Nervous in spite of understanding Mr. Nietzche

What is reality, versus delusion? I think of my attendance at RDLaing’s appearance at USC, where the notion was introduced, asking him of the ‘levels of experience’. Surprisingly, that question pre emoted M.Guy Thompson’s essay, ‘The Primacy of Experience’ in R.D. Laing’s Approach to psychoanalysis’.

He mentions the ‘levels of experience’ , as well. Replacing Freud’s concepts of intention with Heidegger’s intentionality,the cognitive precedent becomes obvious, on the face of it, by a metaphoric use of the word. In other words, it corresponds to the notion that the sub conscious does not begin a bad faith use of the elements of the sub conscious by an objective-literal sense, but in a sense of experiencing on different albeit non linear sense the painful experience, and merely and conveniently forgetting it.

It becomes not a deliberate ruse of self deception, but a total lack of being able to re-connect that level of reality, which consists of an untreadebke proposition of truth, the standard to which, as by way of comparison, does not exist.

Now, my experience of testing reality in terms of an exposure to the real intentions of someone in context whom I felt happened to be beguilingly there, perhaps fatalistically being there, almost as if obeying higher cosmic rules and mechanisms, or perhaps set up, as a test of fidelity, by others interested in me; mirrors, in Lacan’s sense, my own internal sense of the content of reality, pitting the inner and outer realms as either exhibiting a dual, or continuous aspects.

The discontinuity, as an expression of bad faith, is where Laing breaks with the existentialists, and in stead uses Husserl’s phenomenological exploration into the realms of the self and others. The deception occurring there is not a deliberate estrangement meant to over ride the intended excluded content, neither is it a case of wanting to believe it, which will eventually become a case of believing in it as a function of ‘Truth’. It is simply, rather, the inability to experience the IT, as a result of not experiencing the ‘voice’ of that experience, not on some re pressed level, but on a level which the experience had become expressible. It is through primary experience only that awareness becomes open, and repression cannot become opened through any other channel, either in Freudian analytic terms or, in terms of a primary experience in existential terms, because neither can re-trace to the original bracketed experience in its particular ediectic, nor phenomenal level.

The truth to the libidinal problem suggested above sets a tone to which the following solution may apply: if, the situation was set, or pre-set, as a test, then truth value analysis is unnecessary, since the set up would become void, do to its inauthentic structural level.

The second notion again is invalid, because of the difficulty in establishing correlation, between intention and intentionality, between singular players as individual part takers or, variable players seeking a single theme; as best expressed in the play, 'Six Characters ‘In Search of an Author’. Here, the players focus shifts toward a common theme, veering away on self analysis, away from questions of whether they are acting out of good or bad faith. It is the interaction whic determines a possible outcome, whose intentionality becomes a secondary derivative.
The delusion develops out of development of succeeding interactions, hopefully, and not through a dramatic action by adoption of either one of the ways in which ‘truth’, or ‘reality’ could be discovered. If, the notion is adopted, that a discovery of what’s going on is adopted, then engaging by at least two players of a particular theme, is a sine quo non.

I think Trump’s reality, can not be gathered as either as a test of how far he can push the envelope of civil obedience and constitutional adherence qua in terms of bad or good faith, since his intentional use of executive power can not be limited by, or to a singular intention. This is his problem, or will soon become appearant, when he expresses such ideas as ‘I know this better than the judges, or the generals’

The politics of his experience, will necessarily drive these notions toward ‘Real Tests’ , of executive privilege, having perhaps not having experienced them as necessary ‘Parts’, in his experience.

To analyze this, an outer, post futuristic approach may very well be appropriated.

Laing has been instrumental , much more than any other thinker in the pursuit of higher understanding of how persons tinker in pursuit of supposed common good.

That the Twilight of The Idols need a new Dawn, will likely be serried in the next few years. It is a terrifying thought, yet, idolatry has not yet been completely erased from the dictionary, and it never will. Perhaps it is just as necessary, however it’s
aesthetic relation to a primordially visual antecedent, will bring to focus the poison to become its own medecine. For that reason it is said, if He doesent
exist, Heneeds to be created. Idolatry is as
illusionary, as the difference between a child’s innocence, and the social decay accompanying the vanity of Schopenhauer, and the unsuccessful
attempt at a new Dyonistic reclamation. Nietzche’s offering was predictive and not a prescription.

Old guy Trump a pure empiricist, maybe thinking finally my money can buy anything, even immortality may be cause, in a few years cybernetics, organ transplant may reach a stage where, and if I have to push the button well, with god being dead, folks, just proved it, I the biggest sham since time immemorial at the supposed end times, here I am against all odds, yes I was predicted, and I’ve got the biggest ol’ bunker against thermonuclear disaster, yes folks, my money will make me survive, as a matter of fact will drain the swamp all right you’ll see of the rubble who were crazy enuf to elect me, which proves the fallibility of the rubble, their low iq’s to which I cater to. The beast speaking many many languages, see, my popularity as film flam as one snake oil charmer suddenly, wham, my numbers go up just like that after a rousing TelePrompTer job.

Well now, I will buy all the gadgets and stuff and I will become the first machine man, reaching out to the heavens, an evil robot out of Reagan’s Star Wars,
My mind enplanted into the machine , in these super modern times where only the strongest survive.

In my new world order, no one with a portfolio of less than 50 to a hundred billion will survive, but in 8 years that will be chicken feed, I am aiming for a trillion folks.

It will be then, and not then, that all the others who survive the nukes, will be enslaved, pretty much functioning like worker ants, while we, the gods, installed in our own perfect replica of mount Olympus, will be elevated to the sky bolts of the godly heavens, resurrected from the ashes, living proof of the Dawn of The Gods. Yes folks, that IS the master plan, might as well you fall in line with what has been foretold.

And folks, guess what, everyone who survives will validate me for having reduced population to medieval levels, where values were right on target. Folks, that’s the way it is, and was, and will be for ever and ever says the Lord. Amen.

This scenario is not as far fetched as it may sound. With the preservation of the biological brain, a total input into a very sophisticated computer may sustain a semblance of identity.

However, the retrograde wish will decompensate into a clear dialectical divide, and hence if the regression is not stopped below the level of an eidectically reduced treshold, the phenomenological plunge will land him at a minimum of self awareness, whereby his stature would metamorpbose into a vestige, a God, again, beginning its upward journey into More then a literally manifested God.

The machine then again will convert into a spiritual entity.

And so does Everyman, Who by that time will only think generically, of the Fall.

Looking at Pro Trump forums the same unintelligent and heated rhetoric can be seen on part of of the supporters, as those on the Democratic side with the opposite bias. There is one difference, however, there is none of the denials and approaching scent of witchunt in the air, caused by unwarranted denials.
He who protests too much creates waves of suspicion, and some of the actions appear to be efforts to damage control the actions which should have been obvious to any smart politician.

A coming war, or some invented cause for action in a national emergency would serve well an administration which has given up on efforts to suppress growing internal oversight via a special prosecutor, if that comes to be.

These are dangerous times, admittedly, when popular opinion has fractured to the point of trying too hard to create a missing grey area, which at least would remind holders of opposing views, that there is, at least a potential for some kind of reality to this, which is only missing because it’s not really apparent, for lack of information. But this is not the case, two different and rightly had sources are being reified, one as valid as the other, both of which seems to be unassailably rooted in misinformation.

The dawn of propaganda, not merely based merely on different political coloring of the same fact, but the manufacture of different facts. How long this will go on depends on the eventual dissamblance and incongruity , giving more weight, power , and rational to the one over the other.

Although these times are far more weighty then the red scare and the almost parallel of the Nixon debacle, it is not merely coincidental that Nixon was Trump’s mentor in a sense, and it was Nixon who literally foresaw the necessary coming of fascism in the U.S.

From here on, an almost certain appointment Special Prosecutor, will raise the level of dissent, if and when such a person can be swayed, to give a beneficial report. This type of deception also has precedence…

Ken Starr tried to bury Clinton, in his Whitewater mess, and his recent praising of Clinton underscores the shifting sands of political correctness. The fact is, people do not have the capacity to go back in history more then two generations.

Was understanding Mr. Neitzche supposed to make you feel less nervous, or not nervous at all?

Nervous of assurance in yourself?

Less nervous because thinking people will make (by understanding) the difference between the various aphormentioned ideas, the conceivably change course.Even the argument that the Crucifixion was awaste of time had been digested for two thousand years, plenty of time to learn something. But it seems a so worthless. So in spite, I remain nervous.

Either the truth lays, if Trump or the CIA/FBI/Media is right or wrong, there is the real fact of the legitimization of manufactured TRUTH going on which translates into the mendacity of trivialization of the ‘American People’, whom people at the apex consider
multiethnic powerless rubbishy anyhow, de facto,
whereas the pinnacle unchangeingly, unflinchingly remain dedicated to that 1%, regardless of the theatrics of bi-partisanship.

It’s all theatrics, and it’s amusingly clear, that democracy as has been envisioned, is simply fodder
to historical/hysterical gyrations to the n-th power.

As power gets more concentrated, as capital gets more concentrated, the more this process will evolve into
the era of the non political era of individual faceless powerless reality shows.

There is no exit, since we have bracketed any and all solutions between the discrepancy of vision and thought of what power really means. It has ceased to have much relevance to will, since will can and has been bought out with all other commodities.

Trump is a clever opportunist, not to miss a beat, and in spite of and against any and all odd, he will prevail.

The he power of the material has captured any other possibility
, however, if Hishop Berkeley was right, then that which will defeat this seemingly impenetrable edifice,will be most like the thief n the night, coming in unseen, beguiling the sanity of those to whom reality has to consist of a visceral proof of reality.

This to those who think , the most obvious may turn to the least likely.

Little league with my grandson

He dotes on m will be find out I am a fraud or, will j find I am like a derelict from Mash, and the spoof is almost a cute refrain to appease those whose survival guilt has become the better of them, or they just went out pretending they were gay.or, may be they didn’t have to pretend. Think of a rationale to fight, or not to.

Referentiality I s the gate which if unearthed,can either further block progress toward a transcendence, or, it may actually further progress.

A fraud? over what? or you simply feel a fraud? if so… why?

Why no confidence in yourself Jerkey? after all you and ILP have been through!

Because Magj, I used to feel I should have more, much more out of life, whereas nowadays I always think I never give enough. The fraud is not specific, it is a sudden repositioning of humility, over false claims. I used to go through this in various modes of anxiety, but now the pain is very much subsided: I can really be unafraid to cut out my drinking, and substitute marijuana pills. I went to a bar once a while ago, and met a guy, whose claim to fame as far as I could see, was that he has been going there since World War Two, when his dad used to own a hardware store there. I asked him if he sees differently things generally, has the place changed etcetera, and I could just imagine what it’s like growing up and living a life in the same place for 50
Plus years. I never had more then 10 years in the same watering hole, and to my absolute horror found that that place has turned into a mortuary. At the time I went there, it was a place of shiny brass railings, the latest place to kick memories and indulge into the realm of the fantastic. But 50 years and still there? Kind of gave me the chill of how an environment can possess someone for a lifetime of not being able to dissassociate memories from the existent. My fraud consist in the fear of getting stuck in the past perfect, not realizing that it does have a meaning behind it and a purpose.

The specific fear is groundless, having to do with what my grandson may think of me once he grows up, that I can not in all honesty, sacrifice myself for a cause, for without it, I find it ridiculous, and rather devalue it, and call it, ‘without the cause’.

In another life, I may measure up to a revolutionary poet, who was quoted to say, that, : ’ I’d rather die young in a battle, than old in the comfort of my

And dreary shrugging shoulders, tired innuendo, the crazies waiving longing for another yesteryear, thinking now for sure the paradox of being one among billions must have an upward take.

And besides irreverence rules

Relevant. Mind You Man,nerves of steal

Pray to a hidden god, the god of the little soul,
those who have journeyed far and wide away from here a very long time ago, and those coming from equally a far place, yet to come. The innocents like angels, never had a chance, they languished in hope eternal, they still do, and their passage like debts unpaid weight down the present moment as flickering diamonds.

Pray to that hidden god who made this production real, make it the work of those uninspired, and can’t cross the barrier of that ultimate fear of not being themselves.

For those alone the recording must proceed as with the scratched RCA record in a shaded era. Too much in one hundred years went down, too threateningly obstructing the splendid veranda shaded by the blackened son, where our souls once were a one.

You understand him? Amazing.

Understanding him in the sense of an intuitive apprehension. Regardless of how the very highest technology may diminish this sense, it is impossible to dismiss it completely, because their sources are identical.

Yes, I do understand him, a thinker of the highest caliber, the transitional thinker, who dis gain extremely acute insight into the soul of repression. The repressed soul, is always misrepresented because the misrepresentation covers the failure of a general misunderstanding of an aphorism, so very far removed from the obvious.

And when it does, then it becomes cursed , it ceases to exist as an elixir of the gods, and turns into the poison of hell. And at a certain point, it can still be put back, where it belongs, but once that point passes, then, there is a heavy price to pay, especially those nay-Sayers who are the first ones to disclaim any responsibility.

Repression is bad, but irripression, unguided and uncontrolled, may take a vastly shorter time.

Democracy and its naive trust in the goodness of pundits, are to blame.


Starting from the idea of the atomistic and proceeding to the great differentiator’s idea (Leibniz)
of monadism, this great dark night, came to me this darkness as gods embrace.

The conception between Cantor’s two type of infinities is very important, from the point of view that without such difference, those ideas would have not come about, the word would never have evolved from the chaos which is inherent in the lack of faith-which resides in reductionism. The consciessness would never work, if not for that faithful leap into this realization. Reductionism in one type of infinity, which reduces extension into smaller and smaller segments, finally consisting of non extended ideas- or points which themselves have vanished into the nothingness , that nothingness is the infinite presumptions the ancients made.

That paradoxical conception, would not have been possible without an a priori differentiation, upheld until Kant-Leibniz , on religious ground.

Without the inherent differentiation, no consciessness. Ou,d have come about, the nothingness of being, would not have evolved above the level of basic perception. Some say that consciousness is all inclusive, with lower then human awareness, and there is no break, are wrong, consciousness had to be realized, for it to come about, it had to, and the question was whether it came about exogenidally, or naturally. The metaphors are profound, the garden, the forbidden fruit are written evidence of the idea of an effected consciously manifested progression toward a literal object a part of and from its orthogenesis.

The difference is being conflated by a reductionism mirrored within the temporal spatial field consisting of Sartre’s reduction of being and existence, of being
Nothingness and Being. War did that. And created the possibility of the leap into supposed nothingness. But the leap was misguided, since intentionality, is similarly implanted into a genetic will for progression, to conceive a faith, a nothingness which is inherently positive, and believes the infinite possibility of a reduction toward zero, with a required absolute minimum, which does in fact after only a fateful implant-does finally imply the identity and the hiddenness of God. A God that does not have to be created, because It created Man.

This haphazard essay, kept me awake, in my darkest hour, but now, I do have complete faith, and belief in the negated absolute, which is sacrificial in nature, It is an inverted consvolusion, so that the aesthetic of life could be realized by It.