What's for dinner?

Do you even care about the animals who were slaughtered for you?
That’s actually a serious question, not meant to insult you. Has the thought actually crossed your mine ever, or do you just see the dead carcass and not make the connection that it is a dead-carcass that an animal actually died, and was also locked in a cage for years of misery and sensory deprivation.

Yes, I do care about the animals who gave their life to nourish my own, but I don’t think about all the plants who gave theirs as much.

Do you eat murdered plants? How many ancient cultures were vegan?

I will never be vegan for vegans are weaker both mentally and physically, yet possibly stronger spiritually.

Fried hamburger, potatoes, broccoli, and onions.

Cheese and beer.

No dinner. On fast for at least a week or maybe two. Except some juice. My daughter has oranges in her yard, she will let me pick some. I am doing it to punish myself for loosing, I feel super bad about it.
I have done it before, thirty years ago I can do it again.

With the extreme lack of protein, won’t some of your brain cells shrink if not die? #-o Drink an egg or two every few days.

His name is jerkey. He’s made entirely of jerkey. Its got plenty of protein.

Drinking some shop-bought Organic vegan red wine whilst waiting for my sushi dinner to arrive.

I bought some (very pricey) Tyrell’s natural sea salt crisps earlier, and the cat and I ate them all up… no additives, colourings, flavourings, or preservatives… courtesy of Brexit, and so I thank you Brexit :obscene-birdiered:

We get our pre-EU UK food standards and non-allergic UK produce back, and my cat is an indicator of that, and I am an indicator of that.

I wonder if I will also be able to consume tinned and frozen produce again (as well as all fresh produce) as quickly as I couldn’t… i.e. within weeks of Brexit? :-k

Fresh as… sushi:

My perfect setup:

Smoked sausage over dirty rice and a spinach salad.


Chicken gizzards (All for Joker) and my 1st attempt at New England clam chowder. I intend to use the gizzard water as my chicken stock for the soup, hmmm, guess we’ll see. Maybe a spinach side salad.

I made a clam chowder once… it was delicious.

Today’s dinner was a lamb bolognese, atop 3 small baked potatoes, with a blended avocado/lime juice/fresh basil/sparkling mineral water mousse.

Might go seafood shopping tomorrow…

I’ve taken to drinking Waitrose sparkling mineral water… can’t seem to drink anything else… I must be needing the minerals it contains, and I find it more refreshing than still or (filtered) tap water.

Smart move at the strip club…order pizza, and get enough for the strippers. They’re working hard, and burning a lot of calories. Probably the cheapest way to get a pile of stippers to surround you in the club, and a much better way to stand out and be remembered than just throwing them cash. Everyone is throwing cash. Be the guy who orders a bunch of pizza.

Broiled salmon, baked potatoes, and green beans. Kind of in the mood to bake something sweet…walnut covered brownies it is!

Meatloaf, broccoli, and a spinach side salad.

A tuna tartare and gf triangle toast starter, and an onglet steak fries and leafy salad main, in a Highgate eating establishment… we walked in on a quiz night and went along with that ride.

A beef bolognese, with soybean flour spaghetti… the spaghetti was surprisingly good/tasteful.

Yesterday’s beef bolognese, in baked potatoes… all organic, as per usual.

The last of the Organic beef & tomato bolognese… with Organic spaghettied-courgette.