New food preservation methods and the rise of food sensitivities

McDonald’s is worse for you than cigarettes.

I dunno, I think Taco Bell is worse.

I bet that’s true if you overeat enough. Though, it’s hard to compare quantities. Does going to McDonald’s once a day translate to smoking a pack a day, or what?

2 packs a day.

There doesn’t seem to be. I asked the FSA that question, and they had no answer to give… I asked why preservatives aren’t on most of the food labels, and they said they don’t know.

Dangerous to a small percent of the population, so the food industry doesn’t give a shit. We are merely called unlucky and told not to eat that product, but when I unknowingly consume these toxic (to me) preservatives I take issue with that.


They also work very well at keeping some of us sick and lethargic, but my choice of whether to consume them or not is taken away due to non-existant labelling of them.

Well, like I suggested before, this is news to me. What sources/evidence do you have that this is true? What is it that preservatives are doing do us, and how do you know?

I was talking to a fellow local Conservative doctor friend of mine yesterday about my sulphur remedy to help counteract my additive-induced gastrointestinal intestinal (GI) ailments, and he revealed that studies have shown that by the time the Japanese reach 3rd generation residency their cancer rates rise to that of the country they are residing in compared to their own very low rate.

I have spoken to the FSA and the supermarkets who have confirmed the usage of these unlisted preservatives on fresh produce.

Your remarkably stupid.

Your focusing on preservatives as the culprit to be demonized, when you live on a high population density island with a poor growing season and minimal local agriculture. England literally has to import its food, in mass quantities, and needs a depot system to move goods from ship to store, and it needs refrigerated or cooled to preserve them in between.

If England got rid of preservatives, or there was another idiotic food scare like the organic vs GM scare (which is pure bullshit psuedo-science) in attacking preservatives, then England would have to exile or allow to die off a large fraction of its population to compensate for the lower quality and quantity of foods coming in.

Your query leads to liberal induced genocide. Cease immediately, and remove yourself from the net. Keep away from people, and keep your mouth shut, your only in a position to hurt others.

This is from a country that caused all its eggs sold change from white to brown on health and nutrition grounds, even though laboratories can’t detect the difference, if there is even any. While you can modulate egg color preference by switching out chicken breeds when your chickens need to be inevitably replaced, you can’t magically speed up the speed produce travels on the ocean, and changing to a none preservative transport dramatically jacks up the price and lessens the availability of goods for the common man. Hitler wouldn’t even pull this kind of shit on his own people, what your desiring to do. He wanted a Volkswagen… A People’s Car… for all (save the catholics and Jews), your idea just fucks everyone, for your own selfish, limited needs.

You pretend to be of a economic class capable of wasting money on inferior, organic foods… just learn to wash your foods well, steam your vegetables if need be, and keep away from ushering in your idiotic hallocaust via this bright idea of yours. Its obvious the English lack objectivity when it comes to rationalizing food.

We should eat only home made food to know that it is healthy enough.


I guess you didn’t read my previous posts :confused:

I get sick off salad, I don’t get sick off an organic salad… should I eat the stuff that makes me sick? sick being catastrophic symptoms that if you ask I will happily list, but they are far from pleasant.

I’ll stick with my organic produce thank you, and I will continue to scrub even those down well before eating them.

Your clearly delusional, suffering from a psychosomatic association.

There is no fucking way in hell your atomic acid breaking down GMO foods in your stomach knows its GMO or Organic. Likewise for your Large and Small Intestines, or your local sewage station, or your plumber. None of them can tell the difference, as its all biomatter if an nearly identical nature. Same cells, same organelles, 99.9% functioning, just one, the GMO crop, was given a few extra genes (or had a few removed) to make it healthier and more nutritious to eat. Your digestive system has jack diddly squat to do with any I’ll effect from GMO foods. If you believe this kind of crap, then you need to be put in a straight jacket, and large hairy Croatian men can violently swing baseball bats at the bars near your face, while cursing violently at you, for your the kind of sicko who deserves such treatment from society.

As to a miscellaneous chemical being on a vegetable, I can’t really rule out a reaction to this… but like I said, just steam your vegetables, and they should roll off. Likewise vinegar baths, for a minute or so, in and out.

Or, you can just switch to frozen foods. A new chain has expanded in England recently, focusing on Frozen food imports. There is obviously much less incentive to put expensive preservatives on foods frozen upon being sold to a corporate buyer for immediate freezing and shipment, as the goal is to freeze them while they are fresh. It doesn’t make much economic sense to do both, now does it? The proteins and nutrients survive the freezing process, but the lipid structures in the cell walls do not. That’s it. The way modern supermarkets sell foods… Fresh, Canned, Organic, and Frozen, reflects different debates that have occurred about foods over the years. To be honest, the only unsafe food sold in western countries are organics, as they are covered in pig shit, prone to parasites, carry disease, are less nutritious, more expensive, and smaller than they could otherwise be. Only brainwashed idiots buy organics. The other three methods are time tested, known to be safe. If you have empirically tested organics to be found better than GMO, its from a abstract, associative flaw in your thinking, for as I’ve pointed out, there is no way in hell your digestive track can tell the difference. Its simply is no where near that sophisticated. You more than likely just have “Full of Shit Yuppie Syndrome”, or FSYS, which rhymes with Sissy.

Liberal Yuppies in San Francisco, for example, fear cellular towers are a threat to their health, and go through non stop legal battles to stop any tower or rooftop installation from being installed, due to cancer risks. They have FSYS. They also indulge in this Organic food cult, and have ran up the costs of otherwise cheap and easy to access vegetables to unaffordable extremes, while blocking and protesting non-organic foods from bring imported. Poor people can’t eat vegetables because of these crazy insane fucks, and the only cure is to drag them out of their isolated little world, shove a pistol into their temple on Market Street, screaming at them with pent up rage and pulling the trigger. Those crazy fucks are the chief cause of poverty, and lay ultimately behind every crime and fraud in that city, due to their crazy ass schemes.

The British are not that far behind. I think you guys are juuuuust about as psychologically sacked. You more so because you lack a real job, working for the music industry instead, being around faux-egoists desperate to look hip and fit in, while being pathfinders at the same time.

  1. Yoga will not improve your intake of Organic Foods, even if you do it down by the river at dawn. You will not find digestive peace through it.

  2. Drinking brand name “Honest Tea” from Jessica Alba, or Smart Water (its just fucking dumb, regular water ran through osmosis) from Rachel from Friends, will not make you healthier over drinking normal tea and normal water.

  3. Gwennith Paltrow is not a food authority. Do not listen to that cunt. She is attractive not because of her diet, but because she had better genes that made her attractive, and took her looks to heart, and assumed it was something she earned via merit, her diet. It wasn’t, its her genes, and her workouts.

I recommend studying a current Hungarian philosopher, Istvan Csaba Bartos, a famous Cynic Philosopher:án_Cs._Bartos

What you got, going on in that bat crazy little head of yours, is cured by what he has going on in his bat crazy opposite extreme. I think you too are a match made in heaven, and as you work supposedly in the entertainment industry, you have excuse to take the weekend off and visit one of his acts. It will make you a better person.

Until then, Dr. Smee gives you this diagnosis: Your a Fucking Bonafide Sicko. Put the Kale down, and get some real food. Go to Fairbanks, Alaska, at the Turtleback Lounge, and order their 60 Oz Moose Steak. It is made for the Gold Miners across the rural street in the wintertime to eat. It will put hair on your chest. No more of this meowing like some homeless cat in a storm. Your a fucking human, start eating like one.

Seeds are cheap as is dirt, water and natural fertilizers aka feces, worms etc…
Co-op gardens can feed the poor. Co-op animal raising or buying can feed many families well. But, do the poor work together to make simple easy inexpensive changes to better their lives? No. Most want others tp sacrifice or have the government control their lives by giving them hand outs.
10 families coughing up 100$ a piece can buy at the very least weight a 1000lb steer. It would come to $1.70 per pound of meat maybe. $ 2.00 if you hire a butcher maybe.

Or they can co-op with bulk purchases.
If you want to cast blame, cast it every where it truly belongs. The poor must bear responsibility for their own situation.

If I could i’d own a chicken farm. Not too big, not too small.

You could, properties can be inexpensive setting up a farm does not need to be expensive. What causes cost is location. How about 10 acres of land for 5,000 or less with a building on it? There are places like that. You just have to find them. There are sales or just paying back taxes.

I seem to be in good health… as long as I don’t ingest any additives whatsoever.

Is it right what they are doing to our foods? and expecting us to eat up and grimace through the resulting pain and symptoms? is it fuck!

I remember when the farming industry had to breed the taste back into all their produce due to customer complaints of lack of taste, and now it seems that the same is happening with this new addition of preservatives on all their produce… having to reduce/eliminate these preservatives due to customer complaints of severe gastrointestinal problems/nausea.

The customer’s always right.

What one thinks, and what is in reality, are often two different things…

Floating turd…it is irrelevant whether or not your digestive system acid recognizes GMO foods…the only relevant thing are if any strange chemicals, or particles, proteins, enzymes etc. end up in your blood stream…Some foods, when digested, release certain particles, and become poisonous…Some mushrooms are poisonous, some aren’t…because something has DNA in it doesn’t make it safe…that’s why playing with Genes doesnt neccesarily result in a healthy food…

i don’t believe organic farmers let pigs shit in their food…and I don’t think steaming broccoli magically removes the toxins leeched into it from pesticides…I don’t know what you have against Kale, it is highly nutritious, full of vitamins and minerals…do you know what those are?

Turd just likes being antagonistic towards me, even if it means common sense not prevailing.

The only foods that are currently safe for me to eat are unprocessed organic produce… anything other than that and the toilet becomes my best friend for days. #-o

Or genes to make it resistant to pesticides so that more could be used and more got in the food and soil.
Or to make the food look more colorful.
Or to make the food have a longer shelf life.
You are also wrong about the digestive system not knowing, though the way of wording it is a bit strange. There are huge increases in the number of people with allergies of all kinds and these correspond to increases in the use of GM foods. The food industry has as oversight government agencies that have revolviing door executives with, yes, the food industry. There is absolutely now way for scientists to have determined that the number of changes made and potentially made by changes in genes in these GM foods is safe. They do not make the slightest effort to see what long term effects are. And there is no need for hte changes. Their pr organs often say that they will feed to world, but nothing has shown that they have increased the nutritional uptake of humans, despite all the modifications.

What they want to do, not the scientists but the coporations, is be able to lisence the foods. IOW you cannot make next years crops out of the surplus of this years seeds. They will have a patent on the seeds, so farmers are dependent on the companies. That’s it. They do not give a fuck about the long term effects of their products - think tobacco industry, especially before decades and decade of obfuscations, lies and legal bs finally lost out to the obvious truth that tobaccos was bad for you - the long term effect on the earth and ecosystems or your body. They are playing fast and loose.

The only way I can combat the effects of additives in foods is to be 100% strict in eating organic, and if I don’t my health and aesthetics are immediately impacted on, and my sense of fun and elegance cannot have that :angry: