Dan~ videos

I talked to some JW friends yesterday.
I did not video our convo, but it was a good convo i think.
One thing i asked them is what they enjoy the most about being JW.
They basically said the sense of knowing, certainty, and also inevitable, eventual establishment of eutopia / “God’s Kingdom”.

Thanks for showing an interest Wendy.

youtube.com/watch?v=LTOdAgy … e=youtu.be

here is one about free will and freedoms.

if that latest video isn’t working please tell me.


Here is 8min about the meaning of life and values etc.

So far, all of the vids are working. :smiley:

Great. Do you find them at all helpful or informative?

Here I ask Jered, a mormon, about what is most important, and also about the problem of evil.

youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-3cs4 … e=youtu.be

I talked slightly of what Jared said, to Joe.
Joe brings up the point that some families are crap.
Also a parent will save a child’s life if needed.
That should apply to the whole “heavenly father” idea.


This is a brief bit around atheism.

Very boring. Did not bother to watch.

dan, please take anti-depressants


Dan interacts with his friends in positive ways to discuss aspects of existence in hopes of inspiring a better society. You, MP, make trash art and trash talk.

[edit: Dan, sorry about going off on Manny-pedi.]

Darling, they are retarded, they both struggle with understanding what Atheism actually is, not only that but these weirdos seem concerned trying to get past the belief and disbelief in God, in order for everybody to reunite for a “better society” as you like to put it…not realizing that the belief in God completely dictates the reality of how a believer lives in society…

So, let’s say, they all get past the argumentation of belief/disbelief in God…so they can now “reunite”, as if they were all living happily together in the past…but let’s say they did…yeah, here comes the homosexual atheist, who gets shitfaced on drink every weekend, frequenting gay clubs for his regular anal sex session …or the man/woman who commits adultery etc all done legally… yeah tell that to a devout Christian or better still, a Muslim…yeah tell them to put the God discussion to the side and let’s all reunite…

it’s only a God discussion from an Atheist perspective, but from a devout religious person…they live it… there is no uniting…

Here’s two questions, why the fuck would you want to unite with the religious people anyways, and more realistically, why the fuck would you try to create a better society, especially when you know the nature of people…

These two men are faggot cry babies, are simply afraid of fighting and who were probably raised by shitty single mothers… aww all must be perfect, aw c’mon guys can’t we all just get along… the faggot religious loving everyone is no different to the faggot atheist reasoning with everyone…this is what brings them together… trying to build that final bridge so they can hug it out…

Side note:

when the camera was turned off…

I’m sure dan had a great time fucking that carb whore in the homoerotic light of that gay lamp, judging by the creams/lotion on the table both of their voices increased ,even more so, in pitch that night…

People live to learn to better their natures by experiencing a lifetime of emotions, 1st person and 3rd person experiences and how you treat others (with kindness or cruelty) over the course of your lifetime tells of how you love or hate yourself. Your physical body will perish and you will have to judge your lifelong behaviors, into where and how you exerted yourself (growth away from easy evil and towards the more difficult generosity of love) in connecting with other souls while alive and ultimately with your Creator.

Today, Kris taught me to hold back a bit on my reactions, a good lesson. I’m still learning my finesse between too passive or too aggressive. Aggressive male stupidity makes it “Hammer Time” for me.

For now we are discussing simple philosophy and foundational philosophy,
in simple speech, in short presentations. It is hoped that some people will be able to relate.
Later we will talk about some of the deeper or more complex things.

You are using foul language over something that isn’t foul at all.
You don’t seem like a fair person.
I’m sorry that you posted here.


This is an album that Ethan helped put together.
It’s from my old stuff, music stuff.


Here is Joe’s shot at defining advanced philosophy.

Mannikin warned.

dumbass, wouldn’t it be more appropriate for you to remove post as well, you lazy fuck…do it now.