What are you doing? (Part 1)

I’m always surprised.

Another rainy day…Had to crank up the light therapy lamp. Geesh, this is the rainiest spring ever.

It’s super sunny and hot here, i got this s.a.d thing and it’s bad, really bad today. The sunnier it is the greater the misery, and it’s not even summer yet… i can only wish for the cold and rain to return…

Hi :evilfun:

lol MagsJy, can you narrow that down a bit?

Watching the fight over the Syrian oil pipeline turn vicious. What next?

Hoping for oil at 60 a barrel by the end of next week.

How about telling people they can’t flee here, then bombing thier country. Classy stuff.

Well, those around Trump really put our feet in it now. I would love to know who gave Trump a thumbs up on this bombing.

Stockholm got hit, typical truck attack

Finished first season of True Detective. This Rust character was just beaming sunshine and rainbows all over the place. (I think Cioran would approve) :stuck_out_tongue:

So I was talking to my friends from Aleppo today and we were all like lolwut

Gorgeous day! :stuck_out_tongue:

It seems like it was his idea.

Planning a lovely day tomorrow. Early lunch with a nice female philosophy professor who’s roughly my age then tubing down a river with an ex stripper 11 years younger than me, then a visit to a museum to see a monk I know, and a retired philosophy professor and watch them fuck up a mandala thingy made of sand that dude has been working on all week, then dinner with a self professed nihilist girl who is among my best friends, then back home to spend the night with the ex stripper. I rarely plan a day, but I’ve got a good reason to need to have a good day. Among the rarer things in my life is a day of stress, which will be Monday. So I figure the more estrogen I can be submerged in, the better. To all the ladies of the world, thanks for your contributions. They’re appreciated. Let’s hope Monday goes better than expected, because if so, I may be off to St. Augustine and then Ft. Lauderdale to visit 2 of my longest running friends where I will de-stress in the best possible way. No phone, no internet, no business, no clocks, just friends, sun, boats, and drinks.

The words of the great philosopher Tupac come to mind.

Every where I go, niggas holla at me, “keep it real g” and I reply “till they kill me, act up if you feel me. I was born not to make it but I did…the tribulations of a ghetto kid”.

46:30 and onward: good examples are given for explaining how complexity can be created as a result of increasing entropy (better than the standard coffee/cream example, anyway). youtube.com/watch?v=y5NkmdrPQQA

I’m guessing that harnessing the power of black holes would also have to be put on the agenda list at some point, right? :mrgreen:

Kettle’s hand-cooked chips and home-made red wine, whilst mentally listing my tasks for the week.

It may have been his idea but, he is surrounded by others and the others have authority plus brains.

United Airlines has always treated its passengers like cattle, but I guess you get what you pay for. :confused:

United Airlines new commercials: 8-[


Yea but, how many of us actually read the tickets we buy? The fine print is more often than not, ignored. I think I would rather take a train or drive. Buses can be pretty nasty as well.