I found those who can help us bring about a new Golden Age!

Mags … are you referring to the puppeteers of Sykes and Picot as in Sykes-Picot accord?

A much less known event took place in a tiny village in Portugal … Fatima … about a year later. I have often wondered if there is any connection between the choice of location for the event and the Prophet Mohamed’s daughter Fatima.


No, but I will look it up to see the correlation… intriguing so far, and I haven’t even looked it up yet.

Thing is, you are relying on a bunch of shitlibs and leftists to fight your battles, most of whom are as insane, orwellian, and tyrannical as the left, if not even more so.

Trixie, when I have friends like you, why need I rely on the Far Left or anyone else for that matter, which is for the most part as stupid and misguided as anyone else :slight_smile: We will (use logic to) control the Far Left , instead of being “beaten” by them…

I’ve been trying to control society, but only with limited success.

Well, I know, and how hard it can be.
The trick is to allow logic – not the self, but statements of pure logic (as truly and objectively defined as possible) --to control and manage the difficult parts of society. That will be viable & appreciated by all.
Objective Logic is elusive, I know, but I think i’ve found what matters and I share with you…

People don’t want to hear logic these days. That’s why they made TV and the block button on Facebook.

A combination of Trixie’s secret sauce and (objective) logic might work, then, perhaps…

I hope, but I’m just not feeling luck is on my side anymore. I have a feeling these are the final days.

Ah, what you say saddens me. Can I help, perhaps?

If you have any plan for transformation, written down, let me know if i can add to it (by adding on my science of entropy, depression/dementia-prevention etc.), so that it becomes irresistible to mankind.

I’ll then send it over for you or your folks to edit…

First step is to ban abrahamic religions. With religion in the way, man cannot be reprogrammed to think in ways outside their religious limitation.

I agree, we can ban all religions, but this will only work if you agree that we in fact need to ban the more general phenomenon, herdist misuse of linear thinking, let’s call it dogma.

The correct (more generic) term is dogma, rather than “religion” – as easily concluded from the presence of a variety of other abominably absurd dogmas in the world:

the “war to end all wars” dogma
Tthe "Mein Fuhrer ist gut" dogma (aka nationalism*)
  • notably the world’s 2 self-proclaimed “greatest democracies”, USA and India, are involved in the maximum number of cases of foreign troop deployment…

    “the teacher is wise, he knows more than me; therefore I should remember what he says” dogma
    the “psychiatrist is wise, as he is an expert in his field, I must eat the tablets he prescribes” dogma
    the “capitalism is good, because communism was bad” dogma
    the pseudo-scientific yet madly popular, and very elaborate (obscurantist) “mythomatics” and pseudo-physics of the “Einstein-Oppenheimer” school
    the “usury is good because the great economist said so” dogma
    the “It is the supreme court, therefore it is right” dogma
    the “cigarette is given by lord of the zigurat; it is therefore good” and “cannabis is evil since it makes one mad” dogma
    the “man went to the moon” dogma
    And of course, the well-entrenched “dinosaurs exist" or "nukes exist” dogmas…

The “war is bad” dogma.
The “eugenics is bad” dogma.
The “people are better off not following dogmas” dogma.
I hear ya.

And where is the Biggster arguing against you for being an objectivist? :-k

No matter, let’s enjoy you mountebanks at this fair.

Quack, quack…

it’s Pepe… the Frog… Trump’s purported boss… he is all-powerful, he alone can help…


More comfy music.


The creator of this thread should rename their username to globalist stool pigeon.

I may be what you call a “globalist”,
but I’m more like a free pro-“globalism” ideologist,
not a stool pigeon linked to a greater power.
Well met, Mr. stool pigeon of the nationalists!

Freedom and globalism, very contradictory mix of words you have going on there.

Not necessarily a contradiction. If you understand the (potential) ideal nature of globalism: it is just the sacking, or rather reemployment, of nationalist and macroeconomic “parasites”.
This can naturally only be followed by the disintegration of (anti-individualist) evil in all its forms (financial/usury/central bank cultism, herdist: zealous religionism etc.)


…just like how the West divided up India and Africa (and other lands much more prior than that) for themselves… how very novel.

Will we see an end to divide and rule in this modern era? or fear further reprisals beyond terrorist attacks…

A connection beyond their names?