a new understanding of today, time and space.

delusions that hold humans beings back…
infinity… god…limits… boundaries…
selfishness… guilt… hate… anger…lust (for money or a person)
because those things just listed don’t work or don’t exist…

we should stick to things that do work and do exist…
love… hope… passion (which is different then desire or lust)
reason…life…and then push the boundaries/limits on these things…

works like infinity are words that is so large when heard, they frighten people
to give up, but words like finite are accessible and reachable, so we can
keep going when hearing words like finite and possible and hope…
because if it is finite, it is possible and reachable…
god cannot be reached because of the idea of infinite but make god
finite and he becomes reachable…

so I reject words like infinite and impossible and unreachable…

everything is reachable and possible and finite because everything is
made of the exact same thing… atoms and everything is just a variation
of the same atoms…


at the appointed time you will know one way or the other.

I admire your tenacity … another image this morning :slight_smile:

an old cartoon … a lion … maybe an elephant … can’t remember … becomes trapped in a rope net. None of the animals in the animal kingdom can set it free … and along comes a mouse … chews through the rope … and the lion or the elephant regains it’s freedom.

what message(s) are the creators of this cartoon trying to convey?

  1. maybe the cartoon is simply for entertainment

  2. perhaps there is a subtle profundity being conveyed

  3. maybe the creators are bible thumpers … echoing the biblical message …

  1. maybe the creators are Taoists … echoing the Tao De Jing



who knows eh!

does anybody really care?

K: it doesn’t matter if anybody knows or cares because we philosophers
will be creating values and understanding ism’s and ideologies and finding
truth even if no one knows or no cares… the population goes on
living and buying and sleeping and taking care of their kids… finding
the truth is not possible for them because they are so busy being busy…
that we must think and understand for them and then report our findings
back in easy to understand language…we philosophize because the
vast majority of people won’t, don’t or can’t… we ask why, when the majority
of people don’t have the time to ask why…so it doesn’t really matter if anybody
knows or if anybody cares… we are still here…searching for the truth…


a common misconception: that having knowledge 1+1 =2 is
the same as having wisdom… the two, knowledge and wisdom
are the two different and separate items…many, many have
knowledge that I don’t have and will never have and yet,
I am wiser because I ask why…don’t make the common mistake
of thinking because you have knowledge, you are wise…
wisdom and knowledge are two different things until…
knowledge encompasses the why and wisdom encompasses the how…


And yet you still learned much from me in your pursuit of understanding Aristotle. There are so many people older than me for me to learn from and even put myself in their perspectives and perceptions, you’re just another one among the bunch. Think I don’t understand you? Think I don’t see you clearly? I’ve always seen you and where you are.

I say fuck anarchy, fuck chaos, fuck order, fuck balance and fuck imbalance, fuck discipline and fuck the lack of it, fuck nietzsche and hume and schopenhaur and kierkegaard and goethe and kazantakis, fuck religion and christianity, fuck buddhism and taoism, fuck the peasants and royals both, fuck the dead and fuck the living, fuck even the philosophers you don’t know and the strong men you’ve never heard of, fuck darwin and his darwinism; fuck government, fuck the establishment, fuck heaven and fuck hell and fuck man and fuck woman and fuck the universe, fuck the earth.

What spark is in you that drives your curiosity, that consumes you with your supposed desires that you chase rampant through the mire? You say you’ve been caught chasing those men and God for 40 years of life? And now you’re chasing man? If such foolish goals you have, to go chasing cheshire cats, trying to catch smoke on the wind, you missed the very important factor that some things, most things; you have to let come to you when they choose to. You think that spark of life can’t be nipped out while you still live? Can’t be revived even in death beyond and without the flesh and what do you suppose gives that spark of life it’s shine instead of its dullness?

You think I try to frighten you or scare you or are those so many words to push in my way to distract me as you run some more, or is it a trap to get from me some more of what gave you reason to leave your old life behind in search of new, at 58 years old?

And I’ve taught you nothing at all? I’m the child that must learn more from you? Why? Who are you that I should learn more from? I’ve seen the works of the men that you were caught up in for 40 years and all their works paled before mine, were but a step behind me every time I looked in and read them. They have always just been a backdrop; no wonder you put them behind after 40 years of pursuing them once I crossed your path for all the world like a will o the wisp you had grown so tired of chasing into the boggy mire of the dangerous swamps and fens of the world you sought to know beyond what you should. And did you not listen to the haunting melodies of do not tempt and do not test and do not underestimate the almighty.

You can look all around you, in fact, you will look all around you, in every man and woman you run across and all you’ll find is a pale imitation spark of what’s inside of me; a mimicry that seeks to match the intensity; new life breathed into flesh to combat, for a moment, the decadence and in each person you view with your own new vision, you create anew and add your own touches for what you perceive to see in them whether it was there before or not.

you were born with a physical handicap, had to fight your way into it, I’m sure, against insecurity, doubt, fear, hatred, etc. I was born with a handicap of the mind and spirit, besieged and set upon the very moment of my inception in the womb, and have helped create the universe and its system of checks and balances, from a young age cutting my teeth not just on my enemies, but on time travel and alternate reality theory, and forming theories to put the elite of time and space to shame.

You are, however, ready for your next lesson in pain and humility. And, I think I’ve got just the thing for it as I invite your demons in knowingly and give them refuge and a place to rest for the moment. The ones that have chased you throughout your life, that have flitted from person to person that you’ve ran into until you guessed a conspiracy on all levels. They had an easy job of following you around and making you think whatever you wanted of everyone around you, perceive whatever they caused you to perceive, even jump into others bodies and taunt you with the things that bothered you the most.

Pursue your knowledge of man, your obsession, you will look and all you will see is whatever it is in the moment you choose to allow yourself to see that only reinforces everything else you’ve learned and you will learn the abject hard way of just what will be come to pass that you already know is coming and hide from yourself to continue down the path of least resistance, least pain, only to knowingly trap yourself in feeling the pain and thinking that it’s better that way.

But I’ve got a slap or two to give you before you get too far down that path; a thing or two to hash out and might not get the chance in this life time, never can tell when the moment comes or doesn’t until it does or doesn’t. Best not to make too many plans. But, while I’m here and in this place, as I’ve already been able to claim that you would still be stuck where you were if not for me, I can similarly claim that if you want to continue strutting about in arrogance and pride and cockiness, be sure that I have not even done so once. You want a pissing contest, or so it seems, but can you even bring it to bear, do you even still know how to handle a loaded gun? Be careful it doesn’t misfire on you.

K: as I am substantially older then you… (I turn 58 today as a matter of fact)
the question really becomes not if I ever understand you, but if you ever
understand me…as I am older, I have already passed your stage of, for lack of
a better word, development, I have truths that can only be understood
as you age and you are not ready for because of your youth…and for no other
reason…this concept of age related truths doesn’t make sense when
you are young, but as you age, as I have aged, you will see it…I was
born handicapped, I have fought my way in this world all my life…
I will go where angels fear to go… I am not afraid of anything that life
has to offer… you cannot frighten me or scare me or turn me aside…
I WILL pursue the truth wherever it goes and no matter who says what…
my road has taken me places you haven’t even dreamed of, not physically
but in philosophy and in thought…I have been an anarchist and
a socialist and a moderate democrat and a very liberal democrat…
I have been a follower of Nietzsche and Hume and of Schopenhauer and
Kierkegaard and Goethe and Kazantakis at various times in my life…
I pursued god for 40 years and now I pursue man with the same

RF: I say fuck anarchy, fuck chaos, fuck order, fuck balance and fuck imbalance, fuck discipline and fuck the lack of it, fuck nietzsche and hume and schopenhaur and kierkegaard and goethe and kazantakis, fuck religion and christianity, fuck buddhism and taoism, fuck the peasants and royals both, fuck the dead and fuck the living, fuck even the philosophers you don’t know and the strong men you’ve never heard of, fuck darwin and his darwinism; fuck government, fuck the establishment, fuck heaven and fuck hell and fuck man and fuck woman and fuck the universe, fuck the earth.

K: and this is why I am a better philosopher and much wiser then you…
instead of saying fuck this and fuck that… I say, let us understand anarchy and
chaos and order and balance and so on and so forth…I reflect, not from anger or
despair like you do, I reflect because I wonder… it is a positive thing for me
and a negative thing for you… anger is a negative emotion and wonder is a positive
emotion…truth be told, I feel sad for you because of all your negative
emotions… and I hope you find your way out… it took me years to navigate
my way out of negative emotions but finally I did… and I hope you do to…


I already understand them completely. Why don’t you try to understand why someone that understands them completely would turn and say ‘fuck them’. And, I’m not even being negative, but, you’re too blinded to see that clearly. Just another fool, no matter of age; no different than trixie or any of the other young ones.

You’re just another troll, and I saw that clearly from the first time I encountered you and your ‘strange’ ways. Just another snake in the grass, thinking itself hidden from what it tries to perceive as prey. You’re nothing new, by any means. Another fraud, another fake. Told ya, though, old man, it’s best ya just stay down at your age. You no longer remember how to shoot your gun properly and you’ve forgotten all that you’ve known, if anything, about gun maintenance.

I’ve got a new understanding of time and space; so new that it’s ancient. Everything ties into everything else, the more you go in search down one avenue or another, you find the same, though you’re often driven by the one-minded, single-track thoughts you’re driven by. You’re multi-faceted, Kropotkin? Is that what you’re telling me, you’re something you’ve never been before in your life and trying to lie your way into faking it until you make it like so many other liars and hoping not to be seen for what you are? How can you claim to see clearly when your mind is so middled and muddled by lies and deceits and trying to hide, when it’s so muddled and middled by your acts, your masks, your arrogance and pride, your dark thoughts and your thin, sheer veneer of affronted nature at being called out. You’ve already been studying men, are you seeking to try to deconstruct the greats in your own mind when your works have, in no way, trumped theirs and they already stand on more firm and solid; higher; ground, than you will ever stand on in eternity? You should be running faster. You’re nothing more but a base magician, a wannabe wizard that thought his gambits and gambles had finally paid off and you could cash in, just like so many others. There is absolutely nothing unique about you.

The great Kropotkin! Like the great Kavaldi!, Like the great Khali! The great Khalayman, Sulayman, Saurumon! How many different iterations and incarnations? And does it even matter? You’re no stranger to me, Peter. How you wish you were, but you are no stranger to me.

K: and you call me vain… I don’t pretend to claim to understand things
as you claim to understand everything… order, chaos, and balance, among others
things you have claimed to understand… let me list all the things you claim to
understand… evolution, science, philosophy, the earth, religions, the establishment,
the living and the dead whereas … I make no such claim…
so I call bullshit on your claim to understand ALL knowledge, for that is what
you are talking about…

the curse of being young is thinking you know everything,
the curse of being old is knowing you don’t know anything


because you are vain, it’s not about what you claim, it’s about your body language and general attitude. I make claims, but those claims are natural for me to claim, I’ve earned the right. Learn something.

K: and how exactly have you “earned the right” to make claims you know
everything? as for my “body language”, that would be a little tough over
the internet to see, in addition to knowing everything, you claim to
be able to see me over the internet via my words I use… that is a
fascinating claim…you are clearly a superhero along the lines
of thor or the hulk… you are miscasts as a lonely, misguided
member of a small, unknown internet web site…
why hasn’t marvel made a movie about you? inquiring minds want to know
and who do you think should play you?


and once again it is 4 in the morning and my back pain is keeping me up…
so here I am…

I am in the midst of Renaissance philosophy and I am reading about Italian
nature philosophers which is an interesting topic buuuuuuuut…
does it give someone, who is lying in bed wondering what its all
about, something to get hold of… What the hell am I doing here?
what is my point here and trust me Italian nature philosopher/philosophy as interesting as
as it is, is not going to answer the question of my meaning, my purpose or even a more
basic question… how am I to live my life? I see people in my daily life who get ahead
by cheating and lying and screwing everyone around them and they make more money
and they are managers and they become president of the US. How can I justify
my playing the “game” with honor and integrity when I see others get ahead by
being assholes… what are the rules to life and what do I get by playing the
rules “the right way”?

The Christian says, you must play the rules and the game as god has
created it… and if you play by god’s rules… the 10 commandments
and the like, you get rewarded by heaven or punished by hell…

I don’t subscribe to that point of view, to quote Sting…

this idea of reward and punishment is strong in America
we have an entire multi-billion dollar system of courts and
cops and prisons making sure the punishment for breaking the rules
is severe but what about rewards? We certainly don’t get rewarded
by playing by the rules as I mentioned above…I have had 7 or 8
managers in my store… and each one was a vile, lying sack of shit who
had no problem screwing someone out of a dime if it help them make
their bonus…corporate knew who these people were and yet,
still made them managers, knowing they are vile pieces of shit…
it is a corporate decision to make these horrible human beings
the face of the local store… and they get rewarded by being
pieces of shit with bonuses and promotions… a bigger store,
the bigger the bonuses and for management, the name of the game
is bonuses…they manage for their bonuses, not how it helps the
store get better or helps the employees… watching this for almost
10 years, what incentive do I have to play by the rules and be
a decent human being? you say, the store could fire you…
nah, not really, I have a union and outside of insubordination
and stealing, I can’t really be fired… and yet, most employees
are decent and hard working people, unlike the managers…
and get paid a whole lot less then managers and work a whole lot
more then the managers…so what is the incentive to honor the rules
of society when there doesn’t seem to be any reward to do so?
Punishment, yes, but reward, no…I am maxed out at work…
so no more raises, I am at my top bracket… so I am basically
just spinning my wheels day after day after day, with no reward
to be a kind, decent human being and yet, day after day after
day, I am…how does philosophy specifically help me
be and stay a kind, decent human being?

not by Descartes search for certainty of knowledge…
not by the medieval search for god and his and ours
role in society…

how does Aristotle categories help me be a kind and decent human being?

or how does Russell’s and Whitehead search for a mathematical language
help me become a kind and decent human being?

the problem with philosophy is so much of it lies outside of
what I need to make choices about my life…
what philosophy is needed to help me decide to be a kind and decent
human being? or do I even want to be a kind and decent human being
because there certainly doesn’t seem to be any reward in doing so…
we have punishment for being bad and yet the bad are rewarded
every single day…how do I justify my behavior good or bad?
certainly not by reward or punishment because we see that is fucked up
and the good are punished and the bad rewarded…

part of the reason that philosophy is so ignored and dislike is because it
cannot/won’t/ can’t answer these questions about how we are to live our lives
and why we should make the choices we should make…
why should I be a decent, kind, honorable human being when there
is no reward for doing so?

I know enough history to know that being a god fearing human doesn’t prevent one
from being a totally mean, vicious, violent, human being… for one
can always find some reason that allows them to be vile human beings
even if they believe in god…

we can create 7 billion reasons for us to be decent, honorable, kind
and we can then find 7 billion reasons for us to be a vile, nasty piece of work
and find few reasons not to be…maybe god will punish us,
but close to the time of death, simply repent and heaven awaits even
after a lifetime of being a douche bag of a human being… a simple
statement right before death and all is forgiven… a lifetime of
being vile and nasty and corrupt and 3 seconds of a line and
its all good…that doesn’t seem to be any kind of encouragement
to be a kind or decent or honorable human being… one small line
near death and away we go…this gives me even less a reason to be
religious when it certainly doesn’t stop people from being vile human beings…

so how do I live my life and why should I choose that way?
philosophy can tell me how I can be certain about the nature
of knowledge and yet can’t tell me about something so basic and
fundamental in my life as how do I live my life???


I never said I knew everything, just everything I needed to know to make sense of everything and everything else I don’t know can be learned in the moment, by the moment, when the moment hits. I don’t need to know every detail of every life or even what’s going on around me, I can feel the pressure mounting, it culminates in me and I find myself reacting in kind to what goes on. I’ve got a hairpin trigger tuned to reality.

But, set aside your insults and engage me, and see what I know. Push the right buttons and I might actually show you what I know and how I know it and I’ll sit here and say it in such an undeniable way that you will see exactly what I mean about how everything ties into everything else and you could throw out something you think I’d know nothing about, for you think differently and have different pursuits and passions and then if I push a bit for more context of what you toss at me, even if I don’t know it, I’ll be able to accurately tie it into other things I do understand and see that it is still different the same. I’ll be able to prove to you that I can understand the concept and the context and leave it as is even if unknown to the full of it and still find a place for it in everything else I know, using the abstract to paint a mosaic picture portrait of creation.

I am a legend beyond legend, to indulge your pleasure cruise to hear me once again toot my own horn, in your opinion. But, let me toot it anyway; because I am THE legend that inspires all other legends and those legends in themself could be considered a ‘legion’; beyond count. There’s not enough room for me without my legend completely drowning out all of reality; my name and my face; religions based in me, praise and worship and such love and adoration until it all gets sick and tired of it all and tears it all down, destroys everything that I am to make room for others to live their lives free of a shadow that they’ll never be free from, living lives that are tributes to me and my fight, my life, my legend.

When I look around me, all I see are stories based on my works, stories based on my own; everywhere I look, I see another tribute given to what I do and what I am and what I fight, how I fight it. Already, I see an eternity that is focused on me, hating me and loving all the same and hating me more for loving me and loving me all the more for their hatred of me to combat their love and back and forth in insane fashion they combat themselves seemingly contentedly until they realize that others are suffering similarly in back and forth fashion, like those that have been made to suffer under their whips, made to be angry, getting angry and then getting angrier because it’s the intent of their enemies to make them angry, angry at themselves for falling for it, hatred and blind fury.

I just tied something ‘fantasy and fictional’ into a reality, an actual frame of mind. I have spoken, did speak and will continue speaking shit so real in such surreal reality that must be fantasy that it will leave even your old ass spinning on your own thumb like a self-made jackass. Why did you follow God for 40 years? Why did you follow those great men for 40 years if not for the same reason as I followed my cousin and others who broke me, because it looked like they were leading and knew what they were leading to. What made you deviate? Probably the same reasons I deviated from my followings: they stopped serving my interests, they stopped serving my lack of direction, my lack of purpose, my lack of anything better to do; stopped being paths I wanted to follow down. And, I will tell you, again, that I am God and more than God, just a man and more than just a man, nothing at all. Why are you following me when I never wanted followers? 40 years? Why are you following me just because it seemed like I had something to teach? It was nothing you couldn’t have learned in your own life through other routes. I mean, that’s the entire point of it, to share in others excitement and exuberance over the things they learn in their way and to get a more fleshed out picture of it.

And, I do have things to teach, but not what anybody is listening to. They think it just lecturing, bearing down too hard on them; being too serious and stopping their fun. And I will be honest, I am a loner; why follow a loner? Are you a stalker? a creeper? even if not, even if in serious need of guidance and help, did you ever take God’s own being into consideration and as the ultimate loner of eternity, why wouldn’t he, at times, be the will o the wisp that leads you blind unto your death even if you pursued for all the right reasons, just to get the fuck away and maybe get clear and clear his head, run from the pressure enough in what could be a strategic retreat when planned and still that when not, but simply just getting the fuck away from it.

40 years you followed me. And the many years that so many others followed. And the lies and the deceits of what others wanted me to be for them and what others wanted to be so much that they fucked up eternity, fucked up life, fucked up every bit and then… THAT’S WHEN they actually truly called for my help; only once it was too late.

Now, do you understand why I walk away? Run some times? It’s not shirking responsibility, it’s shirking responsibility that I am made to wear that is not my own.

And doesn’t this tie into so much of your own life and so many other peoples lives? isn’t it something you could claim for yourself and so many others around you could claim for themselves, if they had the sensibilities?

In your mind you thought yourself to be God; you’re not the only one. What fools these mortals be… and sadly it’s not just the mortals, but the immortals; and already you or something else is looking to use any of this information for their own gains, bypassing their own foolishness. What fools these immortals and eternals be. I have seen so many claim to be God; I have seen many wear my names and titles; have seen so many just rise against me and I have fought legions; I have gone from seeing the passing of years, to the passing of decades to the passing of centuries before I even got through 3 decades. I have seen the passing of eternities in under 14 minutes and knew what I knew then and gleaned then to be just small fraction of a small fraction and still summing up so much when compared and blended with other viewings of eternities that I was given and handed.

I have seen enough to know how it plays out in the long run for every variation of psychology and personality. I know how it all plays out one by one and then when they interact and I still only have to look around me at the world as it exists now, just the same as I told you to do when you were in such pursuit of knowledge of Aristotle and trying to look directly. And did you not think it was odd that you chose to look directly and got answered directly by the same source that now repeats this? And, the answer was one and the same and now you have seen multiple times just in this reply alone the many different things that tie together like that and then tie together in this and maybe that’s something you already knew and I have to tell you what you already know, but I doubt it. I doubt it because you don’t talk about it, you don’t think about it and this is still just a refining of thoughts that I claimed for my own and put to use, put to purpose.

I have seen the passing of eons, thousands of years as societies and civilizations have risen up and then crumbled to dust, I have seen the in betweens and the other civilizations that rose higher, or so they seemed, only to wander and wonder what happened to those others that crumbled to dust. What became of them with all of what they left behind, when relics and greatness are found and the troubling thoughts flit across their minds that maybe they ran ultimately into the same problems as us and we now have answers to disturbing questions that we are not alone in eternity, in space, that we are not alone in terms of aliens or the supernatural or paranormal, but we might as well be. We might as well be.

And the fact that I can talk about this accurately and directly, outwardly, is something that you; old man; have never seen before, never encountered, know nothing about because I am like nothing you’ve ever seen before and like so many other things you know all the same because you’re not so different than me and yet too different all the same. don’t ever think you’re too old to be taken back to school.


WOW… you are that “special” kind of crazy…
Like Trixie and Ecu and Turd… I am impressed that someone
could be that crazy and not know it…but I guess that is the point
of crazy… being crazy and not knowing it… well you have fun with
your specialness… I am busy rearranging my sock drawer …


I know how crazy I am. I’m the type of crazy and insanity that takes on all that is wrong, knowing how large it is, knowing it’s greater than me, with every bit of swagger as if I could win when everybody knows the score, everybody sees the tragedy coming, myself included. Don’t ever assume that I walk through life blindly, but there are things that struck cords, you are still wrapped up in me, catering to me, coming in to my dance; my pace. Already you are different again for this and still bite the hand that feeds.

But then, I guess if I’m to listen to the claims of the mind, you feel the same to some degree, that I’m biting your hand as you feed, but what you do in private, if not matched by what you do in public and openly, is very little and not worth what you expect in terms of respect and I’m afraid that disrespect is still all I can show you because you, as a grown man of your supposed years know that you have every right to respect me and my insanity, if not outright fear it, and all of your quibbling insults, no matter how tightly wound, will still reek of that same fear and respect that so many others have similarly shown me. I’m tired of arguing my insanity as sanity, because the proof is in the pudding, the fruits of the labors prove more than any words that I could say, yet here where my words are my actions and my thoughts at times, then all are in alignment at certain times and I prove it, I bring it to the table and you hate me for it, because it means that YOU have to change.

Tough shit, don’t expect any sympathy, because as much tolerance and patience as I might exhibit, I’m swiftly facing things I never expected; couldnt have known and couldnt have understood until I got here and yet I still knew the intensity that would fly at me and so I’m not backing down, I’m not turning tail, I’m signing up for another round, renewing my lease, doubling up, putting my feet down on something that I already know how it plays it out. I’ve seen the years on the internet, my years of being the martyr. I see the signs all around me, I know what comes, I know where this ends and I never ran from it after a certain point; the tears stopped falling and I started running toward it, then stopped and asked myself why I was running, because it was out of character and began walking, calmly. I know this ends with my death as it ends with everyones death and that my death is a tragedy, will be a tragedy; it’s the push that everything needs to pull its dick from the dirt and go another round in the eternal universe. Without it as it lays, with a bullet to my head from another in this savage garden of the clinically insane, then we never get the push we need to rise up and reach for the stars. Without having reality as our enemy, nature goading us and pushing us with its hate, we’ll never make it off this planet as it chases us and reality chases us.

Even as I lose, I win another minor victory in a war that I’ve already seen in full, already called the shots for ahead of time and have been waiting for others to come to terms with.

You have 41 pages to this thread comprising your scattered and disorganized thoughts about a new understanding of today, time and space that never formulates or comes to cohesive conclusion anywhere in your ramblings and mutterings. 41 pages of trash and filth, gutter-scraps.

What IS your new understanding of today, time and space? Why haven’t you gone over your own words and works here in this thread, fit them together, worked them through, ironed them out and summarized it for yourself to deliver a finalizing statement for the moment of what this particular journey has meant for you and move on to another thread, already? This reads like a blog that should be in the rant house, or the sandbox, but not in philosophy. And, that’s not cutting you down or insulting you and is just being honest, not even ‘brutally’.

If it were me, I wouldn’t have let this drag out for 41 pages, I would have done, instinctively and naturally, what I just suggested that you might do. I’m a bit itchy about it at the moment, because through the thoughts that swarm and inundate my mind, stupid bullshit, trolls of the spirit and mind, distraction after distraction, I was able to finally have a clear thought about this, and I’m itchy that it took so long for me to see this and call it as it is, I’m also itchy because I get banned for ad homs that are not ad homs, my threads get moved whether they should be or not; if you were I or Trixie, your thread would have already been moved. Score one for the quiet idiocy of P.K. to not gain the brunt of the attention of the moderating team that should have seen this ages ago, too; that this is more a blog than anything of actual philosophical worth, is all over the place. Inchoate. Which, is exactly the description of the sandbox:

I believe it was Nietzsche who said: philosophy is really just a confession…

what are you confessing?


That you entirely misinterpreted what Nietzsche actually said and meant:

That every Philosopher has basically only ‘confessed’; in terms of speaking what they have born witness to; in their own perception, thus the ‘confession of its originator’ and ‘involuntary and unconscious autobiography.’ Nietzsche never said that the confession was voluntary or something the people have been aware of while developing their philosophies and what he goes on to say by the end of his statement is that every philosophers philosophies have been based out of their own inner turmoils, their own moralities or immoralities and has only shown more truly where the philosophers have come from in their lives, what they were born into by what must have shaped their philosophies; what they were surrounded by for their philosophies to be formed into what they were. Nietzsche seemed to have hit the detective mode of understanding other philosophers lives based on their philosophies, since none of them outright state their own standing in the world around them in their philosophies, at least not without heavy personal bias, even in the intent to not heavily bias the report.

Confession used to have a different use when Nietzsche used it as he did, still had the use you just tried to use it for, but that’s not how he used it.

I don’t even read the works of other philosophers in-depth. I often find that when I look at their works, their works and my own are in tandem, that we’re never too very far from one another in thought. I understand almost instantly their works and their minds, understand almost instantly context and content. Maybe it’s an innate ability that I have that others only pretend to have, I don’t know.