What to do with ‘criminals’, when there are so many...

Male violence is based upon female expectations and standards unrealistically enforced on men but nobody likes talking about that where it is just easier to blame everything of the world’s problems on men only. It’s more convenient that way as women like to portray themselves as exceptions to the world’s problems instead of admitting the intricate roles they play.

Weren’t you the one who told me that men are insanely competitive? Isn’t it about “the glory?”

For some it is the glory, for others not so much. Competition albeited by women themselves.

Are men unable to take responsibility for their actions? Are men slaves to other men? Or are woman in the drivers’ seat and have always been? Women are the alphas, men the betas. Women lead from behind?

There are many people who fall or put themselves on the wrong side of the law in many places.
There are also many reasons for this.
But you do not seem concerned with crime in general, (most of which is conflict over resources,) but only with sex-related crimes.

A not unreasonable comment from the police POV: and it was probably a response to a question along the lines of: “What are you doing to protect us from…?” which is what the police are expected to do and, of course, cannot do.

No, I do not believe that is the case. We each draw our lines according to our specific role in the situation being considered. A man with a teen-aged daughter will a draw a much tighter line than a man with no children; an urban paranoid will draw different lines from a laid-back farmer; a policeman draws them in accord with his own duties, powers and experience.

Sure, but they’re thin, crossable, incremental lines. There is no action that was not preceded by a plan; no plan that was not preceded by an intention; no intention that was not preceded by a thought; no thought that was not preceded by a desire. Since establishing “motive” is one of the factors in successful prosecution, tracing a criminal act back to its inception is logical from the legal perspective.
Incidentally, viewing images is already an act, and a premeditated act, if the perv had to seek them out; it’s also complicity in the overt crime of creating and disseminating child pornography.

Fault is rarely the issue for the victims, or the victim’s and potential victims’ parents. Once the perv is contained, you can debate which bin to keep him in.

In America, jail seems to be people’s default reaction to every societal problem.
I see something much more worrisome than ‘crime’ in that statistic.

Sounds like about 49%. And it can’t have been all that many ‘dumb bitches’ saying this. I have to wonder about your massive overreaction.

Let’s call it Australia. Only, now, it would have to be a distant planet. And you’d have to make sure it was uninhabited and you never send women there, because they’d be raped in the first three minutes, and any who survived would bear children, who would soon become prey in turn…
Or, you could examine your society for the causes of all the dysfunction.

Who’s been running it - and generally making women shut up for 30,000 years?
Shouldn’t we wonder how the world turned into a pile of shit?



No one seems to understand where to draw the lines, any amount of ‘that’ whatever that is, is the same to them. -

I agree, sorry I should have made it clearer that the women speaking on a news channel were saying specifically that there are no degrees and all of ‘them’ are the same.

If all there was were people with bad thoughts there would be no evil nor crime actually occurring! I still think that is the simplest and most fundamental point. The motive is only a motive when a crime ACTUALLY occurs.

it is not an act upon a person directly. …So the internet comes along and gives men a button that not only gives them anything they want, but via blind links and hacking etc, it takes them to where they weren’t even wanting to go ~ all whilst in full steam so to say. In this causal universe that very tool is the instrument providing those images.
Secondly looking is not the same as doing, looking is in the third party and doing is in the first. Those who put up the pictures if they are sexualised that is [people don’t seem to know that a high percentage of pedo’s don’t want sexualised images but normal everyday photo’s], are those who commit crimes. If being in the third party to that is also a crime [and the same degree of crime?!], then the providers of the instruments are equally guilty. The authorities could have closed shop from the outset, but as usual financial concerns drove it all.

Victims can only truly be in the first person, otherwise its just in their imagination.

Me too, hence why it needs to be questioned.

I watch a lot of news and documentaries, and have yet to hear anything sensible. The emotion [overreaction] occurred when one group on the news show said about lines or lack of them. That winds me up because I’ve been in jail [for rioting] and I think its just about the worse thing you can do to make people much worse. But mostly its the thought that they don’t know where to stop, or care how many people are put away. For me its about math too, if prisons work at all, there will be a percentage who are cured by it and some who are made worse. Ergo put 100 guys in jail and stick a label like that on them for life, and you will manifest a percentage of the worse category. Thus the more people you punish, the greater the number of worse percentage are manifest by that action alone.


The USA does seem to attempt to solve all of its problems by throwing people in prison.
Prisons don’t correct or rehabilitate most of their inmates, and do nothing whatever about the general craziness.
Blaming women does nothing to help, either.
Americans don’t like to think. Therefore, American problems are insoluble.

This question is really easier for me, i firmly believe the answer is extreme extermination under the establishment of authoritative law. I have this law with in me. Criminals exists by the many because there is no justice, light sentences, too much empathy…no fear, no regulation…what a world of such sickness when all these children go missing and are raped and murdered…when men and women no longer look upon children with love and kindness with a deep desire to protect them…but rather sexually abuse them, torture them and kill them…

The question is why are you all so hesitant to arrive at this inevitable conclusion?

Because extermination tends to end in extinction, and most people would prefer not to be extinct.

If that’s all true, women have been able to exert incredible influence - even to directing men’s behaviour through their mere expectations,.
If women were able to do this, when they were not allowed to vote, own property, hold public office or directorships in business, enter professions, speak in public or have a higher education, for most of the time civilization has existed, while men have been unable to solve most of humanity’s problems, then women must be a thousand times as clever as men.
Why not turn the running of the world over to them?
Not only would they have no more cause for complaint; not only would they be stuck with the mess; not only would it keep them too busy to annoy men, but —
---- they might actually solve the problems!

Amen. We would.

As an American Nation we must end this gender war between genders. Women must stop their hatred and bigotry against men, and men must stop their hatred and bigotry against women, if we are to experience true sexual healing as a nation. Men must once again love women, and women must once again love men.

As President of America I will send all serious criminals to Africa. They can help in humanitarian efforts in helping the economy and civilization of the African Plains.

England, Germany, Belgium, France and Holland did that already, two hundred years ago.

Rehabilitation is key I think, so when people talk about 20-30 year old cases it makes me wonder. If ‘they’ [your brothers, sons, husbands and fathers] haven’t done anything in all that time, the situation has already been sorted, so no use flogging a dead horse there.

Crime has gone down significantly over the last hundred years, rapes down by 70% etc. They used to be much tougher and more authoritative in the past and things were much much worse. If you read the end of my last post, that’s the math that counts. You put more people in jail or otherwise do worse things to them, and you are simply perpetuating the duality. Get worse and it will get worse, its like an engine of evil or something.

Yuk that sounds horrible. They would put how many men inside? Homunculus said around 51% of men have committed violent acts on women, I also noticed a study showed 1/4 men get involuntary instinctive erection when showed child porn. a lady I went with for ten years would punch me straight in the face when I upset her, we used to proper fight, but guess who would have gone to jail.

We’d be living on a prison planet if women ruled us, and frankly I don’t know how women are superior when they are so patently dumb about getting real with what the world really is like and is about. Strong men will hit things that annoy or attack them, they often want that kind of man and then complain when they are what they are like - ridiculous. Without that we wouldn’t be here to complain about anything, cos he who lives by the sword doesn’t get their [and their womans and childrens] face eaten off by lions.

Look, if there were somehow only women, then they would have to be like that too, its just what you have to be like to survive.

So I say no to women ruling us, they aren’t more intelligent than me and mostly talk a load of inane drivel all day long.

They are ruling over us, and increasingly so. Merkel is an example, and look, she ruined Germany, feminism in politics have ruined Europe…let’s see how Marine le pen
handles the french issue

Just destroy the Earth before we get off of it.

Inside of what? Who said the solution to anything is more prisons?

so I said, (as a joke, btw) if that’s true, women must be pretty damn smart and might be able to solve the problems men have not been able to solve.
The odds are very much against women trying the same failed strategies that men have been attempting for so long. Odds are, they would lock nobody up, but organize a society where crime is prevented, rather than incited and then punished — that’s the Abrahamian approach.

Noooooo. Humunculus, responded “sounds like 49%” to the question “What percent of the population do these dumb bitches want to put in prison?”
About 51% of the population is female. I don’t know how many of “these dumb bitches” - whom I have neither seen nor heard - there are, or what percent of all women they represent.
In neither case are they expressing my statistics, convictions or desires.

And they didn’t commit a crime. However, the person showing them child porn is an accessory to the crime of producing child porn.

what the psychologist conducting the experiment?