Does sex bring Happiness?

I do think pleasure would stop at a certain point even for males.

Only when you are a hot lesbian.

Females have more pleasure than male. Sex, for males, is mainly an ego boost more than anything else.

Except for the 50% of females that cant orgasm.

Then, they clearly not doing it right.
For men, as well as women, sex as part of an affectionate, trusting relationship, can be extremely rewarding.
Far beyond mere pleasure and well on the way to happiness.
Most healthy people don’t portion out their activities, one to each interpersonal relationship: football with this friend, validation from that one,
playing chess with him, studying with her, jogging with this one, sex with that one…

They certainly have the means to but whether they actually do is another matter

Why is that?

Female genital mutilation?

Ignorance on the part of the female?

Inability of their male/female partner to bring them to orgasm?

50% seems a high number considering this function is inbuilt and natural and

Where did you get this number from?

Loving, shared intimacy brings happiness in whatever form it comes.

Does any male here understand the intimacy of touching?

A lot of men havent been touched much since birth…so how would they understand the intimacy of it?

Physical is just a small part of true intimacy. It has to do with trust and faith. A man that just wants sex will eventually be seen and felt unless the female is an abandoned female.

[size=85]… about the only question worth answering so far…[/size]
… Yes.

Of course. Why wouldn’t they?
People don’t love their male babies any less than their female babies - more, in some counries. Mothers don’t pay less attention to their sons than their daughters - more, in many families. Children in homes, playgrounds and sports fields don’t discriminate.
Americans touch one another as much as anyone else - more than many cultures. Boys get petted, groomed, hugged, soothed, bandaged, reassured, congratulated, nudged, wrestled and consoled as much as girls - possibly more. Boys and men touch one another in just as many, if not more, friendly, affectionate and competitive ways as girls and women. Boys and girls start touch each other in kindergarten and having sex in middle school, if popular literature is to be believed. By senior year in high-school, boyfriends and girlfriends are all over each other, in public.
And for the truly repulsive, there is always massage with a happy ending.

It does not seem that you do understand, pretty sure James does though

Don’t know what country that is, but it ain’t America. America is the most sexually dysfunctional, sexually repressed and sexual insane country in the western world. Only touching boys get nowadays is getting punched in the face.

Males are inherently less body sensitive than females. This science has already been corroborated with transexual hormone studies. Lust and passion is feminine, if a man wants to enjoy sex he needs to get in touch with his feminine side. Hard to do in America when american women deny sex to all males for having a soft side and flock to cold, masculine assholes who don’t actually care about them.

I care about all the bitches I fuck.

Yeah but do they care about you? Most of the females I encounter have zero empathy. And society keeps saying like a broken record, “women have empathy” “women have empathy” like a broken record, when most of them I see don’t have any empathy.

I don’t care if people care about me. I care about myself.

Yes, at least temporarily.

Sex brings happiness, at least temporarily.

Do you agree?