Paradox of vu

I turn 42 today - I have to go and help a friend dig a trench to run data and power - so I am going to be absent for around 6 - 12 hours. I have read all the posts and will be back to respond. I hope you all have the type of day that you enjoy.

See you all soon.


@ Arcturus Descending - thanks for sharing your experience - I found it most interesting.

This sounds like a real “WOW” moment but an internal “wow” if that makes sense. I enjoy these types of sensations - I have some of the beauty ones that are not associated with vu but instead my other senses including higher ones. It is really difficult to explain. Your experience transported me to a different time and place.

I have had this before - a very strong feeling of it.

Another wow moment - I have these memories from my childhood that are so much brighter than that of other memories - vivid. What you explain is certainly a paradox of some sort. I like the way you wrote that. Disturbed by beauty - not negative - rather an emotional upheaval.

Very deep.

Thanks again.


Even after something dies it has left its impact on the fabric of reality. Like a footprint in the sand. Maybe “its” imprint gets washed away over time but its impact would still remain diluted among the remaining fabric - maybe I am crazy but it makes sense to me.

I have wondered whether people leave an imprint upon the fabric of reality - in fact I have a theory about that - in my giant theory basket. I am sure physics would disagree on a lot of stuff. Philosophers Stone - if my memory serves me - as is above so it is below - or something along those lines - I know there is more to it than that. You seem to have covered a lot of ground Amorphos. I must admit it tempts my brain to start thinking about past lives and all that.




The following words were written mid 19th century by George Sand (pen name)

see any “imprints” ???

The unsensed versus the sensed. When the two come together as a collision of the “chaotic infinity” versus the internal conscious space. The “chaotic infinity” being the unsensed - an infinity of potentially “sensible” and “not sensible” impressions from the ultimate reality. When something “sensible” already exists as a part of our conscious space and some new sensible impression is plucked from the “chaotic infinity” a collision happens. Something magnetic; something resonating and when these two impressions overlap a “sense paradox” happens. This “sense paradox” presents itself in the form of a strong feeling.

That feeling people describe when they find their soulmate. That feeling of Déjà vu. Experiences of feelings discussed in this thread . . . I am not sure how far this can be extended but I imagine quite a way.

encode_decode … seems the scope of your OP is sprouting like mushrooms … today your choice of “vu” rather than “déjà vu” in the title seems prescient. Déjà vu is a tiny piece of the puzzle.

Amorphos … with the introduction of the word “imprint” has created a certain resonance with the French word “vu” … exploding the scope of your OP … for me … in a positive direction.

You wrote:

… maybe “its” imprint gets washed away over time struck a chord with me … for me though … I think the opposite is sometimes true. Seems to me any repetition of a specific “imprint” increases the longevity of the “imprint”.

The above thought prompted me to post George Sand’s comments … I’ll repeat them here for ease of reference:



The “imprint” George Sand describes … mid 19th century France … seems not only to have survived the past 175 years or so as a “vu” (imprint) … it seems to have hardened … as in become permanent … in human consciousness.

Any thoughts?

Maybe we have a “paradox of the social sensed” or “social vu”.

I really like it - I hope you don’t mind I will work it into an example as follows - just for the visual impact:

Even after something dies it has left its impact on the fabric of reality. Like a footprint in the sand. Maybe “its” imprint gets washed away over time but its impact would still remain diluted among the fabric of reality.

Conversely it > Seems to me any repetition of a specific “imprint” increases the longevity of the “imprint” < upon the fabric of reality.

Anything or everything that is alive is constantly modifying and reinforcing “imprints” among the fabric of reality. Like a tree that branches but it’s general leafness stays the same.

I do have some thoughts on this for example, some things would have changed but most would have stayed the same. As per the quote of George Sand’s it seems that it does resemble the modern day in a few ways; where the palaces are even more numerous as well as more diverse*; the people still envy the rich**; the wealth is still in a few men’s hands; avarice, immorality, and ineptness remains***;

  • by this I mean the old palaces are still there but new palaces have arisen like palaces of corporation.
    ** Even at the expense of there own happiness.
    *** People want everything the easy way these days. Sometimes they will break the law to achieve it.

In some ways it seems we have reached a cultural and spiritual entropy by keeping specific “imprints” strong. Hence a paradox.


Enter the new banana republics - makes you wonder that is for sure.


I also think emotions warrant some thought given that mental processes are essential to forming any given emotion in the first place.

We have been talking about strong feelings - these feelings could lead to emotions that are in themselves strange.


I guess you could say anything is up for analyses. Anyway I am just spraying my thoughts around here as someone else I know puts it.


encode_decode … spraying thoughts … like scattering seeds … has merit.

Yet … the ‘spraying’ is a two edged sword.

How so?

In spraying additional thoughts you distract readers from the ‘beauty’ of your previous post … and that wasn’t your intent … was it?

Oh I don’t know . . . I think it has merit . . .

I guess I am used to going through the posts that I haven’t read but I see what you mean in that a lot of people just read the first and last post in a thread.

I like the duality you present with the double edge sword. But then again it is all one in the same when considering totality.

Take emotions alongside “social vu” - “social e vu” or “social emotional vu” or “social e sense” or “social emotional sense” . . . it could be a part of conscious . . .

When one person is down they tend to bring another person down and when one person is up they tend to bring another person up. You can see this on the mass scale too with the sophism politicians bring to the equation when they speak - thereby making the people feel the upwardness of happiness(albeit temporary) when in fact they have brought the fabric down(not all the way); bringing the fabric down with just enough force to leave a negative impact that they were unaware might happen. Leaving an awkward situation in the wake of nontruths.

If people want honest governments then people have to be honest themselves. The way things are now is just that people do not know what to do so they internalize their actions to become self centered instead of selfless.

So as you say:

Indeed it has merit - as do you - thank you for the compliment on the other post - most of all thank you for making me think - I think you may have brought my ego down a couple of notches which I am most happy about.

PS: Just in case I give you the wrong impression; I will say this now; I am not offended. I can not imagine being offended by you pilgrim-seeker_tom.




Perhaps progress … progress as in higher consciousness … progress as in deeper wisdom … is conditional on putting one’s ego in one’s pocket … if only temporarily.

Reminds me of some thoughts we exchanged recently … discrete frames of consciousness … the birth/death dance … the constipation in the absence of the dance.

I’'ll get back to you on your Lao Tzu quote later … I’m washing the dishes at the moment. :laughing:

The philosophers stone is that ‘which can become anything’ ~ like the empty oneness at the beginnings of all things. as above so below is a contemplation upon its mirror-like aspectation [reflection is akin to duality].

That I would say is what happens to the present, where each moment is washed away. I don’t suppose there would be a beach they all end up at, like a place of all moments. Some eastern scholars suggest each and every moment is an eternity. On the other hand, I also like the notion that everything changes and nothing is permanent [also a kind of eternal, like it just keeps rolling along or something] ~ as you suggest.

yes, then perhaps it is so that we become more real the greater the duration of said repetition which elapses. Like how infant to child to adult is that happening. Especially noticeable is the lack of memory we have respective to that duration, like when we are babies.

Awesome pilgrim-seeker_tom. I think we have the metaphorical cogs ticking over in the mind.

I believe so.

Now that you mention it - it seems to fit in well. It made me smile when I read this.

I was adding this quote for intensity - I find connections between it and what we are talking about - in oneness and twoness. But much more - I think we have known the truth for many thousands of years but most of us have chosen to ignore it and make up fantasies to justify actions.

So when dissecting the duality to make it one again - or more wholesome - we have so much rubbish to sift through - even tricks of our own mind. But I like to think we are on the right track.


Enjoy the dishes.


I can totally appreciate that. Thank you.

This makes me scratch the thinking chin. Again thanks. I wonder if each moment is indeed permanent but because moments flow into the past they become watered down for us and thus their impact is less felt over time except for the moments that keep getting brought forward - here you are inspiring thought for me to fix a conjecture that I have.

Awesome. Makes me think - expect I will be getting back to you on this one after much thought.


I like to describe the future as a blank page full of potential.

Though, with today’s technology, a serious thinker must include extinction as part of such potential … for the first time in human history … excluding of course extinction as a result of cosmic activity. The extinction I refer to is man invoked.

Prophetic words Amorphos?

Isn’t the “Global Village” … in a non literal sense … a beach of sorts where all of humanity is headed.

Again … for the first time in human history … mankind is nearing this reality … excluding of course the story of Noah’s Ark. :slight_smile:

Perhaps lack of memory recall … does memory ever really disappear … the Deja Vu thang :slight_smile:


:-k Yes, I would certainly agree that emotions warrant some thought ~ I’d say a lot of thought. Observing them and reflecting on them in the moment is important.
As for the latter part of that, I may be wrong but it seems to me that our mental processes do not form any given emotion in the first place. Well, perhaps I am partly incorrect about that. Our negative thought processes can lead us to have negative emotions.
But also and at other times, first come the emotions, which we sometimes think come out of nowhere but definitely do not.
I think the two are interchangeable.

Do you see a distinction between “strong feelings” and emotions? What is the distinction to you? Is there a difference?

Probably and isn’t that so cool:

Hopefully they won’t have to be neutralized like the skunk’s. :evilfun:


Indeed I do see a distinction - when one feels one is correct and indeed they are correct and they can feel it but there is no emotion attached - feelings are like senses but are synthesized internally of the mind. The extra feeling that comes with Déjà vu is not familiarity alone but a composite feeling and can have no emotion attached. I think the last two questions are like the first except to say of the last one; yes there is a difference.

From google search[define feeling]:

noun: feeling; plural noun: feelings

1. an emotional state or reaction.
"a feeling of joy"
synonyms:	love, care, affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, warmness, emotion, sentiment; 

passion, ardour, desire, lust, infatuation; adulation, adoration, reverence, devotion
“he was amazed at the strength of her feeling”

compassion, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, understanding, care, concern, solicitude, solicitousness, tender-heartedness, tenderness, love, brotherly love; pity, sorrow, commiseration, condolences
"Emma felt a rush of feeling for the poor child"

    the emotional side of someone's character; emotional responses or tendencies to respond.
    "I don't want to hurt her feelings"
    synonyms:	sensibilities, sensitivities, self-esteem, ego, pride; 


    emotions, passions, sentiments
    "he hadn't meant to hurt her feelings"

    strong emotion.
    "‘God bless you!’ she said with feeling"

2. an idea or belief, especially a vague or irrational one.
"he had the feeling that he was being watched"
synonyms: suspicion, sneaking suspicion, notion, inkling, hunch, fancy, apprehension, presentiment, premonition, foreboding; idea, vague idea, impression; informal gut feeling, feeling in one's bones, funny feeling, sixth sense
"I had a feeling that I would win"


  1. showing emotion or sensitivity.
    “she was a feeling child”
    synonyms: sensitive, warm, warm-hearted, tender, tender-hearted, caring, soft-hearted, sympathetic, compassionate, understanding, empathetic, responsive, receptive, intuitive, thoughtful; emotional, demonstrative, passionate, fiery; archaic sensible
    “he considers himself to be a feeling man”

The second definition in particular is of interest here.

What about when you are feeling the cool temperature of the water?

When we no longer use the conjugation we end up with the word feel. google search[define feel]: for an interesting result.


I think that is very cool.

I imagine the Paradox of the sensed(vu) to be like an analogy of stepping out of a shadow - normally our mind and memory flow with the shadow that is the brain substrate but occasionally we seem to step out of the shadow and see our own shadow. This disparate effect that seems to temporarily throw us out of alignment with perceived reality could be an effect of some deeper process at hand. Paradoxes must exist as some means to reinforce our own concept of reality/time/memory.




One of my favorite smilies> Can you sense why?

Actually, I may just have been wrong in the way in which I worded that. “Strong feelings” are a part of “emotions” ~~ emotions are just categorized differently. For instance, love, hate, rage, joy, fear, relief, sorrow, et cetera.

Feeling are not necessarily based in truth or evidence. I suppose what you are saying though is that when one discovers that he/she was right, there can be detachment.

I do not know what “extra” feeling you’re speaking about here but wouldn’t you say that there has to be, by necessity, some kind of emotion or feelings attached ~~ to something which is usually rare and of a different kind?

I love words too. My “almost” favorite subject in school was English. :mrgreen:

The second definition being the below:

  1. an idea or belief, especially a vague or irrational one.

I may not be understanding what you’re saying here but a “feeling” itself is not an idea or a belief but may rise up because of an idea or belief.

But that’s a physical feeling as opposed to an emotional one although they rise up from the same place…the brain.
As far as your example goes, at least for me, the answer to that one would depend on how hot or cold it is.

I don’t understand this. Will you please decode it for me. What does conjugating “to feel” have to do with it?
It’s probably just my brain at the moment.

This is also one of those times when a strength can be a weakness and visa versa. I sometimes try to analyse things too much. I can be like a dog with a bone. lol
One needs to know when to let go of that bone. :laughing:

Arcturus Descending


I will answer you properly later but I just want to say how cheery your last message made me feel. Not that I was feeling down just that you provided me with a giggle or two.

Thank you so much.
