
In general, used and dismissed about sums up the relationship men perpetrate against women. I, myself, wish for most men to explore outerspace with all your technology and science, while us women help to heal Mother Nature here. You can explore, conquer, and destroy other worlds for The Glory, for shits and giggles, I don’t give a fuck, but transport your shitty, destructive, dreams elsewhere. 80% of men are not needed here, maybe more like 90%. We’ll keep the fires of home going while you are away. Happy trails, now beat feet and fly off sooner before you kill us all.

While I am amused at Satyr’s ‘mature child’ romanticism of Greece, the fact is the origins of Greece are shrouded in mystery. They date back to the time of Abraham, 18th century BCE, or perhaps even earlier, but historians disagree as to where the Greeks came from. They could have been people migrating down from Asia down through Europe and settling in the Greek Isles, or they could have been seafaring people who settled along the coast, Satyr has chosen the seafaring origin, the more romantic version.

While admiring the Greek contributions to civilisation, it is easy to forget what Greek society was really like.

For example, the “Spartan lifestyle”. Tough for little seven year old boys, taken from their parents forced to live in military style barracks and subsisting on barely enough to survive, because to be Spartan meant to be tough.

Aristotle argued in his Politics (VII.16) that killing children was essential to the functioning of society. He wrote:

“There must be a law that no imperfect or maimed child shall be brought up. And to avoid an excess in population, some children must be exposed [i.e. thrown on the trash heap or left out in the woods to die]. For a limit must be fixed to the population of the state.”

To be fair Aristotle isn’t saying “I like killing babies,” but he is making a cold, rational calculation: over-population is dangerous; this is the most expedient way to keep it in check.

Then there was the practice of pederasty. Indeed, the sexual initiation of a young boy by an older man was considered the highest form of love and vital part of a boys education.

Plato wrote of this in his Symposium (178C):

“I, for my part, am at a loss to say what greater blessing a man can have in earliest youth than an honorable [older] lover …”

The Greeks believed or believe that the human being is the centre of all things, even Greek gods were described in human terms. Greeks are men who are lovers of themselves.

This all seems unreasonably harsh? Perhaps, but it is much closer to the truth, than…

And yet the so called strong men also become manipulated time and time again throughout history.

More like cynical pessimistic realism.

Except that in this world where sexual stratification has been defacto abolished there is little difference anymore between the roles of men and women where women exist much like men now. There is no feminine nurturing taking place. Femininity has been deemed sexist and outlandish under the progressivist ideological struggle.

Where are all the female rebels at? No, women conform under the same system of men where there is no female dominated rebellion against the status quo taking place.

WD wrote:


a world of women only, what a nightmare that would be for women who have no desire to be part of the ‘sisterhood’.

What you are proposing only creates an imbalance.

Where did I write a world without men? It would be a nice change to walk down any street at any time of the day or night and not have to be on guard. Are you vigilante of your safety SM?

What we have is an imbalance.

I may be naive and am missing your point, but …

there is in my understanding of what you write an undertone of to put it mildly, dislike of men, or perhaps fear of men.

Are you not reading entire posts or only cherry picking what you quote knowing full well that it is incomplete? “We” as in those women and men who do not drink the Star Trek kool-aide. If you’d prefer to explore, you can go with them, but you will be raped to death.

If you regard men as safe, I have many places for you to walk down alone where your only fear will stem from men. Do you deny this danger?

Actually my thoughts about you and men, did not include rape, but perhaps they should have?

Your comments purvey, to me generally, you have a dislike or fear or whatever it may be, as I don’t know or will never know the full extent of your history and men.

There does seem to be a distrust, (is probably a more accurate description) and with this usually comes a chequered history.

Deny the danger of a ‘stranger’. No, but I usually drive not walk at night. Believe it or not but rape is usually perpetrated by someone who is known to the victim.

Then you won’t have to drive or walk very far, will you? But as a woman, if you ever get rear ended by another car at night, don’t stop to discuss the accident, carjackings perpetrated by men happen that way. You don’t seem to be in a question answering mood ever, so I’m going to stop engaging you in a realistic way for that honesty seems to be out of your comfort zone. I know you believe a woman on the street, stranger danger, is the same as with men.


If only all men would just leave the planet and if the remaining males became effeminate little boys so that Wendy would not feel threatened.



“Mother Nature”

Stop your bitching Autsider. To protect a woman from abuse or death at the hands of any male, I’d fuck bitchy assholes up.

Silly girl, if anything conquerors are more merciful to women they conquer than they are to men they conquer. So why are you constantly mentioning women only?

Did you like the pictures of your “Mother Nature”?

Sometimes. I’d say mostly the strong begin to reduce in quality and quantity to the point that control of society shifts to the weak, who then proceed to destroy it (unwittingly or not).

Strong does not mean absolutely strong. Given sufficient external pressure, and presently there is plenty of it, even the strongest can be weakened and manipulated.

Which is one of the reasons why individualism is short-sighted.

What does such a stupid question even mean? I respect Mother Nature, unlike most men and women.

When I see a coastal town swept away by an ocean, I think what dumb man founded that town so close to an ocean?

Animals eat other animals to survive.

What is that child you so carelessly posted suffering from?

When I hear of a woman getting raped, I think what dumb woman would dare to walk the streets dressed in anything that isn’t this:

I’d add some obligatory goggles to cover the eyes too.

Or maybe you shouldn’t victim blame? Maybe “Mother Nature” should restrain her urges to kill people who build their towns close to oceans? Whatever you decide, remember to stay consistent.

I wanna tear your gut open so your intestines fall out, and then eat you alive. Hey, don’t complain - we’re both animals, and animals eat other animals to survive… it’s “Mother Nature”.

It is suffering from “Mother Nature”.

Did Wendy break up with Joker or something? She seems to be going off the rails with her misandry lately.

I guess that explains why Wendy never joined or signed up on my internet boards. Guess the amount of real friends I have on these boards is about 0.