Political Compass - beat this, cucks

Archie Bunker?

I was at the bottom left… of course…


I always liked the old OK Cupid compass. I was between Pope John Paul the Second, somebody else (maybe W?) and Darth Vader. I felt like that made sense.

Political compass was made by some libertarian fuckers who wanted to make it hard to not be libertarian.

Right-wing in this test is being an American Neo-Liberal Christian.


I’m a bit surprised by this, because I consider myself a left-y. A better way to plot the result would be to show some error bars on each axis, because I think I’m probably averaging out a lot of strongly right and left positions to appear dead center.

Xunzian, my result seems to support what you’re saying, but their brief election reaction post makes them seem party line Bernie bros, which is not a political alignment I’d label ‘libertarian’.

I found a thread from 2007 where I and others posted our scores for this test: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=161954&p=1945235#p1945235

Me in 2007:

That’s accurate. I’ve moved right on a number of economic issues. I would have self-identified as a socialist in 2007.

authoritarian left me, one block up and left. last time I done this I was dead centre, must be recent events or something.

Yeah this isn’t a leftist brainwashing tool at all…

“Dude, just make everything come out leftist, it’ll work don’t worry”.

What makes you say that? My result was less left than I expected.

Ok, now I decided to take the test seriously and already on the 1st question they present me with a false dichotomy which exposes the test’s bias:

“If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.” So either I am a lefty humanist socialist, or I am a righty elitist capitalist. Too bad I am neither.

  1. “I’d always support my country, whether it was right or wrong.” What the fuck does this mean? Right or wrong about what, matters of “ought” (where there isn’t right and wrong in the first place), or matters of “is”?

Not to mention the utterly asinine propositions at the end, such as ‘Astrology explains many things’ which are at best based on correlations and in and of themselves don’t make one either left/right or authoritarian/libertarian

I am strongly offended by who I have been compared to here, just so you know. Ustashas, Al Bagfaggy and some Archie? These guys are just little cucks compared to me.

I would have liked a pass the question button more than once in that test because of the dichotomies which were presented.

I’m pretty close to Gandhi. :smiley:

And God pushed the war into Hell itself and got stuck and called to the Devil for Help.

You have your choice between serving the conservative private corporatist plantation model of tyranny or the publicly socialist progressivist [Marxist] government plantation model of it. Some great choices and options right there to have in the human controlled zoo also known as civilization.

Is there a third option to opt out of either? Oh, that’s right there isn’t as that option was destroyed years ago. Enjoy the tyranny from cradle to grave useful tools and idiots…

I’m a hardcore angry leftist with a strong authoritarian streak. They don’t capture that.

The whole “Bernie Bro” thing is a creation of the Dem establishment. It basically boils down to the same crisis of consciousness that has been all the rage on NYT editorial pages. Which has been Democratic congressfolks either earnestly asking, “Should I pay attention to my constituents?” and Democratic congressfolks complaining about how their constituents call them too much.

I want to be very clear that the bell curve overlap between the best Republican and the worst Democrat still ensures the worst democrat is better. But holy fucking shit are Dems bad.

Edit: For emphasis in normal political discussions I either describe myself as a “bomb throwing leftist” or a “Maoist”. Neither are really true but their both close to true. I don’t think anyone who “struggles” with the Cultural Revolution and its aftermath in a positive way and also appreciates the LKY government in Singapore belongs anywhere near the “libertarian” end on social issues.

My 20th Century hero is Zhou Enlai. I don’t see him in that result.

Is Xunzian a communist? (I use to go by the name Joker. You remember me, right?) :wink:

I feel there isn’t any kind of political compass to fit my views accurately. Not much of an intellectual market for a pessimistic anarchistic nihilist individual autonomy supporter.