I'm back on youtube!

Magnus, you are steve

I’m adding one more observation about Steve.

Steve does his cocky laugh or sometimes raises his voice when saying it, but he says, “You’re never wrong, are you? You’re just always right and everyone in the world is always wrong.”

Actually, I’m right about a lot of things, and I’d easily win a court case with the general population if we had it out…

but that’s not the point I want to make…

Steve cannot see that he’s talking about himself when engaging me this way…

He literally does not have the capacity to hold up the mirror before or when he speaks…

something lots of people, myself included, are quite brilliant at.

I think Steve is primarily autistic, with elements of psychopathy and narcissism

My observations of Steve.

My issue is that most people are mentally sick on this world.

I was saying to Steve that everyone who doesn’t want suicide clinics are evil.

The point I make is that you can keep people alive against their will by making suicide more difficult, Steve without any sensitivity whatsoever to the idea of humane suicide and the mountains of evidence that suicidal tension exists which demonstrably keeps people alive (suffering) against their will (that’s why psych wards don’t have shotguns mounted to the walls of people checked in against their for expressing suicidal ideation and feelings)…

I made the extremely articulated point that if you have suicide as easy, cheap, painless, messless and humane as possible and nobody committed suicide that this would represent more purpose for the desire to live than if the same society has mass suicide. The idea being of course that people commit suicide when they think their experience is too abusive to represent purpose to live.

He replied that people commit suicide for different reasons, all he stated was some do it for attention (a logical fallacy - if you commit it, you are dead)

Suicide attempts for attention would never use methods that achieve certain death, so his argument fails here.

He also replied that my premises are flawed, so my conclusion is necessarily incorrect. He also said the dictionary doesn’t agree that suicide is the taking of ones own life because of lack of foreseeable purpose in the future in context. And because the dictionary doesn’t say that, I am wrong.

My argument for defining people who don’t want the aforementioned suicide clinics as evil, is that transparency for what systems work better or worse for representing meaning and purpose for living intersubjectively has no transparency or accountability to measure one system against the next and select the ones that work best, so that we can use this knowledge to make society objectively more purposeful, and compassionate along the way. I explained that people don’t want this transparency because they use other people as trinkets for self esteem, and for financial gain (they are slaves to systemic corruption - the elite cattle mentality - ranging from parents all the way to the state) You can prove they are slaves because they ask for more humane methods and don’t get them.

Steve additionally stated there is no “love” in my system - not keeping people alive against their will and working transparently for better systems to keep them here of their will is the definition of love of life itself, love of the subject choosing to die, and love of figuring out subsequently how to keep them here in the future. Not everyone wants to be a lab rat, some people don’t care, others love being lab rats.

Ethics is the science of what is right or wrong, what path to take for desired outcome, good and bad. It is demonstrable that if suicide is as easy for everyone as possible, and nobody commits it ever again, then it is inter subjectively more correct by every beings own self reporting, ethics is a subset of life in general, so whatever reenforces life, entails, by necessity the answers to ethics (correct vs. incorrect). The lack of suicide clinics can thus be proven as incorrect because it contradicts compassion and completely removes transparency and accountability to represent purpose and meaning in the only valid scientific way.

Steve, starting to get defensive, began to say things like…

“Ethics doesn’t have a solution, it’s all subjective and always evolving”

I just gave a proof for it, of course it does!!

Then he stated, "You’re the only person who thinks this way, and even if you want it, there’s no money in it. I’m a realist and you’re escaping into a fantasy world, and you’re fantasy world isn’t going to help you recover, it shows me that you don’t want treatment

Then he started doing his condescending, dismissive laugh, "I don’t care about your theories, which are wrong, all I see in you is that you are kind to people, intelligent and you’ve had a lot of suffering and PTSD, and I think you have increased capacity which needs to find an outlet. (in a much less kind way than I just put it).

When I explained that no matter what you do in this world, you’re going to hurt people, which is also easy to demonstrate: youtube.com/watch?v=bzNQntQ1QHM

Steve starts to raise his voice, and says:

"Everyone chooses how they respond to situations " He actually talks to me like Ben did at

(Translate by me “so it’s their problem if they respond negatively for anything I do” (autism/psychopathy) - autonomic nervous system reactions for crushes and hurt feelings, but Steve thinks everything emotional is by choice to this regard.

So Steve retorts with a very cocky laugh, it’s not my fault if I murder someone? Maybe not Steve, but you should be locked up for it!!

Then he says, “well you think we should all just kill ourselves” That’s not what I’m saying, I’m saying in the absence of suicide clinics, we are not only being inhumane, for ourself esteem, we are destroying the species by having no accountability to life systems, the rot of life, Steve is the evil he thinks is wrong, and he can’t even see it.

My observation of Steve is that he’s clearly autistic, me just expressing myself makes him extremely defensive, he raises his voice when this implication is that all of his life was ill gotten gains (which he likes to brag about).

There are two pieces of work I’ve done that Steve hasn’t, VERY deep psychological work!

I had to come to terms, that I was evil for most my life to get happiness, and then I did the even deeper work of realizing that I’m going to hurt people here (in this world system) against my will, no matter what I do.

Steves view of life is simple, everything is about what reproduces offspring. I can prove that Steves way of reproducing is a contradiction to his stated goal. That he’s been a hypocrite his whole life.

So Steve just waves his hands and calls it all my opinions, and incorrect theories.

Ask any questions about my proof if there is a lack of understanding.

It’s not my job to fix steve, he’s basically an asshole, he’s defensive and he gets passive aggressive and actually aggressive when holding time with me, and he has autism. I don’t think he’s qualified to psychoanalyze an empath. I typed this whole letter in a nicer way than Steve actually speaks to me and behaves around me.

Basically, to reiterate, Ecmandu’s plan to save society is the Purge movie. A year of no laws and then after that, free suicide clinics.

Did I make my Violence thread yet, because it explains that Violence is a function of trauma. Violent people always have some kind of internal trauma. There, I just saved you having to read 10 paragraphs explaining why.

Males tend to be more violent, because males tend to experience more internal trauma. It’s really a basic equation.

The Purge movie??

That’s a lie and you know it!!!

In my post, I specifically said, “you may not have a choice to murder someone, but in the absence of self defense, you should go to prison for it”

I think you’re AI Trixie

I was referring to a couple posts you made a few months ago. You said if people had the freedom to commit violence, it would fix sexual stratification or something along those lines.

I am a cyborg, but not AI.

Oh, heavens no!! Wrong poster!!!

Technically you CAN say that zero suicidal and homicidal tension selects inherent purpose for life (whatever survives that is inherently purposeful)

But that’s not actually true, because you still have the purpose of the subject who didn’t want to be killed.

The only way to measure purpose is reducing suicidal tension.

And that’s totally weird !!!

Because homicidal tension has NOTHING to do with sexual stratification!!!

Actually, if it was harder to commit homicide, sexual stratification would decrease, if anything (but I doubt it)

Yeah thats what it was, it was something along the lines of reducing homicidal tension making a better world and such.

It’s not that he is a psychopath but that you are an Ultra Narcissist, Ecmandu. Your own fear of pain is your center of the universe and you judge everything around by it. At heart, you’re a tyrannical baby.

MA wrote:
How can you call such people empathetic when they routinely misinterpret the psyche of those who have a high level of tolerance for pain?

When I used the word empathy I suppose I am using it in it’s original meaning where empathy named aesthetic experiences of other people a more scientific physics-psychological process, which has it’s own field of investigation and which Ecmandu seems to embrace.

If you perceive my judgment of him to be emotional, I perceive yours as being unreasonably harsh.

I think Ecmandu’s mental process of reasoning is a stumbling block for him and gives him no respite and whatever labels you wish to give him, it is fairly obvious behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem.

I’m an ultra narcissist because I want everyone to have everything they want in their own constructed universes???

Narcissism as the story goes is people who can’t stop looking in the mirror … When in actuality, it’s people like you who can’t hold one up to themselves …

Pain and suffering eh?

You should thank everything in existence that you haven’t experienced what I have endured …

If you experienced even 5 seconds of my life, you shallow arrogant assholes, you’d throw yourself off a building… I don’t need your puerile crap about how noble you are. It’s not noble to endure pain, it’s not a fucking game you shallow pieces of shit!!!

Anyone who has really suffered would NEVER talk like you!!

Let me put this succinctly, aside from the ad Homs to get the point across …

Those who think suffering is a competition, have had extremely easy lives.

Yes, you are a narcissist.

Narcissists have a problem with accepting criticism, and in general, with enduring pain. They never completely recover from stress which is why they have bad memories of it. This is at the root of their negative attitude towards pain.

When you criticize a narcissist for being who he is he will deal with it, not by tolerating criticism, but by lying to himself that he is something he is not, something far better.

The goal is always to dodge the impact of criticism on his psyche. Because it is hurtful.

Yes, you are the only one under stress. Noone else is.

Ecmandu on You Tube is calm and logical while Ecmandu on ILP is aggressive and nonsensical and so find it hard to reconcile the two
So you post here as you do there you will make more sense. But I do agree with you however about suffering not being a competition
However you saying you have suffered more than any one here makes it sound just like that. It is not something you know for certain
It is entirely possible others here have suffered more than you but simply do not wish to talk about it so you should bear that in mind

Yes, but sensitivity is not the illness but the symptom. As is narcissism, with which it is strongly linked. Those of less sensibility, there is the inverse rise of sensitivity… or vice versa, depending which came first. Narcissism is the Mr in-between, struggling to make sense of who he may look like, with a thin face. It’s a very difficult act.

Magnus, when I said the problem of a narcissist is not that they always look in the mirror, but that they don’t, that is you.

You’re just talking to yourself, not me.

So… I have to do your work for you. You are not remotely an adult yet.

It is said that empathy is defined as having the life experience to understand another persons state…

You are not only not logical, you are not an empath …

Everything you say to criticize others is you talking to and about yourself

Just saying my 2 cents, Magnus seems like more of a tyrant than Ecmandu.

It’s tyrants who go around saying we have to endure pain…to what end? I mean, how many past lives of this shit do we have to endure for what end? Why would I side with Magnus, when Ecmandu promises a utopia?

Magnus et al,

Is afraid of FEELING

So what do they do to defend their narcissistic personalities, their atrophy…


Glamorize and glorify it.

And then accuse me, who feels, as scum

The rationale behind enduring pain is to realize your potential to the fullest, to become a fully erect person.

Pain is a bundle of impulses that have been severely entangled. By running away from pain, instead of tolerating it, you lose all of the impulses associated with it, which makes you significantly weaker in relation to your maximum.

I would say you are more of a tyrant because you want to make people weaker by directing their attention away from learning how to tolerate pain.

You are huge on words.

I am not afraid of feelings.

The difference between you and me is not that you have feelings but that you have no interest in tolerating painful impulses.

You are not rich in feelings. Quite the opposite. The fact that you are pain averse means that you are poor . . . in relation to your maximum.

Like Ecmandu said, you seem to be investing into a game, Earth game. We aren’t talking about Earth we are talking about something better than Earth. If you want to play out your masochist fantasies of being whipped as a child, because you believe it will make you so powerful that you can save Earth, be my guest. My opinion though, is that improving your pain tolerance will not help you much with saving Earth.