My entire philosophy in the least words

You’re avoiding my point.

I said a million different people may want that house, and I’m repeating myself by saying there are 7 billion people on earth, not just 2. It’s like you have a fog for basic reason here.

Those 2 people are zero summing a million other people!!!

If 7 billion people want the same house they are just brats who need to man up.

As a noble aristocrat I would give people healthy lives, not brats to satisfy insane unreasonable attachments. But at the same token, men should not be forced into celibacy and homosexual lifestyles, every man deserves a couple decent women in his life.


How can I be the brat when I want everyone to create their own universe of philosophic zombies from the collective consciousness of the cosmos, and you want something nobody else can have??

You are a narcissist, and a major brat

So what if I am. At least I don’t advocate for suicide. What good what that be? You believe that humans can magically spawn their own utopias after they die, but what if you’re wrong?

Now where did I say I wanted something nobody else can have? If I banged a dude’s hot wife, I would let him have sloppy seconds. And I said everyone should be hot lesbians, not just me.

I advocate reducing suicidal tension …
I advocate figuring out how to get the suicide rate to zero in that context.

You advocate fear that will assure re spawning in bullshit again and again.

It’s pioneers like me who are going to create heavens for beings… Not narcissists based in fear like you

You called everyone who wants firsts “a brat” except you.

Some fears are based in reason. It’s an evolved response to avoid danger.

Death is an unknown, until you can prove to me we have magic powers when we die to create utopias, I will focus on creating a utopia in the here and now, not putting blind faith in suicide machines.

I never said I wanted first, just don’t want venereal diseases.

I dont want the fanciest house ever made, all I want is a decent life, I don’t even have a decent life.

You called everyone who wants firsts “a brat” except you.
I never said I wanted first, just don’t want venereal diseases.

I dont want the fanciest house ever made, all I want is a decent life, I don’t even have a decent life.
You live in the lap of luxury compared to billions of people and in your entitlement, bitch about wealth being translated to everyone.

Considering you repudiate what I say, what you really want is to live in a world where you have something others don’t or can’t have.

I know this is all shocking to you in the sense that a narcissist can’t even formulate like this…

To defend any stratification, is inherently evil.

Lap of luxury? You’re crazy. At least africans have friends…My toilet doesn’t even flush. Surely you can find some africans with flushing toilets?

Africans get laid more than I do, but at least the universe gives me food, the only way I can cope with my rage.

Only a narcissist can find utopia in a place where they get something someone else wants but can’t have.

Non narcissists — this is a living hell.

So… Since there’s a catch 22 in all worlds like this, they expand outside the box, it’s the only thing that gives meaning.

You eat meat. You are the biggest hypocrit on the planet.

I’m tormented every night by the horror’s of this world. Don’t speak to me about piety.

I am a pious narcissist, an angel of good, a god amongst manimals.

I’m tormented by the horror’s of this world every night, such as the mouse in my house who won’t leave me alone.

So you’re saying we can’t consider 2 people in an isolated exchange, that to understand your point, I have to consider how such an exchange effects the entire world. It’s true that in the exchange, no one else but us two are getting the house/money. So even if it’s a win/win for us, everyone else still doesn’t get what they want.

Ultimately, this means it has nothing to do with exchanges. If I kept my money and the other guy kept his house, the rest of the world would still have neither.

Now this doesn’t mean that everyone’s unhappy. Only some people are… and only those who are homeless (or hungry, or deprived of sex). I mean, sure not everyone can have the house that I buy, but some of these are billionaires in mansions. I’m happy with the house I bought. The billionaire’s happy with his mansion. It’s only the homeless to whom this world is a cruel, cruel place.

But sure, compared to a universe in which we can create whatever we want, have as much as we want, like an infinite number of sexy lady-zombies, this world might seem horrible in comparison… for anybody… but I think that’s a relative matter.

So you concede the point. And yes, like I explained in another thread: if you become celibate or chaste, you hurt those who want that sexual bond with you, if you have sex with someone, you hurt all the other people who wanted to share that with you.

No matter what you do in this world system, you hurt ACTUAL and not hypothetical people.

Why would anyone tolerate that??

That’s why I say that this world system is inherently evil, and those who defend it are as well.

At a certain point, in this existential crisis of shit, you need to expand out of the box for meaning and purpose;;;; what else is there???

Ok, but I still don’t think this holds for absolutely every move you can make. What if you’re old, fat, and ugly, and nobody wants to have sex with you. Then you’re not really hurting anybody by going celibate.

I think you’re better off making the more general, and simpler, point that we live in a world of scarce resources and millions of people are deprived of basic wants and necessities. ← That’s what makes this world so damn bad, not the principle that every move you make ends up hurting someone.

^ I think more people would agree with you if you just stuck to that.

And here’s the next point on which I need a bit of clarification. “Evil” to me connotes malicious intentions or a malicious character. The systems of the world that make life so horrible are pretty awful but they’re not “malicious”–they don’t go out of their way to hurt you any more than an earthquake goes out of its way to hurt you. So unless you want to say some horrible intelligent being deliberately threw us into the situation we’re in, I think this is a misuse of the term “evil”–but I still agree, it’s a pretty horrible world.

I’m also not so keen on blaming people for defending the system, or labeling them “evil”–I think it all depends on what they know of the system they’re defending. Most people, I think, just see the world differently from you (you can say they’re in denial about how awful it is). I think it’s very rare to find an individual you literally thinks: I love that the world is so evil; I only wish it was more evil! BWAHAHAHAHAAA!!! People being in denial about the things you say can be infuriating, but that doesn’t make them evil.

Also, wanting to improve the world, or just accepting it because you don’t see any other option, is not evil either.

Ahh… But if you’re old, fat and ugly, YOURE probably hurting, or at least hurting others.

It’s like homelessness. It makes some people uncomfortable (hurt). So you get a home, then what happens?? You hurt all the people who think everyone should be homeless (their hurt)

In terms of your evil argument, I think it is blatantly obvious that this is all hurting people no matter what you do. So I can pour through all the books and find that nobody bothered to mention it. That to me is evil (intent) through omission.

In terms of what we can do … If people stopped defending this world thousands of years ago …, who knows where we’d be now?

I personally think we’d all be on different planes of existence through that much meditation on this truth.

That’s because of my experiences. But because not many have had those types of experiences, I have to pick up the slack

I refuse to accept anything about this world other than it has some nice ingredients.