Memory Erasure Device

Im the most sane person in society.

Isn’t everyone?
That’s what people love about Relativity and Subjectivity. :sunglasses:

No there cannot be multiple sane persons.

I am sane because I am superior to everyone else in logic and ethics.

Before you correct me, what I meant by that was there can be multiple sane persons, long as they have a philosophy similar to mine.

Like I said, by their own egocentric frame of reference, “Isn’t everyone?”

So your saying that some stupid cunt who doesnt know the answer to 2+2=4 is just as rational as you or me?

Ask Eccy.

Actually what you need is an “Agreement Machine”. You can figure out why.

you know, they have those in human form. They’ve been known by many titles: ‘yes-men’, ‘ass-kissers’, ‘brown-nosers’, etc. They will agree with everything you say and do and if they happen to disagree at all, will completely smack the fuck out of themselves with a quickness and agree instantaneously. For some reason, we just can not code that into a computer.

Why don’t we just give them lobotomies?

I am trying to ease the pain of rape-victims. Not give them a lobotomy and make their pain worse.

Well, just take out the pain centers while you’re at it.

Hey, you’re doing a great job of easing their pain. Just remember to inform them how you enjoy being raped and I’m sure they’ll be very happy you made the effort to cheer them up.

Have you ever seen the movie Allegiant?

Everything that can be used for you, can be … will be … used against you.

what about men in black? have you seen that?

If you think that something is good enough to be used on others, you should at least have the common courtesy of tasting your own medicine.

Right. And if you don’t mind shooting criminals, you shouldn’t mind them shooting you.

The whole point of this device was to stop mob bosses and rapists from killing their witnesses, say a rapist doesn’t feel like killing on tuesday, or a mob boss feels sick to his stomach, all he has to use is use the MIB memory erasure device, no muss no fuss.

I think the intention was to associate rapists and murderers in the first place

One fear just stretched - while not necessarily rational, powerlessness begs this

We live in a world where “Law and Order SVU” is a show. Rape is bad, murder is bad. we know. I’ve always been of the mindset where rape should have punishments more akin to assault than murder, but thats the masculine perspective… frankly… i get it. seriously though, my autonomy is violated in a similar way every time i get physically assaulted. yes i said EVERY time. meaning as a man, I get into physical altercations on occasion. but for some reason, men fighting eachother is OKAY by women ( :wink: ) get it yet? :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t want to be physically violated by the stronger man, yet this is NOT rape. let alone pain as a contributing factor

from the feminine perspective ( imo, i’m a dude), associating the fear of rape with the fear of being murdered is HELPFUL to women, as men may commit rape if they didn’t fear the punishment that was similar to that of murder. people get it

I can’t believe I’m saying this, I think It’s more natural to rape than to physically attack someone. Yet the laws have the intention of the making rape the worser crime

:slight_smile: waiting for the attacks