philosophy with children

Today, I showed my children a mobius strip.

I told them I could make a piece of paper with only one side. They doubted me. So I showed them. I cut out of strip of paper, colored one side purple, the other side green, and then made a mobius strip out of it. I showed them that if you keep following the strip on the purple side, you eventually get to the green side, and then back to the purple side.

I think it flew over their heads.

You should ask them in the universe has an end. If they say no, then ask them how we could ever know if its just over the horizon from our point of view. If they say yes, then ask them whats on the other side of the border of the universe.

One thing that a lot of people fail at is realizing which questions can only be answered with a guess.

It’s too late. My kids are onto me. Anytime I bring up a philosophical-sounding question, my daughter covers her ears.

Are they American? If so, this is normal.

Um… I hope not.



One could accurately stretch the geography referenced in the above statement to include (insert here)

I guess that settles it. My children are Scandinavian. :laughing:

I successfully taught my daughter the synthetic/analytic distinction. I said to her:

“You know, Cassidy, there are some thing that people will tell you that you have to go out and check to see if it’s true, then there are things people will tell you that you can figure out if it’s true or not in your head. So for example, if I told you that I had eggs for breakfast this morning, can you figure out if that’s true in your head or do you have to go out and check?”

“Go out and check.”

“And if I told you that 6 times 4 is 24, could you figure out if that’s true in your head or do you have to go out and check?”

“In my head.”

“That’s right!”

The girl’s got it!

Have you ever hugged a tree, gib?
Teach by example.

Yes, but you could have also told her that it’s okay to go out and check thereby teaching her the scientific method. Some things which we think are true in our heads are not necessarily so.

Sometimes we are right and sometimes we are wrong. :auto-swerve:

Now that’s teaching her philosophy. :mrgreen:

Ah, only you can teach the wisdom of hugging trees, Arc.

Why don’t you film yourself hugging a tree and post it. I’ll show my kids. :smiley:

I’m pretty sure 6 x 4 is 24. And besides, the point was to teach her the synthetic/analytic distinction. I think I did quite well. :wink:


I certainly hope that this would not be true. What a pity that would be.

Okay. Can I recite Joyce Kilmer’s Trees…

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

Beautiful, isn’t it and profound in its simplicity :sad-teareye:

Do you home school her? :-"

Philosophy can be childlike, in that it asks a lot of inane, nonsensical questions that can’t be answered: why, why, why…?

As much fun as it is to abstract and speculate, perhaps philosophy needs to grow up a little.

It’s brilliant. I certainly couldn’t write like that.

I think every parent ought to home school their children a little bit, don’t you?

When philosophy grows up, it becomes a new discipline. Math began as philosophy, science began as philosophy, religion (AFAIC) began as philosophy. But the spout keeps dripping more.

I’m really looking forward to annoying my kids with philosophy. My daughter is 11 months old, so synthetic/analytic is a little advanced yet, but I still think of a lot of our interactions as philosophical conversations. Many of the classic children’s games are philosophical, e.g. peekaboo explores object permanence, which is an important foundation for ontology and epistemology.

One thing I do often is combine and take apart things she’s familiar with: putting one toy inside another, taking a toy apart, letting her try foods individually and mixed together. Much of philosophy is exploring the edges of the familiar, and she’s already got enough preconceived notions that they can be challenged.

But I also find that she provides me with more philosophical insights than I provider her. The most prominent and recurring is the number of things that I assumed were innate but are actually learned. She had to learn that she has feet, she didn’t know that at birth and she was visibly excited when she discovered them. Even now it’s apparent that she in a sense ‘forgets’ that her feet are hers and not someone else’s or some inanimate object. It reminds me of Dan Dennett’s ideas about consciousness, of there being multiple process competing for prominence, because her mind is seemingly so fragmented and slowly coming together to operate as a single consciousness.

She also doesn’t understand liquids, when I sit her on the edge of the sink with the water running, she tries to grab the stream like it’s something she could just pick up. And her perception of two-dimensional images is confused, so for a while she didn’t find pictures that interesting, and now when she sees them she’ll often try to pick up parts of them as though they were real objects. I have to keep reminding myself that her thoughts and even her perceptions are likely radically different from an adult’s thoughts and perceptions.

I learned this lesson with both my kids with something that seems should be so innate if anything is: gravity. Infants are born with no fear of gravity, no concept that falling can be hazardous. Both my kids, when they wanted to be let down to play, would try to squirm out of my arms, as though they could just float down to the ground and be ok. They had no sense that what they were doing, if successful, could seriously injure them.

Nice. :smiley:

Gib, this thread is…inspiring…rather than depressing and ILP needs more threads like this one.

Arc can hug not only a tree, but us with her grasp of poetry. Thanks Arc. :smiley:

You’re more than welcome to add your two cents anytime. I’ll bet you know a few kids. Ever try taxing their brains at philosophy? You should try and report the results.

Don’t I already hang out with enough kids? :wink: Their brains are taxed to the max, can I get a witness?