Is Donald Trump Dangerous?

I dont believe in the all seeing eye.
Trump is just some guy. All these guys know a lot of shit and seen a lot of shit.
Now they pull each others a finger and they say: blame me not or I blame you.
Kind of christian if you think about it.

Mostly I feel the war in the Arabic nations cant be fared without a loyal intelligence community. Maybe they bomb deliberately civilians to hang it on Trump who they hate for some reasons that media and democrats share but I dont because I think Trump has reliable pedigree from New York business which is tough to get on top of.

CCTV is only the very tip of an intelligence behemoth, consisting all of what the latest tech can offer. If not here, not now, certainly it is within reach in the immediate future. By the time very serious commensurate doubt has a chance to surface, the control mechanisms will tighten the noose against any retro-conspiracy that may evolve out of the chaos.

Has this no precedent? Remember the various theories into the Kennedy assasination? Even to this day reality can not be separated from fiction, in spite of millions spent on the publication of the voluminous findings of the Warren commission.

And that was how many years ago-50. 50 years in tech development, translates into 500 + years of pre 1960’s research and adaptation. Don’t sell those whose living is invested in at least the parts which have always been classified as secret.

We are living in the break away time, when almost all becomes a possibility.

So far, the conclusion can be encapsulated as: yes, Trump is dangerous, because of the difference in a fit between the man, and the role he has been assigned as contrasted to the degree that that assignment was a personal choice of his. It’s quite possible that the c
hoice was not totally his, or even that it was more of a forced role he had to adopt, due to the squeeze by his creditors, who few years ago made it clear that
they could have substantially destroyed him by
leaning on his Bankruptsy trustees.

The other more probable presence of danger is either
he would not have been elected, by the success of
the more probable Clinton victory.

Both, the Russia connection and his presidency may
be the outcome of simulations of best and worst case

It’s been long heldknowledge that future most
probable scenarios have been simulated by the most sophisticated supercomputers in both the Rusdian and US arsenals. We are, as the saying goes in chess circles, in the end game.


Magsj, are you sure? You know he lost some housing discrimination cases back in the day because he wouldn’t rent to black people?

Black people bring down real estate value. He was a business man then not prez. He had to take care his childs had to eat.

Well the report just came out on the matter of cost management, that the Largo trips cost more than meals on wheels. I wonder what portion of that program goes to African Americans?

Meals on wheels reminds me of Harold Smith.
I dont like Meals on Wheels.

They don’t remind me of anything, only that food is good to come by when your alone, bed bound and starving. I even heard of desperados eating leftover dog food.

But in all seriousness, Barbarian, I get your comment, as a sceptical hyperbolae, and the fit is perfect. However, like they say, it is the way you were brought up. Trump can’t help it for the silver spooned myopia, in that sense one tends to shift emotional contexts, relatively speaking toward such similar scenarios as was remembered of a certain queen when told her subjects did not have food-to which she so callously replied. That brings to mind the relative juxtapositioning of taste as a formal appraisal, toward one where only the palate is involved. The political victims of such illogic, tend to victimize the self. And irony of ironies, it all does make perfect sense.

It’s imperative he passes the tax overhaul, because if he doesent, his presidency is doomed. Then, with his back to the wall, he may become dangerous. This is his well established pattern, from which he will not sway.

Best he can do is chill. Bommocare was really a big obstacle and Paul Ryand tried as if was a sprint. Hey lets repeal, oh I have something in my pocked, why not!

Now, there is a great repeal bill.

Breit Bart said:

"On the same day that the House of Representatives canceled its vote on Ryancare, Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks filed a simple one-line bill to repeal Obama’s signature health care law.

The Huntsville Republican titled the bill ‘Obamacare Repeal Act.” It is short and to the point, reported.

“Effective as of Dec. 31, 2017, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is repealed, and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if such Act had not been enacted,” the bill reads."

That information is useful only for lawyers who cede the neede to look beneath the patent language, and don’t concern themselves with those who it may effect.

It reflects the swampish , politically diminutive reasoning of those who see little merit to tend to those whom they think are not of capacity to
understand what’s good for them.

Of course, when they near the congressional elections, their veracity to doubt increases in direct
proportion, and they start to make allowances, rather
quickly if some unsettling numbers start coming in.

No it is actually very simple, it just says go back to the situation before Obomcart. So people I think have not to pay premiums the cost of the Taj Mahal to be allowed to pay for a doctor because their Taj Mahal coverage doesnt cover a regular visit to the doctor.

Obompie and Paul Ryant are the same guy really. Just some insurance clerks.

Donald is only as dangerous as the sheeple are stupid.

The function is: danger level=stupid of the sheeple.

And conversely, the masses are dangerous in direct proportion to their leader’s stupidity

A higher formula: Stupidity is evil.

Trump is a liar, like any other politician. The newest example of the same old examples is the fact that the United States of America have attacked Syria again. Trump once said that, if he became the president of the USA, he didn’t want the USA to attack foreign countries again. Now, Trump is the president of the USA and a foreign country is attacked again by the USA.

A foreign country can do whatever it wants and nobody should interfere?

What kind of ethics is that? It wouldn’t pass the smell test if individuals were involved. Why should is be okay for ‘countries’?

I was talking about a lie.

What’s worse, lying or letting people get gassed?