Political Compass - beat this, cucks

I’m pretty close to Gandhi. :smiley:

And God pushed the war into Hell itself and got stuck and called to the Devil for Help.

You have your choice between serving the conservative private corporatist plantation model of tyranny or the publicly socialist progressivist [Marxist] government plantation model of it. Some great choices and options right there to have in the human controlled zoo also known as civilization.

Is there a third option to opt out of either? Oh, that’s right there isn’t as that option was destroyed years ago. Enjoy the tyranny from cradle to grave useful tools and idiots…

I’m a hardcore angry leftist with a strong authoritarian streak. They don’t capture that.

The whole “Bernie Bro” thing is a creation of the Dem establishment. It basically boils down to the same crisis of consciousness that has been all the rage on NYT editorial pages. Which has been Democratic congressfolks either earnestly asking, “Should I pay attention to my constituents?” and Democratic congressfolks complaining about how their constituents call them too much.

I want to be very clear that the bell curve overlap between the best Republican and the worst Democrat still ensures the worst democrat is better. But holy fucking shit are Dems bad.

Edit: For emphasis in normal political discussions I either describe myself as a “bomb throwing leftist” or a “Maoist”. Neither are really true but their both close to true. I don’t think anyone who “struggles” with the Cultural Revolution and its aftermath in a positive way and also appreciates the LKY government in Singapore belongs anywhere near the “libertarian” end on social issues.

My 20th Century hero is Zhou Enlai. I don’t see him in that result.

Is Xunzian a communist? (I use to go by the name Joker. You remember me, right?) :wink:

I feel there isn’t any kind of political compass to fit my views accurately. Not much of an intellectual market for a pessimistic anarchistic nihilist individual autonomy supporter.

I know who you are and was that ever in doubt?

The quiz is bad.

Who is your hero? Who do you want to be when you grow up?

Yes, there was a doubt which is why I asked. That doubt is now layed to rest.

Heroes? Heroes are for people that do not have full faith in their own capabilities to latch onto. Don’t really have any heroes but then again I’ve always had a thing against heroism.

Yes, the quiz looks like just another gross over simplification.

Heroes can also be people looked up to in a way that makes the observer feel they are themselves superior in some way. Hero sports persons for those into sport, conservatives for those who want to think they are in the superior class, and royalty so they got a figurehead. So people say they are royalists or support the queen, do so because if the queen is ‘better than’, then by including themselves in that in some way, means people think they belong to an upper echelon of individuals ~ part of that pyramid. In short its all about opeupmanship, and being in the winning or ‘better than’ group.

I completely agree with this result. I always considered myself a conservative/libertarian/centralist.

The test could use a few more dimensions, like are you a democrat, or oligarch?
Are you a military interventionist, or isolationist?
An egalitarian, or elitist?
But then, philosophically minded people tend to be more ahistorical and broadminded than John and Jane Doe. We think of nearly all the possibilities.

I could see a third dimension that focuses on federalism vs decentralization, but there ain’t enough dimensions for what ya’ talking about.

Gloom, I agree that more dimensions would be better, and it is probably a curse of taking a philosophical mindset that standard categorizations tend to breakdown around our worldviews (imagine that). But some of the distinctions I’d like to see made are hard to articulate, let alone score. My personal misalignment is that I think government should be both strongly redistributionist and significantly more hands off, e.g. eliminate the minimum wage and implement a basic income. Whether that’s a net left or right position is not straightforward (I think of it as left, but in my experience lefties often don’t).

Mack, the dimensions are just 1-10 scales, there can be as many as we want, we just can’t plot them all at the same time in a way that our puny human minds can grasp. Although at some point, we wouldn’t be dealing with a political compass as much as a psych profile.

That’s a good dichotomy you bring up.
You can be an authoritarian or libertarian and still be a federalist or decentralist.
Myself I’m more of a decentralist myself, I think.
There’s a lot of dimensions you could come up with, probably dozens, I guess the trick is finding the right balance, introducing an extra dimension to your typology when there’s a need, when it’s an important issue, and it can’t be adequately encompassed by existing dimensions.
Anybody else have any they think should be on the test?

Yes it’s very subjective, issues matter to some individuals and societies more than others, and so the others get ignored, or somewhat artificially and arbitrarily lumped in with issues we’re more cognizant of.

At least an US Neo-Liberal. :wink:

How on earth did Is_Yde_opN come out as left-leaning? :confused:

Is_Yde_opN, explain yourself?


Too easy

Fascinating that people put stock in “what category am i in” tests.

So you’re Carl the cuck.