The Phenomenon of Man ... Wo-man

The only thing Sartre has left, is, that getting away never happens, because the here and now is always there and then.

Actually, the other way: the there and then, is always the here and now. No exit.

You have made fruitless attempts?

Where’s Jesus for Christ’s sake?

Jesus the man gone, Jesus the God is with His Father, and His Father is You and I brother. We are responsible for Him.

I resign and you never started, so there’s that glitch. :evilfun:

A deserving flock… most humans do not have anyone else’s interests at heart but their own… the selfish gene doing its job perhaps, but in unpleasant and harmful ways.

Resignation not accepted, the only glitch is that this is, unlike a game, deadly serious. It is an unrelenting no beginning or end reality series, where games Become reality.

No, games don’t become reality. You cannot manifest existence, only God can. You can informally pray, but there’s no guarantee.

Has there ever been a flock when even Jesus’ disciples failed in their belief?

The already-converted as one’s peers can be more appealing to some, and can make for an attractive alternative… amongst others.

Nobody’s converted, that’s the situation. Why do you think I don’t want this gig of being a prophet? It seems pretty pointless since the odds are 100 to 1 against. :angry-banghead: ](*,)

It’s about saving Mankind from the damnation of Hell. Simple work, no need to make it complicated.

Wendy, games DO become reality, when children do not grow up. Unfortunately, present case-Trump at hand.

On the other hand he is. Very, very, very clever and shrewd player, in my opinion, unbeatable, at least until someone plays him, that is his caliber.

This reality is a battle to save souls from eternal damnation, not Who’s on first and What’s on second. Go ahead and gripe about Trump since your stance on his politics will be the deciding factor of your eternal existence. sticking a dull knife into my right eye socket I will join you in your blindness.

Complexity does not violate entropy, not in the long term.

“Complexity” is not defined by the simple process of blending. Complexity implies interwoven structure. But whince did the structure arise?

Your theory suggests that complexity rises and then falls. It doesn’t imply that complexity isn’t a violation of entropy.

The fact is that the level of entropy in the universe has never, ever changed. And never will. It is a constant across the universe, although never constant within any one region. Particles form for a very exact and known reason. In so doing, they violate entropy. They are, during their formation, anti-entropic. Once formed and stable, they are anentropic, neither entropic nor anti-entropic. Higher structures form from those most elemental particles, atoms and molecules.

Black-holes are the most obvious anti-entropy formations throughout the universe. But once two or more of them collide, the entropy is restored in an explosive forming and scattering of millions of galaxies.

And neither does the whole universe’s level of complexity increase or decrease. Through time in any one region, entropy and complexity raises and lowers. The total average throughout the entire universe is infinitely stable, perfectly anentropic.

The key elements of New Age doctrine is the belief that humans are divine. The idea that people are immortal gods is a lie used to pull people away from God. Author Dave Hunt an American Christian apologist, tells us that "Teilhard dreamed of humanity merging into ‘God’ and each realizing his own godhood at the Omega point. This belief has inspired many of today’s New Age leaders.”

Teilhard said this:
It is a law of the universe that in all things there is prior existence. Before every form there is a prior, but lesser evolved form. Each one of us is evolving towards the God-head.

The first two lies spoken to humankind, namely: “You shall not surely die,” and “You will be like God.”

AS … I have read very few of your posts … making it uncharitable for me to draw conclusions.

OTH … in a couple of your recent posts you seem to favour scripture … as it is written in the Bible. I do as well but I like James’ perspective on scripture … his comment … paraphrasing … or until we understand what truth those words are intended to convey.

eg Genesis 1:27

We don’t speak the same language.

AS … empathy … which requires putting our ego in our pocket temporarily … is the first step in healing and reconciliation.

… and yes … it goes both ways … I am making an effort … and you?

Adam and Eve were immortal. Once they ate from the tree of knowledge, they had to be kicked out of Eden so that they would not become like God and life forever. The possibility of being immortal and like God is still potentially there in the future.

Genesis 3:22 (NIV)

:-k Jesus says many times that you will have eternal life.