What are you doing? (Part 1)

A Cure for Wellness - I liked the scenery of the movie but was rather disappointed with the plot. The movie presents itself as something dramatic (both visually and psychologically/philosophically), but does not quite deliver on the latter in my opinion. It wanted to be something profound, and it might have been, but they turned it into something quite lame. Good scenery, but weak on the plot.

Split - I saw it as another Red Dragon movie, psychological thriller about people being obsessed with their own suffering, and the consequences of. The movie seems to play on the idea that serial killers are created by abusive mothers- is there a solid basis for this? I saw the psychiatrist lady as being partly to blame, she encouraged his (mal) development for her own curiosity/research, so she is also responsible for the outcome. Some things were cliche and unoriginal in the movie, but it was not bad. A good B movie.

…and why is that?

Is MP in time out, again?

Yes i was banned, but now im reformed.

Watching the brain doc with David Eagleman (how did I miss that one? :-k )

Why do you think.

Ignoring someone. :evilfun: :laughing:

Do you think that is acceptable posting?

Mannikin was warned for this post and the quoted post. 3rd strike, 2 day ban.

Should go without saying that threatening another person on the board with real world consequences for their actions (including implied threats) is not OK.

Currently taking a slam, smoking a cigarette and typing on ILP.

I am celebrating my third “ILP-birthday”.

Mine is in 9 days.

Happy birthday, Arminius.

If it wasn’t for Historyboy/Cezar and Turd/Contra-Nietzsche I would have never joined this forum.

Not that I am saying I am happy for it.

I’ve spent the last week or so marathon banging a 26 year old former stripper who’s up on charges for assaulting a police officer and who takes bubble baths with bottles of rum. 5 foot 4, 118lbs, boobs. I think I’m in love.

You should tell her to come join ILP. I want to ask her opinion on what it’s like to suffer from the angst of post-industrial Man under late capitalism?

Marriage material? or bored now?

She’ll be in the loop. Magsj, I’m retired from dating, and I dont believe in marriage, so I just kind of am nice to girls that I like to bang and keep them in the loop. Its just easuer that way.

Getting a car wash.

“In the loop”.

A question. These girls you have. Take them out to dinner? Have extended conversations with? Do they know you don’t believe in marriage and are content to just bang them when the urges arises?

A real meat market, pairing done solely on the basis of physical attraction and nothing more.

Do they?

Just curious Mr. , any potential that you may have kids?

Don’t encourage that!!!