who aren’t affected by our competitors because we are beyond their reach.

Ehh, what do I care about anti-White propaganda. It’s not like it’s affecting my life if I focus on my own culture. Btw. we need less White people in leadership positions.

You -
“What??? You care about this thing? What, you are afraid? What you are not superman? Well, that must mean you are affected by it.”

Expected answer -
“No, no, I don’t care, I’m strong, I’m not affected by it. Tell me what to do and how to think so that I’m strong.”

Do tell what to do, to be ‘strong’. Ah, you say ignore it and focus on your self.
The thinking goes like this -

People who are so strong that they are not affected by something don’t care about it.
So, if I don’t care about it and ignore it then that must mean that I’m now strong.
Ignorance is strength.

Hello fellow White people.
We really should repent for our sins of colonialism.
As a strong White person, I’m in favour of less White people, I love diversity.

Man, don’t concentrate so much on the Jews, concentrate on your own culture.
Listen to what that (((White person))) is saying about White privilege.

Really, I don’t understand what good it does for you to concentrate on the Jews.
This obsession is not good. You should focus on your own culture.

By the way, fellow White people, White culture does not exist.
I mean what is White culture?
Can a Black man not play Mozart? Don’t be racist!
There are no White people, there are only ethnicities.
switching to Europe
What’s a German? Mohammed is a German, he has a German passport. You aren’t racist, are you?

See what kind of dialogue is running through your own mind? I swear, you’re just like a cocklebur. (this should be my new nickname for you)

Eyes wide open, and what exactly were you doing before your eyes were open, huh? That should give you a clue as to where your weaknesses lie (maybe it’s somewhere in the inability to learn from history and predict consequences), and with your gung ho attitude, you are probably going to step into every single booby trap that will be set before you. See, everybody is ready to re-act when shit hits the fan, but apparently nobody has brains to see it coming and be able to prevent it; and so…the history repeats itself, again and again. Baa!.. I mean, is humanity still stuck in the evolutionary stage where it prefers to respond to carrot and stick approach?

When you get organized, I will be closely watching exactly who your leader is, his biography, his friends, who or what supports the organization, and what will it actually get achieved/changed because there is a lot of hollow theatrics going on in the world. This will tell me a lot more than listening to emotionally charged slogans and mottos. Even the best intentioned organization, for the lack of self awareness and intelligence, will get infiltrated and used, which brings me back to your eyes, which though wide open, may still not be seeing everything that’s going on.

Watch out for controlled opposition:

Just came across this interview online, in which Ahmadinejad may be running for presidency again. Now, I’ve been watching him for a while now and one thing you’ll notice if you watch his other interviews (especially with American media) is that he’s always aware of possible leading questions and never gets sucked into the interviewer’s discussion or wording (about the Jews or holocaust, or anything else that can be twisted and used against him later). This guy is not stupid, he’s very careful about how he answers questions, and you can tell that he knows how propaganda works. … 1492701153

Smart guy, the pinnacle of intelligence, he knows what the target audience believes to be self-evident truth and stays within said boundaries to not scare away the customers.

If you would not approve of it you would call the same actions ‘reactive’ or whatever you think sounds negative.

Pandy, I don’t care about your beliefs and what you hold as self-evident truths.
I’m not here to pander to you or sell you anything, to manipulate you step by step.
Not everybody wants to be a prim cow.

And as for changing the morality of a people, you can only degrade it further with the ways of the merchant, the peddler.

Your approval would be a dead giveaway to be on the path of degradation.
But hey, you keep watching and disapproving.

If you are not sure about something, what to make of it, watch the degenerates and what they make of it. They have very good instincts when it comes to degradation.