I dont think Queen is actually gay.

well what i was saying is, queen turned gay because they got rejected by women, kris stated she would reject queen and thus i said it was minds like hers that made them turn gay.

I got that, but is there more? as the end result seems to be arrived upon because of sex, or lack thereof from a female, so solely based on sex.

More fool those that turn gay then innit.

Innit? Im not sure of that terminology?

And no its not just sex, if you read my other threads I stated a Tesla-shift of nurturing dynamics, nurturing qualities more present in males than females nowadays. This nurturing quality attracts males to other males.

And the sexual frustration is the force that compels to find an outlet of least resistance, the modern male.

Then more fool them innit. With your self-stated intelligence I’m sure you can grasp what innit means… not that difficult or taxing of mind.

People make choices, so why cry after that choice has been made? Oh! I fucked a male butthole, but I wished it was a female baby-making hole, oh woe is me.

Fuck off!

Freddie Mercury died from AIDS so I mean, he had to be gay…right?

You’re full of shit, you’re like an entitled princess wondering why robin hood restorts to robbing rich…youre a moron. If someone cant get laid they turn gay, its a fact of nature you little cunt.

I dont speak nigger, I dont know what “innit” means.

Then turning gay is a lifestyle choice that they have made in their eagerness to get laid.

Straight people get AIDS too yes, Mr R… from copious amounts of unprotected sex… or even just once.

Innit is street speak, spoken by people from all backgrounds and nationalities. America has broken you. Feel bad about saying such things… I don’t.

You are a compliant broken-in stallion/mare… enjoy that status.

can any of you prove that AIDs actually exist and people aren’t just killing each other with their minds based on the base manipulation of placebo effect psychology and fearmongering added to blind ignorance and extreme force of expectation and expression to force people to die by something that is not caused by what is believed to cause it?

When I said I would not love them, it was not about sex. I love family and friends that are homosexual but , I would not love Queen or really any group or individual star. They get enough from others. And sex with someone who would obviously get around is just asking for a disease.

I had a fagfriend who told me it was so. Told me aids was a government conspiracy and they saw the dawn of aids first hand. 5 men in black suits came into a gay bathhouse and injected the fags with a syringe. Told me they saw it with their own two eyes.

You are an asexual, of course you don’t understand sexual frustration…You believe the bullshit of “lifestyle” choice, its modern propoganda of the gay agenda

No shit straight people have aids. Do you want a cookie capt. obvious?

Im compliant? Your so full of Shit. Youre the one parroting the bullshit of shitlibs as gay being a lifestyle choice and you say im complaint? This website is a sick sad joke.

This fucking cunt who posts her shite food online says im compliant when im the most rebellious motherfucker here…Go back to the kitchen you little bitch

We’d all be whores given the chance and opportunity. What makes you think it’s just those that sleep around that are at risk. I’ve also heard something about uncleanliness playing a part in it. I’m also pretty sure it’s another bullshit sentiment all around. STD’s don’t happen to everyone. They don’t happen to everyone who sleeps around or everyone who doesn’t shower or bathe or clean themselves between partners. It’s rather inconsistent all around to state with any certainty that the things we think cause them actually cause them.

Well it travels thru the blood, so sharing needles can do it. But public bathrooms can do it if someone jacks off or has period juice and misses the toilet. i always put paper towel down to makesure. Doesnt matter what gender bathroom, both can have aids.

Yes, but those things don’t always spread diseases or cause them. What do any of you know about what causes them other than what you take on blind faith that isn’t being lied about that you learn as you grow.

I was expecting more from you… more fool me. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m done cooking for the day, but I’ll be back in the kitchen tomorrow and out for an alpine feast/Apres ski-party the day after, so no cooking then… lucky me huh. :smiley:

I’m happy to continue this discussion without the ad Hom… if you can’t, I’ll understand :wink:

If it looks like a flame I would be an idiot to stick my hand into it.