Is evolution true?

Shieldmaiden is correct…

The evolution “know-it-alls” are ignorant.

Aside from the concept of growth and adaptation, evolution (defined by speciation) has never been observed, even after billions of generations in laboratories.

K: James can’t explain the “creator” because one doesn’t exist…


It doesn’t matter how much evidence you show them: the deniers will keep on saying “No, it isn’t.”
Waste of effort.

You’re being a complete ass.


(That’s what evolution is)

In order to get speciation, you need TWO partners with the same phenotype mating (astronomical odds - like more than the known number of stars!!) And then the offspring needs another one.

Sorry, I meant to say two reproductively sterile partners …

I was inarticulate

And your scientific source for this information is… ?

You think biologists are universally mistaken about sterile partners having offspring, don’t know the difference between incompatibility and phenotype similarity…

and I’m the ass?
… but then, if I were to mate with a zebra, we could have a beautiful new species of filly… as long as we kept trying for a boy.

I truncated the thought… Sterile within their own species, but not to each other.

Are you kidding me??

The news of speciation would be like finding life on Jupiter!! Everyone would know it.

Bacteria and viruses have NEVER speciated, even in artificial conditions

I would be more impressed if you actually use the idea of speciation
correctly… it works like this…I will use small words so that even
you can understand this…

you have a pack of cougars hanging around a canyon and one fine
day, the pack is accidental divided up with one group going on
one side of the canyon and the other group going to the other side…
one side is hot and dusty, think desert and the other side cold, snowy
windy… the cougars one the hot side must learn to adapt to the new
conditions which means they must adapt to hot conditions
the animals that best adapt to the new conditions are the MOST
likely one to survive and pass on those traits that allows them to
survive the heat and desert climate… the cougars that are on
the cold, snowy side must adapt to far different conditions that
means the traits that allow them to survive cold and snowy conditions
most likely will be passed on… thus longer fur types will survive
better and the trait of having longer fur will MOST likely get passed
on because that accidental trait of having longer fur allows better survival
in cold, winter weather…it is the passing on of traits that allow survival
that are essential in this idea of evolution… traits that are accidental like
longer fur or sharper claws or being able to run fast and those traits get
passed on to the next generation which allows each generation to
survive the environmental conditions that the species exist in…
so cougars that survive have the accidental traits that allow them
to survive either the hot desert or cold winter areas are part of evolution
this idea of speciation comes in when after a certain point in time,
the two packs of cougars cannot create offspring with each other…
this is speciation… when they cannot create offspring with
each other because of difference between the two groups, they
now become two separate species and cannot mate together…
whereas before they were one species and they could mate…
this is in a nutshell, speciation…easily observed as Darwin
observed it on the Galapagos islands with birds…
thus you are wrong… again… and again and again…


And the failure of bacteria to meet your criteria for speciation (or mate, for that matter) proves that all evolutionary theory is wrong…
and should be replaced by - what, exactly?

Supplementary question:
Does this mean we have to throw out all products of genetic research, or just the currently accepted taxonomy?

Yes, that’s correct, James

Of course not. That’s why evolution is considered a theory and not a fact.

Evolution is a theory?

Yes. Theory is a global (universalized) view of a concept, or hypothesis. Evolution is ONLY about speciation, and no person has ever seen it.

K: all scientific theories like gravity and evolution are consider theories… all of them…
yet, if you want to disprove gravity, go to the nearest rooftop and toss yourself off…
if you live, let me know if the “theory” of gravity is true or not?


Pretty sure evolution includes micro-evolution not just macro…

K: now I see the problem… you are completely ignorant of what evolution is…
if you knew anything about evolution (and I explained speciation if you read my post,
then you would know too) you would know that evolution is more then just speciation.
of course this would mean you actually knew what you were talking about and you don’t…


Is anything in science not based on a theory regarding origins?


We can demonstrate gravity.

We’ve never seen speciation. Ever.

You clearly don’t understand that speciation is the branching of reproductive organisms such that they can no longer reproduce with each other or exchange DNA …

maybe scientists are just using the evidence for micro evolution and passing it off as valid for macro?

There is no such thing as micro evolution…

That’s just adaptation.

Evolution is speciation. Defined solely by the ability to reproduce or not