Dan~ videos

For now we are discussing simple philosophy and foundational philosophy,
in simple speech, in short presentations. It is hoped that some people will be able to relate.
Later we will talk about some of the deeper or more complex things.

You are using foul language over something that isn’t foul at all.
You don’t seem like a fair person.
I’m sorry that you posted here.


This is an album that Ethan helped put together.
It’s from my old stuff, music stuff.


Here is Joe’s shot at defining advanced philosophy.

Mannikin warned.

dumbass, wouldn’t it be more appropriate for you to remove post as well, you lazy fuck…do it now.

Warned again. Posts are left to show what the warnings are for.

ahh so that’s how you all get down is it, letting the inner fowl depth of a human on full display to delve deeper into a human understanding so we can assess it intellectually and come to profound conclusions with our findings here on this earthly planet?


Here is Jared describing mormonism in his own words.

I will be uploading 3 more videos soon, after being silent for a while.


here I interpret Joe’s message as the idea that bigotry and hate-stupidities are the main problems humanity has.

this above is my attempt at a continuation about the issue.

more of me

Was that really you? Nice to finally see you Dan.

Yup that’s little old me.


Daniel Time!


Here i am talking about a few religious ideas.
As you can tell i am having a little bit of a hard time making the video good enough.
But I tried anyways. Surely you will understand.


I wonder if maybe I’ve touched nirvana.
I tried to talk about it here^

Btw, using that method along with some specific practices, you can greatly enhance you general intelligence, even to the point of, to a limited degree, “reading the minds of others”. No magic involved. Programmers are desperately attempting to get computers to do the same thing. Everything has a cause and a method.

This seemed like mostly a form of peace, not a form of intelligence.
What is your methods?

When the water is most calm, the most minuscule affects can be seen and felt. To get in tune with the general affectance of life was the aim of the Shaolin. And of course, bringing such peace is the first step, regardless of how.

After the extreme peace has been established and settled, it becomes time to establish “contact” with the ocean of affectance within which you life. And to do that means that you start very slowly attending to it through your senses.

This is merely a first stage exercise, but you seem to be at that stage, so…

As you lay (or sit) in that pseudo-dead state of deep, deep peace, everything extremely relaxed, choose to focus upon a single finger and very very slowly move it. As it just begins to move, stop. Think about how it felt. Don’t forget that feeling. Think about it again. Don’t forget it. Then move it a tiny bit more and stop. Again, note the feeling. And then think again about that first feeling, combine them. Don’t forget them. Move a little more and stop. Remember back upon every tiny sensation from beginning to current. Never forget what you sensed. Its best to keep the eyes closed at first to limit how much the mind must assimilate. But don’t leave out whatever you might smell or hear. Note every, every tiny sensation.

Continue such incremental and gradual motion as to very, very slowly attempt to sit up or stand up, probably taking hours to accomplish. Never forgetting any portion of the entire experience that was in fact, the reality of your life and something with which an inner part of you has had to be dealing since before your birth - a part of you mostly ignored by “you”. Reattach your consciousness to its beginnings and essence, its effort to attend to its senses. Go back over the experience of merely attempting to stand from a laying position until you can recall every instant of it very clearly. You will become amazed at how much more alert you learn to be to details that others never see. And it is from those details that enhanced intelligence flourishes.

There is a great deal of sensory information involved in the memory of that short movement. While you are in such a peaceful state, your mind allows for growth toward being able to attend to so much information all at once. And that is mostly what intelligence is - attending to the available information, attending to your actual situation and life (aka “attending to God, the Affectance, the Akosha field”). The normal, “natural”, man ignores most of what he encounters for sake of lusting toward some rise of desire. In that process, the brain forgets how to attend. So by reestablishing the initial concern, the more mature brain acquires far more relevant information than previously considered in its thoughts.

That is the first stage of a practice to reinforce the brain’s harmony with it’s situation and thus also, the mind. It must be practiced so as to make more permanent neurological paths. Eventually, there is no need to move so slowly at all, not even any effort to attempt to remember. As soon as you choose to remember what was around you yesterday or perhaps last week, the sensations, images, sounds, and smells will all be presented back to you for further investigation, much like a hypnosis session … without the hypnosis.

This practice you described is something other than meditation, JSS? Also, how do you know that your memories aren’t clouded by your present subjective inclinations towards or away from hard reality, like the mind playing tricks with your memories to make them more acceptable, more organized, perfect.