The man behind the Phred

Just a dumb bitch to me, seen them before. Already have enough that haunt me on my own, dont need to look at another one.

What is your global project or is it top secret.

Looks like kind of a tubby bumpkin.

for one, she’s hotter than Trixie. For two, she’s definitely out of the league of all other men on this message board, in fact, out of the league of all other men in existence. And, that isn’t putting her on a pedestal. That’s calling her a woman that puts all other women to shame. And, power attracts power.

She was made to co-rule reality. She is Queen of Queens, Goddess of Goddesses. Rawr. She was made for me and I was made for her and we had no choice in the matter, but what the Hell does choice have to do with any part of anyones life? Amiright? I’m right.

It’s like, we had no choice but to love each other, but when given the choice, we chose to love each other. Which makes for natures greatest tragedy since we can’t has each other. Which is part of realities insanity, which bred us, raised us, put us in places of power that made us perfect for each other. We’re riding the insanity cycle together. it’s a helluva rollercoaster.

So, this girl loves you and is banging you now?

Hotter than me? Hotter than Joker maybe.

Why the fuck can’t you ever be serious and quit fucking with me. Do you honestly think I give a shit at all about what you’re going through or your inability to handle it. When have I ever asked you about your life or what was going on in it? Have I seemed like an over-attentive care bear that actually gave a shit about what your deal is? No, I never asked a single time. All I did was ask you to bring better argument to the table, better theses and to pull your head out of your fucking ass and quit fucking around. Over and over again, all you do is act like a bitch. I’m sorry you crossed my path and decided to fuck with me. I’m sorry I didn’t put up with it. I’m sorry I continuously showed you up and never once relented. Are you happy that I apologized to your whiny bitch ass? You gonna get over yourself now?


My study of the human species requires me to know this information.

Have you had sex with this woman (consentually) or not yet? I want to probe deeper into your psyche and draw correlations to your behavoirs.

Regardless of your studies, your logic is illogical. Just because you study the human species does not mean that you have the right to know anything.

I am the most logical person on planet earth, I am a computer programmer. I’m more logical than any of those quack jobs like Steven Hawkings, Richard Dawkins, or Einstein.

Who are you gonna tell these truths? Everybody with a soul is worthy of the truth. Even villians give James Bond the truth. Who are you gonna tell the truth to, your quack job therapist? So they can make more quack job psychotherapy misdiagnosis in the DSM6?

You never once gave me truth. Who are you to talk to me of truth? I have never once pried into your life, who are you to pry into mine? I ask legit questions of you, what exactly are you studying where you would need to know the answer to the questions you have asked of me?

You and others have not once actually answered a single fucking question I’ve ever asked of you. I must not be worthy of truth. But you, a tormenter of others, obviously more soulless than me, suddenly claims to have a soul and are worthy of hearing truth?

Here’s a truth: I won my eternal soul and EVERYTHING ELSE, in a gamble against the devil. Your soul is mine, it’s up to me to determine if you’re soulless or not and you have not once given me the respect I have demanded of you and beyond demanding, have earned.

Bow down, kiss my shoes, kiss my ass, brush your lips against the dingleberries of my asshole hairs and I still won’t answer certain questions you ask because they are none of your fucking business.

Bullies have souls.

Don’t know about you, but I was born with ownership of my soul, since I am my soul more than I am my body. Didn’t have to ask the ownership from the devil.

I already answered your question, I said I was studying the human species…

I would also say, bullies have higher concentrations of souls, to bully is to emotionally lash out to deposit pain. It means they are more sensitive souls than non-bullies. Bullying is a feminine pasttime, real men don’t waste time on it, real men only seek to hunt farm and build.

You were not born with ownership of your soul or your body. You were born where the government of the US owned your body, and were born where both the devil and god had claim to your eternal soul. And beyond those two, others had claim to your soul, too. For you to claim to have been born with ownership of your soul is a lie. You didn’t know any better and probably didn’t know you were lying, but check it out; investigate it.

Go into depth about what you are studying. You already stated once that you were studying the human species, that’s a ‘no shit’ repeat. The fact is that you don’t want to tell me exactly what it is you’re studying and even if you were to tell me, I’d still tell you it’s none of your business. I already know you spend a huge portion of your time studying me and paying attention to me. It’s not a secret, you’re not as sly and clever as you think you are. And, what you can learn about the human species by studying me or the answer to that specific question is ridiculously the same answer you could get by studying anything and everything else, even what’s not related to the human species. At the core of it, you were going to insult me again no matter how I answered, if I answered. It’s your modus operandi, your ligature killing method. You were looking for something to dig into me more with and I denied you that avenue.

And, again, it’s a question with an answer that is none of your fucking business. Again, I do not go prying into your life that way. I don’t go prying around in your head, I don’t go ripping out life moments and I don’t request that you share with me because even if I did, it would more than likely be you prompting me to so you could then push me that because you shared your life more, that I should share mine. Your life is your business, it’s not my business to go invading others privacy. There is no scientific study you’re on, it isn’t even personal curiosity.

Where were you going to post your findings or publish them? How would you post or publish them? ‘In the course of my research of whether this singular man fucked his soul mate or not, I had encountered a great deal of wealth of information and knowledge that helped nobody else in society whatsoever and instead found only knowledge to use in my arsenal of insults that I hurl against a man that I am too caught up in, that has ‘ruined’ my life for reasons I am not fully forthright and honest about, but I told him that it was a scientific study and would have giggled to myself if he had bought it.’

‘my scientific study is a fieldwork guide of how to come up with insults for your enemies on the fly by fishing for information you figure they might be stupid enough to divulge.’

The scientific world is waiting with held breaths and turning blue in the faces in the waiting for your stunning work. Any minute now they could drop dead if I don’t comply and answer your question. I say, ‘let them die’.

Actually, to bully is more than to emotionally lash out to deposit pain and you know it. Quit being a stupid cunt.

I don’t plan insults with you, think of it like an autotracking minigun, it just automatically fires with the main cannons.

And yeah do I have a giggle at you, absolutely. You remind me of this homeless guy who was a total cunt to me and his self-righteousness was so overbearing it was funny. Funny I didn’t do what I really wanted to to him. Him and his…well, Won’t get into that. What else can I do but sit back and laugh at you? It’s so funny when your writings come off like some Teenage girl…“Respect my privacy” Funny cuz I haven’t heard that one before.

As a scientist, sometimes the studying is the entertainment in of itself. It’s like, will society really benefit from studying some obscure fossil from the Jurrassic Period? No not really. And yeah, I hear what you are saying about the science community, they need a rebirth. Of course they don’t care about what I have to say, they are all biased bigots, a bunch of circle jerkers only recognizing each other’s accolades of their gated community. Outsiders, of course, are never allowed, and we have to sit and hear their regurgitated thoughts as if we couldn’t think of anything better.

And What’s this crap about god and the devil? You mean this as a metaphor right?


The woman has spoken. I must respect her decree, these are modern times and a woman must be obeyed.


I am going to make you hurt and going to drive you insane.

Maybe hurt my guts from laughing.

I really fucking despise you. I hate you. I loathe the fact that you think you can call this any type of normal conversation or something worth having. How the fuck did you think this was going to go? Think you can hide the fact that in private you rage and scream and cry because of me? I don’t even have to pry or go in search of it, it presents itself time and again in the way you approach me and talk to me, in your body language regardless of what you use to cover it up with. I am beyond just disgusted with you and all that you do. Perhaps I’m not getting this across clearly, perhaps all of my previous attempts have been mistaken as crying, or perhaps you missed it because it was said with quiet strength, something you think only women can have, and yet you are a woman if your claims are correct and you lack this essential strength.

do I need to exclaim it with testosterone-infused anger to say GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT CUNT BITCH OF FILTH!!!

But, no, that would get you making fun of my rage and trolling me and feeding off of it and then waiting for me to cry so you can then go in one form or another, QQ moar, little noob. Perhaps, at this point, even qq yourself to the mods to get me banned for yet another ad hom.

And for all of this, you claim victories that don’t even feel as victories in your own mind and spirit. Where is your heart for me to stab and destroy? Where is the soul you so claimed to have, so I can destroy it?