Making iambiguous's day

Bottom line [one of them]: we believe that the other may or may not have failed to think it through properly, but we have no way in which to determine [to demonstrate] which one either did or did not.

And that’s before we take it out into the world of actual is/ought interactions. Or explain how both prongs are intertwined “in reality”.

Sure, but what we can’t resolve is whether or not there is a meaning here that all rational men and women are obligated to embrace. And, if there is, whether or not it is within their capacity to embrace it autonomously.

But the conscience [from my frame of mind] is no less an existential contraption. And it exist all along the political spectrum such that “right” and “wrong” behaviors become entangled in conflicting goods out in a world where, ultimately, power prevails.

Then it becomes a matter of whether or not future opportunities are already encompassed in a present that was already encompassed in a past. Thus to call them “opportunities” is just another manifestion of the illusion of free will.

Again: If “I” was never not going to feel this guilt, what counts then is that the guilt felt is inherently part and parcel of my own particular existence unfolding only as it ever could have.

In other words, in terms of how events actually unfold, how is the existence of mindful matter really any different from the existence of mindless matter other than in producing this illusion that the events unfold because I willed them to unfold one way rather than another?

That’s the part I can’t wrap my head around here.

First of all, to the extent that mind is just more matter embedded in immutable laws, whatever I choose to do is only as it ever could have been.

But, assuming some level of autonomy, there does not appear to be a way for philosophers to establish a frame of mind such that the manner in which I root morality in dasein and conflicting goods is obviated – subsumed in a moral narrative that all rational men and women are in fact obligated to embody.

In other words, let the objectivist demonstrate to me how the behaviors that they choose are not merely political prejudices embedded in a psychological defense mechanism allowing them to convince themselves that a “real me” can be in touch with “objective morality”.

If free will is an illusion then everything that we do is inherently part and parcel of the existential mechanism called “I”. It always revolves around the extent to which “I” is autonomous. I merely suggest that this autonomy, if it does exist, is circumscribed by the manner in which I root “I” subjectively/subjunctively in dasein, conflicting goods and political economy.

But that doesn’t make the objective reality rooted in mathematics, science, nature, logic etc., go away.

We invented the word “chicken” in the English language because chickens actually do exist. And we invented numbers because sometimes there are more than one of them. So if I say, “take my 2 chickens, put them with your 2 chickens and then you’ll have the 4 chickens needed to pay your debt” that can be understood as objectively true for all of us.

The words exactly correspond to the context. It can never be blatantly false if in fact it is unequivocally true. And it is true in either a wholly detrmined world or in a world where I could have freely chosen not to give you my chickens.

Back then to the part where you are making some important point here that I keep missing.

I merely shift gears to prong 2 and speculate on an exchange in which one of us argues that eating chickens is immoral in a world where we do in fact have some capacity to freely choose not to eat them.

But my point [embedded in my dilemma] is that there is no resolution here. There is only might makes right or democracy and the rule of law. Unless of course, within any particular human community, everyone is able to agree on a frame of mind embodied in right makes might.

Until, that is, they bump into another community also invested in right makes might — but it it’s a different right.

And thus all of this…

…is no less entangled [for me] in an existential contraption. I take my leap but I have no illusion that it is anything other than a subjective/subjunctive leap.

That, in other words, in a world of contingency, chance and change, any new experiences, new relationships and new sources of information and knowledge may well prompt me to leap in another direction instead. It’s always profoundly precarious and problematic.

Again, how can you know this? I am stuck because the manner in which I have come “here and now” to construe the meaning of dasein, conflicting goods and political economy seems reasonable to me. As it relates to conflicting behaviors out in the world of is/ought.

No, I merely note that folks on both sides of an issue like abortion are able to articulate “rational sounding arguments”. But we can’t live in a world where both arguments prevail. Then I suggest that “moderation, negotiation and compromise” seems the least dysfunctional recourse.

Instead, the objectivists insist that only their own standard must prevail. And it has become the one true standard because “in their head” they are convinced of it.

Okay, you take that leap to an “objectivism that speaks to you” and you either permit women to choose abortion or you don’t.

Me, I cannot just not believe that both sides make reasonable arguments. I cannot just not be tugged and pulled in both directions.

So, what do you do? You take that same leap but somehow in your head you convince yourself that it was the right one. But it’s the right one only because that is the particular leap that you took.

The part about dasein, conflicting goods and political economy doesn’t go away, but at least you are able to shove them away far eoungh to feel less fractured and fragmented than someone like me. You have been able to construct a psychological scaffold in your head such that it all feels a little less unbearable to you.

Then on to this:

I guess we’re stuck here then. I read the point you make here but I am not able to understand how it is related to the point I made that prompted it.

We create something in order to achieve some purpose. So, is that more the cause or the effect?

It would be like someone in, say, North Korea who, at a domino toppling event, created a design that depicted Kim Jong-un as an immoral monster. Now, in a world where human autonomy is a factor, what can we say about his aim such that the manner in which we react to his value judgment is different from the manner in which our senses react to the design itself.

If what I do feel is only as I ever could have felt it, then to speak of that as reasonable is only to further what could only have ever been.

Chickens are existential contraptions.

A dasein dude can ask “which particular chicken in which particular context” you are talking about.

He can say that the definition of chicken is just a bunch words dependent on the meaning of other words.

He can say that two or more people can have a conflict about what a chicken is or is not. And nothing will make those arguments go away.

He can say that you can’t demonstrate a chicken so that all reasonable men and women are obligated to accept that it is a chicken.

None of this bothers Iambig. For him, “chickens actually do exist”. He manages to maintain this arbitrary division between the objective world and the world of identity and value judgements. :smiley:

Carry on. :wink:

Again, down to earth:

1] Is it reasonable or unreasonable to speak of a Senate vote on Neil Gorsuch to fill a vacancy on the United States Supreme Court?

2] Is it reasonable or unreasonable to speak in favor of a yes vote?

With the former it is easy to speak of an unreasonable frame of mind. It is unreasonable to argue that Neil Gorsuch is not being voted on to fill this vacancy. It is in fact unreasonable.

Now, how would it be demonstrated that either a yes vote or a no vote reflects the optimal or the only rational point of view. Rather than, as I surmise, being embedded in particular political prejudices.

How, in other words, would our reaction to the vote not be embedded in the manner in which I construe the meaning of dasein, conflicting goods and political economy?

What will your reaction be if the Republicans nuke the proceedings?

Well, chickens do exist if that’s what you mean.

Here’s one account:

“Proof that fearsome T-Rex evolved into a chicken. Palaeontologists have long accepted that birds are a form of dinosaur. Now the theory that the most feared dinosaur of all, Tyrannosaurus Rex, evolved into the modern-day chicken has been given scientific backing with the discovery of some pre-historic collagen.” From the Daily Mail, U.K. … icken.html

Not pertaining to the actual evolution of the chicken embedded in the evolution of life on earth. That transcends dasein as I have come to encompass it re the world of is/ought.

In the is/ought world dasein revolves largely around the question of consuming the chicken — eating the flesh of animals.

Is this in fact rational or irrational?

Is this in fact something that philosophers and scientists can ascertain?

No, he can say that a definition of this sort – “a domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat, especially a young one” – is true objectively for all of us. These words [among English language speaking folks] are simply words that we invented in order to describe what a chicken is.

No, not pertaining to the definition above. Yes, pertaining to the arguments broached regarding the rights of animals.

Not this dasein dude.

Unless of course this is all just an exercise in irony on your part. Tongue in cheek as it were? :wink:

It’s an exercise to determine if you can see the biases and the arbitrary way that you draw the line between objective and non-objective.

You can’t see.

I won’t waste any more time trying to explain it to you. I will always remember this with a chuckle. :laughing:

Note to others:

He’s got me, right? :laughing:

I think you’re changing the subject.

If I understood you correctly, your point was that the distinction between reasonable and unreasonable makes no sense in the case that “everything that happened in the past could not have happened any other way”.

This phrase simply means that we cannot go back in time. Because we cannot go back in time, we cannot change our past decisions. It does not mean that if we COULD go back in time and attempt to change our past decisions that the outcome would be the same.

To say that the distinction between reasonable and unreasonable makes no sense simply because we cannot go back in time is akin to saying that the distinction between white skin and black skin makes no sense simply because a white child’s father cannot go back in time and choose a black woman as his wife.

One is either reasonable or not. This is, however, a property, not of one’s being as a whole, but of a single moment in one’s life. Thus, one can be reasonable one moment and unreasonable another. One can start one’s life as an uninterrupted sequence of unreasonable moments, and then, through practice and education, gradually shift to an uninterrupted sequence of reasonable moments.

But of course not everyone can do so. One must be capable of improvement. If one is not, one will forever be unreasonable.

The only relevant question is the meaning of reasonable/unreasonable.

No. He’s saying that he did not have the option of choosing between reasonable and unreasonable actions. The configuration of the universe made him act in a certain way.

The definitions of reasonable and unreasonable are irrelevant.

This is what he said:

It appears to me that he’s saying that the idea of unreasonable decisions seems silly in the case that we cannot go back in time and change our decisions.

I also want to comment on this:

This is an anthropomorphism. The process of calculation, which only sentient beings such as humans can engage in, is ascribed to the universe. The universe, these naive determinists say, determines every event using certain calculations (a.k.a. laws.) The universe as some kind of God that performs mathematical calculations . . .

No it isn’t. I’m not making claims about the universe having will or making decisions or anything of that nature. He’s an atom bouncing around in a mechanical universe with no ability to choose or decide or control anything.

If you think that the universe operates by laws, no less by immutable laws, rather than that sentient beings such as humans create laws based on their limited forever-expanding experience, i.e. a set of observations they have accumulated throughout their lives, in order to assume the unknown, and most importantly, to predict the future so that they can prepare themselves for it, then that is an example of anthropomorphization.

But I wasn’t responding to what you said in that sentence. I was responding to what Biguous has been saying in this thread and on this forum in general.

He’s saying that ideas like reasonable/unreasonable or good/bad or right/wrong don’t make sense if there is no choice.

If is unreasonable, it is because he cannot avoid being unreasonable. He cannot choose to be reasonable in the situation in which he is unreasonable. He can’t alter the way he is.

Good and bad are words we use to describe the quality of correspondence between what is expected and what is realized.

When I expect to hit a 3-pointer and when I observe that I did hit it, that is good. Otherwise, it is bad.

They have an idealized notion of concepts such as choice and free-will. To them, these entail the ability to go back in time.

First, they want the ability to pause the flow of time so that they can ponder over choices as much as they want. We can think of pause as a balance between forward and backward flows of time. Time still moves forward, decisions are still made without any waiting, with no hesitation, but one is quickly returned to the previous point in time thus nullifying the effect of the automatic decision.

Then, once they make their decision, they want to be able to return to that same point in time whenever they realize their decision was less than ideal.

As you can see, they are perfectionists who cannot tolerate mistakes and who want to make sure that their past contains nothing but right decisions. It is actually them who want to eliminate the distinction between right and wrong and that by using time travel in order to erase everything about their past that is less than ideal.

Strange fellows, aren’t they?

Even computers, which are manmade and thus predictable in all relevant aspects, can have a sense of good and bad.

They can also possess what we may understand to be free-will in the empirical, which is to say down-to-earth, sense of the word. Free-will, not as an ability to go back in time and change your decisions, but as an ability to make your own choices without undesirable influences.

They can also choose between several alternatives, and not only that, they can also learn from the consequences of their choices.

Computers have no consciousness – a first-person experience of reality – only awareness – a map of reality that is not accompanied by any kind of first-person experience of it.

They also cannot go back in time and change their decisions.

Despite all of this, they can have a sense of good/bad, choose between several options on their own and learn from the consequences of their choices.

I don’t think it’s difficult to imagine a computer program that has all of these properties.

What is necessary for such a program is:

  1. that it has awareness of the external world (e.g. outputs such as computer monitor)

  2. that it has some idea of what it wants to do, otherwise known as a goal, which is just a description of the state of the external world it wants to bring about

  3. that it can affect the external world in some way, say by sending “signals” to it, which in programming terms would be commands that are issued in order to change the state of the outputs

  4. that it has a memory of every combination of posited goal, signal sent in order to achieve that goal and subsequent output state

The computer program would work in the following manner:

  1. posit some goal
  2. go through the memory in order to assign the probability of success in relation to the posited goal to every possible signal that can be sent
  3. choose the signal with the highest probability of success
  4. if the highest probability is shared among several signals, randomly pick one
  5. send the chosen signal
  6. declare “good” if output equals goal otherwise declare “bad”
  7. store the tuple (goal posited, signal sent, output state) in the memory
  8. return to step 1

This is incredibly simple stuff. It’s strange when people fail to understand it.

Let’s put forth some definitions then.

the act of using some kind of logic to rank a finite set of options in an effort to determine the highest ranked option so that we can act upon it

the ability to choose on our own, using whatever logic we want, instead of choosing in a way that is not our own

words describing the quality of correspondence between what was expected and what was realized

memorizing every expected-realized pair in order to be better informed when making decisions in the future

The above computer program is clearly performing actions of choosing and learning. It also has a sense of good/bad (learning cannot function without it anyways.) And finally, it has free-will but only because it cannot violate it. The computer program can be destroyed and in this way stopped from exercising its free-will. It can also be reprogrammed but this would only change what it wants to do – it wouldn’t go against its free-will. What the computer program cannot be made to do is to do something it does not want to do. It simply does not have the ability that is necessary to expose it to the risk of acting against its will.

That would be all.

So again, I have to ask, what is Biggy’s problem?

I would like to ask you to help me understand the exact steps necessary to take in order to “demonstrate a truly objective morality”. What has to be done? If by any chance you happen not to know what has to be done, would you agree it is meaningless to speak of such a process then?

I would also ask you to provide me with an example of morality – I suppose a simple moral statement would suffice – but most importantly, I would like to understand what it means for morality to be “truly objective”.

Truth value can only be assigned to factual statements. What Biguous calls a matter of is. Basically, truth value describes whether an imagined event to which it is assigned has been observed in the past (true) or not (false.)

Suppose we have a moral statement such as “abortion is wrong”. What does it mean to speak of it as being either true or false? Nothing. Because it refers to no specific event. On the other hand, if someone said “mothers who abort their unwanted babies are happier than those who do not” that would be a factual statement that can be verified through observation.

When someone says “abortion is wrong” that is an imperative, not a declarative, sentence. It is meant to force you to abandon the use of abortion. To ascribe truth value to imperative sentences is insanity . . .

So what does “objective morality” mean in the face of the fact that moral sentences tend to be imperative rather than declarative?

I fear you are using words you do not understand the meaning of.

The other question I want to ask – both you and Biguous but also everyone else on this topic or otherwise familiar with Biguous – is what does he really want to achieve?

Apparently, finding a demonstration of a truly objective reality is out of the way considering the fact that moral sentences tend to be imperative. You can’t find something if that something is non-sensical. Imperative sentences cannot have a truth value.

The only thing left is . . . conflict resolution. He’s basically looking for a way to resolve moral disagreements and make everyone agree. This is why he’s constantly forcing us to demonstrate the practical application of our observations in resolving moral disagreements . . . though they were never meant to have such a use. Otherwise, he judges them as being unworthy, merely mental fabrications having nothing to do with reality, simply because they are useless in resolving moral disagreements.

Yes, I’d say it’s meaningless. Remember, this is what Biggy requires to resolve his dilemma, not what I require or believe in. I was responding to this:

So if Biggy requires finding a demonstration of a truly objective morality in order to resolve his dilemma, then he’s right that being a subjectivist or persuading a person over to one’s own point of view won’t help.

Well, since I’m not an objectivist, this might be rather difficult to do. But morality to me is whatever my conscience tells me. For example, if I see a child wounded in the ditch, I would feel obligated to do something. ← But I recognize that is a personal feeling, not an objective mandate. As a subjectivist, I’m content to regard it as morality for me, but not morality independently of me.

I’m more or less in agreement with this, only instead of saying that assigning truth value to moral or subjective statements is meaningless, I’d say it is relative. Something is only right or wrong relative to a person and their conscience.

dunno. :confusion-shrug:

Remember, these are Biggy’s terms, not mine.

I have my opinions, but I’ll leave that one to Biggy.

From what I’ve gathered so far, Biggy wants a way of knowing that when he picks one side of a moral conflict over another–say pro-life over pro-choice–he’s made the right decision. ← I think it goes deeper than this, but that seems to be what he’s willing to discuss on the surface.

Are you referring to the fact that if we are just mindful matter, then we can’t be responsible for any of our actions? Or be obligated to act in any particular way?

There are other ways of defining “choice” than “violating the laws of nature”.

There doesn’t have to be. Intelligent men and women all around the world subject themselves to being persuaded by one or another objective-sounding arguments for this or that morality all the time. Unless your brain suffers some kind of critical defect, so can you.

Yes, I see your point that a line is drawn between “is” and “ought”–but when you bring in the argument that we cannot do anything, feeling anything, be convinced of anything, given that it could not have been any other way, I don’t see how the is/ought line is relevant. The only difference I see is that when it comes to “ought” questions, the determining laws of nature that operate on our brains seem to force us to arrive at radically different conclusion–we ought to eat chickens vs. we ought to be vegetarians, we ought to allow a woman her free choice to abort her unborn baby vs. we ought to defend the life of that unborn baby–whereas when it comes to “is” questions, the determining laws of nature that operate on our brains seem to force us (with the exception of a few abberations and occasional brain farts) to arrive at the same conclusion. But as I see it, they are still laws of nature that could just as well force us to to arrive at fallacious and delusional conclusions, shared among us all as they may be. This is why I say that the argument about being stuck in a deterministic universe applies even to mathematical logic and concrete sensory experience.

My point is that insofar as you are able to do this too (and you are), you are not “stuck” in your dilemma.

I would simply say that there is a wide diversity of different configurations according to which our brains are wired, configurations that determine how we react to such value judgements. Comparing this to how our brains are configured to process visual information such as the pattern of dominoes depicting Jong-un, there seems to be very little diversity.

What you are doing here is, at one moment, allowing yourself to see the reasoning of your own views (your nihilism, your arguments about dasein, the reality of your dilemma), and then in the next moment, withdrawing from those views and looking at them as existential contraptions of a brain that could never have not had those views. My point is that you can withdraw yourself into this skeptical frame of mind with anything, and that if you ever want to be convinced of something, stop this habit of withdrawing. You know I’m right because, with the exception of these moments when you withdraw, you are convinced of the reasoning of your own views. ← And further, I’m saying that it’s no different with anyone else and their views.

A moral statement such as “X is wrong” is neither factual, because it does not say that some event occurred in the past, nor predictive, because it does not say that some event will occur in the future. Instead, it is an imperative. It says “do X instead of Y or Z”. Thus, neither factual truth value (true/false) nor predictive truth value (probability) can be assigned to it.

A factual statement would be something like “I did X then Y happened”. This is either true or false. Either you have memory of these events, in which case you say they are true, or you don’t, in which case you say they are false. (There are, of course, indirect methods of assigning truth value, such as reasoning, that can override negative judgments, but that’s irrelevant here.)

When someone says that “X is right” they are in most instances saying that they will do X instead of Y or Z. That does not mean they did any kind of thinking beforehand. It simply means they are going to do X.

And what does “the right decision” mean?

What exactly does he want? Does he even know what he wants?

There is a difference between imperative, factual and predictive right.

When I say “X is right” that is an imperative right.

When I say “I did X and then Y, which I wanted to happen, happened” that is a factual right.

When I say “if I do X then I predict that Y, which I want to happen, will happen” that is a predictive right.

Predictive right can produce a factual wrong and predictive wrong can produce a factual right.

Once again: what does Biguous really want?