keys to heaven

/rant on

That is so true. When I watch YouTube the left and the right viciously attack each other to score brownie points within their community. 90% of the time they never talk about their own point of view, and the 10% of the time that they do, they use certain key phrases. Everybody is either far-left or far-right, nobody is in the pragmatic center. The same can be said with religion. You either believe or you don’t believe, and if you believe you better believe what I believe bullshit.

YouTube had its “atheist phase” from like 2010 to 2015, and now it’s going through an “anti-SJW phase” where YouTubers like Blaire White and Shoe0nHead are becoming successful. Both atheist and anti-SJW is more of an exclusion than inclusion into community. Atheists typically don’t go to church, they usually don’t have their own groups like the religious, and SJW is a prop term created by anti-feminists to mock what feminism has become rather than what it originally stood for. Many feminists have their own groups and meetings, whereas anti-SJWs don’t. They feel the need to be vocal about what they stand for and the only community they have to use at their immediate disposal is the Internet and sites like YouTube.

Getting back on topic…

What is a religion geared around: DOING things, or NOT DOING things? If they focus on doing good, they are usually the type in include people, whereas if they are a religion that focuses on not doing harmful things, they are usually the type to exclude people. Being “bound” usually means doing good things, so by this, I think what James is trying to say is that doing good by being bound keeps the bad things, like the devil, at bay. Your response is to say that people always focus on what they aren’t (like the devil) more than what they are, and to that I would say it goes both ways. Typically smaller sects of political and religious organization often stress how they are “not” something, because the mainstream is to believe in something else. On the other hand, if you were an Evangelical Conservative Christian in the 80s you typically didn’t have much backlash from many people, and were free to express yourself the way you see fit. The very vocal people like to ridicule and demonize the masses, but there’s always that, “silent majority” many people don’t talk about.

Anyways, enough ranting.

/rant off.

The “keys” represent absolute authority. Peter was/is looked on as the first leader of christianity later to become the Roman Catholic Church. He was the first pope.
As amorphos said, as above, so below.
I take it to mean that Christ was saying that as the first leader of Christianity, Peter’s authority and decisions would always be in harmony with and become perfectly agreeable with the will of God.

I would disagree with as above, so below. Above is pure. Middle Earth is not pure. And the below goes down way farther down than this Earth realm and it’s not where happy endings are forged.

Give the guy a break. Does everything you say make sense?

i guess thats fair

I looked up this with a variety of bible /sect words

The word loosed is interesting. You loose a demon on earth and that sucker might be in heaven , or. What???

It is referring to arranging for the ideal to be on Earth, “Heaven on Earth”. If the ideal involves having demons around, then Peter is in a position to arrange that. But it isn’t likely that the ideal, the Heaven, involves demons or devils, considering their nature.

Im a demon on Earth, rest assured it is no heaven for me, nothing but rules and regs putting a damping on all fun to be had.

Demons are simply fallen angels, simply kicked and banned for refusing to prostrate against false gods.

…quite the opposite. But then what would one expect for a demon to say and/or think.

You would expect a demon to say the tree of knowledge and ultimate philosophy.

I don’t think there is any such thing as demons, the original meaning refers to ‘the deceiver’ ~ illusions. So heaven would be a place without such illusions. Maybe they get played out here, hence the need for here.
as above so below, would thence translate as, the same thing in heaven as earth but without the illusions e.g. death. after all, if when you die you find yourself still existing then obviously death is an illusion.

It didn’t, questioning if it does now. It can be the case that the demons are not necessary, or necessary

“De-mon” refers to that which divides the unity, the oneness, the togetherness, the “monolith”. It is associated with deception, but deception isn’t the issue.

Yea but, I think original intent was not devil or demon as we understand the words. I think we could simply use results of immoral acts or deliberate evil acts would be loosed in the realm. It implies that heaven is a mirror realm, sort of.

Heaven is the irony tower, the facebook of cuntery vagina, where you are kicked out for speaking your mind. Dripping wet cunts and hot lesbians, but before you get any of that, you get to sent to hell and damnation for not bowing to their lameness.

All I know is, my band is called the illusions. Illusions are fun. Videogames are an illusion.

It is far more an issue of which angels (aka. ideas).

can one commit an evil act without being deluded? would god make a real hell for people who fall to illusions, when all our flaws are causal or situational? the whole notion of demons and hell is itself an illusion. I suppose as Christians believe in original sin that makes it different, but I don’t think we’d find any info in the brain from before we are born, which is why I don’t buy into that.

Isn’t dividing the monolith a good thing? Or are you a big fan of one-world-government, an oppressive penis monolith enforcing bullshit abrahamic morality on unwitting citizens of the land?