
If you’re not a person that others would follow, why do they follow you, why befriend you? Why would you be where you are in society? You’re not worthless, you just might have your vision clouding your view of your own worth.

Random wrote

Fuck, I’m agreeing with Random about the last half. :-k :astonished: #-o :-$ :smiley:

You undervaluing yourself, Ms. Spitfire?

Well, I do appreciate that very much you two. But honestly I am practical about what it takes to lead. I do not possess what it takes. You see words that I write, you do not hear me stutter, hesitate and say things in the wrong way. Dyslexia does not breed confidence in such things. I have to read what I write before I press send. My mouth twists what is in my head as do my hands. My family is not angels and subjecting them to public scrutiny would be wrong.
I do Thankyou both though. , very much so.

You just lead yourself in saying that paragraph. And, it’s not your dyslexia that causes you to stumble over words and phrases. I’ve read over things I’ve written and posted and seen things slipped in there beyond my own awareness, my own attention, and they’re not freudian slips. If you’re not fit to lead, then you might as well hand the reigns over on what you say and do, let go of the worries of proof-reading what you type and say, worry not about the words as they tumble out and let something else take over.

Anytime Kris. :smiley:

RF , i greatly appreciate that but, I do not think you understand what Dyslexia is. Some have just writing issues , some just have oral issues, some like me have both. I was born in 63 back then I did not fit into mentally handicap or any other. I was an odd intelligent and stupid. I was just ignored by most except for a few true educators. RF, the reality of what I am does not bother me or make me feel inadequate. I am not complaining I am explaining. Those that love me and understand me are more than just a few. My bossesunderstand and love me. She has a form of Dyslexia as well. He does not but, he lives with his wife and since she does, he has learned to understand. I am not ashamed or embarrassed.i am realistic and am loved by special people. But I am not orally fit to lead. Dear gods you know what people are like. At most I could only lead by text.

What would your mission statement be if you started here, now Mrs. Kris?

I understand what dyslexia is. It’s to some extent not being able to read or write very well because the letters some times appear backwards or upside down and some times words and in speaking, it becomes a bit of verbal diarrhea, stumbling over words, stuttering, etc. My step-dad was dyslexic, I’ve known others that have been illiterate to a large degree for whatever reason they’ve been that way and still see intelligence. The hard part is knowing, for sure, that it can be overcome, you just have to know how to fight it, where and when it breaks down and then reversing the flow of it. Like any disability , it’s not something that can permanently be overcome, at least not immediately, and you might have to fight it your entire life through, but there is a point where it breaks down, where you break free from it; where it vanishes. I noticed that my sisters ex-fiance had a problem with stuttering, finding the words he wanted to say, being slow; he called it a retardism; but it vanished every time he got angry and moved into that place where he could say exactly what he wanted to, exactly what he meant to and there was none of his retardism and I pointed it out to him in the moment. I said, you gotta find a way to take that calm and the confidence and surety and learn to use that even when you’re not angry. You’re not so different from everyone else, Kris, that I can’t find where you are, what you struggle with and tell you how to work toward fixing yourself and tell you the same thing you already know that it’s an uphill battle the entire way through, but I can tell you that battle can be won, eventually you get to the top of the hill only to find out it’s a mountain and you made it there blinded.

There are types of leadership beyond oral; there’s the mind and the spirit and we all need to play to our strengths and know what leadership means for those strengths. You’re not that great to even lead by text because that still taxes you and still makes you lose too much as you still fight to find the words you want. I’ve seen you stumbling here and there, not just in words, but in thoughts and that is not a sign of weakness to me, but something that happens to everybody equally no matter how good they get. When you stop working on fleshing out your weaknesses, when you’re pressed by necessity to drop it all and be in the moment, that’s when you find your strengths. It’s funny how so many have an easier time of handling the major, epic, huge mountainous shit, but we stumble over the molehills, the petty, the drawn out. That’s telling of the insanity of eternity and reality around us. I’ve found society’s weakness and it isn’t the petty, it’s what it’s good at it; it’s not the molehills, it’s the opposite for the group that it is for the individual.

So, what groups do you belong to? What groups have you become a part of to survive in this world, because everyone has wandered and been shunted and passed around until they found a group they could be comfortable with. Take a look at your surroundings.

LOL I have never done a mission statement but, well I would revamp sex Ed. Require manufacturers of birth control pills to make the pills safer and not have to be prescribed so that the pill can be distributed freely at schools or purchased easily and inexpensively over the counter by any female or male 12 or older. Education must be more comprehensive. Perhaps incentives can be used too , positive ones as well as some negative. Examples: education cost assistance for those not being parents , if your child ends up in the system money for its care will be deducted from any income. Until we get pregnancies under control we can not ban abortion. Right now forcing females to carry unwanted fetuses will likely result in unhealthy infants as well as females. It will result in far too many children in an overworked underfunded system. We must choose quality over quantity for a better future for all.

That is just off the cuff.

RF, I appreciate the advice but, emotions make things worse in my case. I have had to learn to control emotions for more than just this reason.
The group I live around is husband, son, my employers and animals from horses to lovebirds. I should add the occasional interaction with bison and cattle. Animals are the majority of my days now. I am a realistic person, I know vibrant personalities are leaders , passion is not enough.

Kriswest wrote:

I recently acquired a lovebird, company for the solitary one I bought from a pet shop, mainly because I felt sorry for it.

Now, they say lovebirds need a partner and they also say it is difficult to identify their sex, male or female, at least to the naked eye.

Anyhow both my lovebirds seem very happy and thankfully no sign of eggs. I don’t want to breed them.

Decided to move them into a biggish aviary so they could fly. Disaster, the newest bird escaped the net and flew high in the sky. This little lovebird overshadowed by the world. The remaining bird was calling but no sign of the escapee. Night came and fortunately the weather was hot so I consoled myself it would not freeze to death. The next day no bird, until nearing dusk I saw it perched high in a tree next to the aviary. Shit, how to get that bird back in the aviary! The bird flew down and clung to side of the cage. Managed to put a net over it and very carefully this time, making sure it could not escape placed it safely back again.
I spoke to the breeder who had supplied it and he said that is a miracle. It sure was, even now when I look at them I shudder to think how it’s tiny life could have been snuffed out in another day or two.

Here they are re-united.


Feel free to move the above post to What are you doing as it is obviously nothing to do with abortion.

My apologies.

Actually abortion questions involves life and love. Humans can give up a life and yet long for it. Some parents cannot care for a life , give it all that it will need. A decision is made for it. Decisions are not easy and sometimes it is wrong yet sometimes life smiles.

BTW, it was the lovebirds that showed me that even small tiny creatures have distinct personalities. You will notice differences in behaviors eventually :slight_smile:

Thanks for telling me your weakness you piece of shit, waste of flesh. Your emotions are your weakness? let me help you with them, then. You’re a horrible mother, couldn’t possibly have done well in raising your child with your own setbacks and you know the father is filled with shit. You tried to keep your arguments out of the eyes of the child, but even those have been weak arguments at best and ones you often lost. Your child has never known true trauma, but knows the strength it sees in both its parents and its not due to any success on your own if they turn out well or not, but the success of their own merit in building their own lives. You are so blinded by what you’re caught up in that you couldn’t have possibly been a good parent and so can’t take any pride in how well your child turns out because you failed significantly to teach them anything at all other than how to be too tightly wound, caring too much about bullshit. And animals are the majority of your days now? They’re just as sentient and smart as humans, you just find comfort around them because they can’t talk back outwardly. They don’t have to see you at your worst and they’re something you can easily care about because you can’t see how bad they really are for just thinking of them as dumb animals or seeing the best in them that you can’t see in humans around you, which makes you stupid yet again.

How do I piss you off, how do I get you to rage? You’re not even realistic if you think the vibrant personalities are leaders. All are leaders and if they refuse to step up to the plate, then what do they ask for in return but for someone to care for them and hold their hand through their lives as if they were some spoiled child to weak to be weened from the teat. And that’s what you are claiming to be, a child that others have to take care of and tread carefully around. And, for all of that, you know how dangerous you actually are, it is just a cover for you to get what you want as a woman, by making your weaknesses prominent and not even turning them into strengths, but instead turning your strengths into weaknesses just to be more selfish.

You are despisable, so very easily despisable because you know what I say and see the value of it, know you have it in yourself to move into it and deny it, in the same breath discard it and turn away. I’m going to make that impossible and I’m going to make you strong against your will.

Hon all you did was make me laugh. For your insults to work you would have to know me and have me think that there is an emotional bond between us. I was taught to think and control. No stranger has ever upset me unless there is true threat. Satyr calls me deplorable names,he makes me amused because I can get him pissed but, he can’t get anything from me. Being realistic about what and who you are is a strength and a tool. I can know limits and work past them or around them or leave them. I can lead those who know me but, I cannot lead those who do not. Writing is one thing , speaking is another. I do appreciate your help though.

I made you laugh when you read it. When it rolled through your mind while I was typing it, before it was even posted, I felt your emotions. You had time to get them ‘under control’ before you even got here to respond.

You are way too weak to actually handle this.

You were lying about being dyslexic. How you laid your words just now proves it. Writing is one thing, speaking is another?

So, you generally lack the ability to speak to others and you yourself had no clue what dyslexia actually was?

I think maybe you’re just BS’ing me all around.

Suddenly you can lead those who know you, suddenly you admit to knowledge of having leadership abilities. But the past couple of posts denied such ability, so either you’re a liar, or you have shitty fucking memory problems due to reasons I could more than understand if it all weren’t some big ‘plan’ for so many peoples ‘acts’ as they go through life and don’t want to admit how lost, afraid and fucked up they really are.

And here’s some peaceful looking scenery to really piss you off:

There must be some sort of difference or measure in the understanding of Abortion for men and women.

Part of the woman’s body is torn away and for some this is inconsolable and…for quite some time after.

Does a man understand this?

Fuck off RF, take your grievances elsewhere.

You are a cad and a bore.

Unlikely, but let’s see what these genius’ have to offer.

I second this motion.