Trump fails at fearmongering

I spoke too soon.

Neuro understandings are in their infancy.

We know liberals and conservatives process from different areas of the brain in most cases.

Mirror neurons fire in the IPC, not the amygdala Uccisore found something different.

Not being a neurologist myself, I cannot comment on the contradiction.

Well, if you’re all looking for the news to inform you of something, aren’t you all being just a bit too trusting of media to inform you of such things immediately? Such a dismantling of social services state by state would be impossible on a federal level without taking advantage of the loophole in the law that allows for the rumor first to be spread on a base societal level without a seeming source. It then circulates to a frenzy of panic and fear as the haves push against the have-nots and find every reason to support any move made to limit the have-nots from having what they need, based on simple distaste. At that point, any elected president would find it all too easy to cozy up to state officials who are feeling trapped under the pressure of needing to do more for the homeless they have come to view as rats as they themselves are in a rat race and hate being reminded of. Together they would gain the momentum and support of the haves, who have a job, who have cars, who have families and responsibilities and would hate to wind up in the same position, hint, hint, and find it all too easy to do what they otherwise wouldn’t have the power or the right to do.

The fact that there is rumor at all of dismantling food stamps and welfare entirely only points to this and the evidence supporting it based on psychology and social interactions that are known and unknown… it makes too much sense that it wouldn’t be sensationalized media-wise until the foot got more firmly in the door. Right now, outwardly, it’s a hesitant push towards that direction to see what happens. On top of it, they’re also fielding for support in the mind and the spirit and looking for any reason to go to war to relieve the mounting pressure all around. And, if they can get the citizenry to combat it themselves with base military usage, just with aware citizens that are caught fighting for what they then believe to be the right thing, backed by law enforcement; we can then handle any foreign entrance onto our home field should they think about taking advantage of the situation to conquer the unconquerable America. It plays on all levels from there. Perfectly sound and solid planning and thinking.

So asking somebody to back up what they say with evidence is ‘being too trusting’?

You should work for IngSoc, that’s some masterful doublespeak.

I never said that asking people to back up what they say with evidence was being too trusting. It’s that they expected me to back up my statements with evidence gained from the singular source of their choice, so either they expected me to be too trusting, or they were too trusting. I did back up my statement with evidence; the evidence of logical deduction and reasonable truth. I have shown mastermind level thinking at play and the possibility of it being played on a societal level in believable format. I have not doublespoke once, I rather find doublespeak to be distasteful and prefer speaking plainly.

Should I watch the news and only the news and trust it completely as some seemingly do? Or should I not use the reasoning engine that was given to me from birth?

The fact that things are playing out the way they are shows that Trump isn’t truly trying to eradicate food stamps, so this entire thread is tongue-in-cheek to gauge responses. I’ve looked around at the kids around me who’ve suddenly begun to watch politics and, like me, they see the ‘corruption’ that’s all too obvious there, and, thinking themselves clever, point it out and giggle. But, as I’ve come to realize, that is the corruption that they choose to show. The fact that they show as many steps as they do only goes to show that it isn’t what they choose to be about and are glad to have it known as such. It is deception without deception as their audience and fans force the expectation on them to be corrupt and so they find themselves being so against their will.

And, this is evidenced as truth based on what I know personally. A few years ago, I did change instantaneously, outwardly. For a decade I had been growing and changing on the inside and, sure enough, changing steadily on the outside as well, though not as obviously. When I made my instantaneous change; when all of the inward pieces were in alignment and ready for it, I had to fight against the strong perception of my friends and family and those around me. I was ready to change, I could change completely and did anyway, but was forced to be what they expected me to be. I’m not the only one who has experienced this. Even without others around me in society talking openly of this and admitting it, I find truth again in fiction, one of my favorite characters who I used as an avatar recently and channeled the spirit of: Lestat De Lioncourt, Brat Prince of the Children of Darkness; a Vampire who aspired to be a Saint, who traversed the paths of Heaven and Hell and tasted the blood of Jesus Christ, who admitted in his stories that he suffered similarly, being forced to pander to his fans and be the incorrigible brat that he was against his will. ‘Who am I to deny those that love me so?’ And this, through the veils of reality, coming through a mortal writer, Anne Rice.

And me, being me, took a look at that Brat Prince and said, you, a child of Darkness on the Devil’s Road, want to be a Saint. I can work with that.

Take a look again at the presidential debates between Hillary and Trump. Neither of them were in control of themselves. The expectations of their audiences were obviously playing across and through them, forcing them to say and act as they did, inconsistent, arguing things they did not want to argue, did not believe, etc. See Trump now in office and when in front of the media cameras, most likely not saying anything other than the things expected of him by his audience. What he does off camera is probably vastly different. And, if you question the validity of this, think of witchcraft or voodoo with their mediums, their artifacts that help them work their magic. If, in any way, this is more than just fairy tale and nonsense, then the modern television becomes a medium for an audience to focus on a target, whether knowingly or unknowingly. So, when people are pushed into the public eye in such a way on such a platform, they are under a direct heat that they are not under out of the public eye even shortly after being there. There is a reduction of pressure that would be noticeable to them.

Is any of this unreasonable? Irrational? Illogical?

How about you back it up in ANY sensible fucking way at all?

You can’t back up a specific allegation of what a person said with logical deduction. Trump didn’t say he was attacking the food stamp program. It’s against what he campaigned on, it would be uncharacteristic of him, you haven’t quoteed him, nobody in the news is talking about it.

You either made it up , or you’re choosing to believe somebody else who made it up.

No. It is fear mongering, just as are your sources of information, as well as other children … “The Media”.

Liberals are nothing but animal emotional reflex.

True anarchists and aristocrats are the rational ones. Not fake anarchists and liberals.

When talking with a liberal, they need to go to a “safe space”. Doesnt matter what your logic is, all they care about is the emotions they get from it like a scared animal.

True anarchists and aristocrats are the rational ones. Not fake anarchists and liberals.

Okay, so let me lay it out for you, since YOU PERSONALLY have trouble wrapping your head around it. People are sick and tired of the paranoia and the bullshit games played. Trump wasn’t trying to fearmonger, neither him nor Hillary nor Obama have tried to do wrong by this country in those terms. It’s making our country stronger and Trump stepped into office at a point in time where it became the popular choice to play it close to the heart, so… yes, he did try to fearmonger, what the media shows is the opening signs of it, what goes on in the mind if the amplification of the belief of it; what’s being done is showing how its done in a variety of ways utilizing every tool at our command. You don’t want to believe in the paranormal and supernatural? You, personally, don’t want to believe in psychic powers or that they can be utilized in this fashion? That’s on you and many others, myself included, don’t give a damn.

The fact is that while having to appear 100% like he was fearmongering or gaining support for the eradication of food stamps, it goes in line with his seeming steadfast stand against doing so, another lying president who uses his constituency to ‘purge’ America. The fact is that we have a truth-telling president that is screwing over a constituency that expected him to be the lying president that he does not want to be, so beyond playing it close to the heart, he’s counting on others, such as me, to pull it out, call it out and nip it in the bud. He does this on faith. It is faith-based and that faith is being justified. We have shown you not just mastermind level thinking, but beyond mastermind level thinking. So, I was right when I said this thread was tongue in cheek, and I only utilized the same principle tactic in starting it, laying the claim and then showing that claim to be faulty and why.

We can now move on to the next topic of business, which helps get our heads straight, clear and definitely helps not just our president prioritize and push through bullshit, but the rest of our country as well.

And, again, you saying that it isn’t in the news and nobody can quote him as saying so… that wouldn’t stop it from being true if it were true, dumbass. I’m not looking to tear the man down or to judge him for it or hate him for it, I’m looking to support doing the right thing as much as possible and even if someone starts doing the wrong thing, nip that in the bud so that it leave them no other option but to do the right thing, which will benefit this country and the world for the greater, which is what we need America to be doing since the rest of the world has eyes on it.

Then why did you make things up about Trump that aren’t real to try and scare people about him?

Right, but where did he say he was dismantling the food stamp program?

There’s that thing you seem to be making up, again. Where/when did Trump say something about the eradication of food stamps?

So just to be clear, this is you admitting you made the whole thing up? OK.

But it isn’t true, right? We’re in agreement on that? And the way that me and James and so on instantly knew it wasn’t true is because you didn’t and couldn’t provide anything to back it up, right?

So you’re making shit up for the greater good. That’s pretty typical.

I never made up anything.

I’m not going to argue with you. I’m sick and tired of this shit.

I don’t care if you’re a mod, why don’t you take a long walk down ‘fuck off’ street. To me, you’re just another piss-poor, shitty human being with false authority and a tendency to abuse power.

Why me? Why put the burden of proof so heavily on me? When do you approach the media news outlets with that shit, when do you approach other people on this forum with that? Am I that threatening with what I say and how much sense it makes to your fragile little brain?

Oh, oh wait, this is going to be marked as another ad hom! ohmigod, I need to start bitching like all the people around here who do nothing but just talk shit; start bitching about how I’m not getting my freedom of speech and I’m being repressed!

How many times have I told you fucking pieces of shit to just ban me. Get rid of me if you can’t handle what I bring to the table. Grow a fucking pair and nut up.

You clearly did. Or, as I said, you heard it from somebody else who did and chose to believe them without evidence. Let’s not forget how this began. Me and James politely asked you for a source for your information. I was interested in discussing the matter, because I hadn’t heard of it before.

It wasn’t until, instead of providing a source, you provided a windy pseudo philosophical exposition on why you shouldn’t be expected to back up your claims that I concluded you’re making it up. As any reasonable person would.

Well then, don’t make shit up. If you create a thread declaring that some popular politician said a bunch of stuff he didn’t actually say, what do you think is gonna happen?

Because you made the claim. If some other guy claimed that Trump said some stuff, the claim would be on him. And it’s not ‘so heavily’. Seriously; if you DIDN’T make it up, it would take you 30 seconds, tops, to post a link to your source. Showing where you got some information from isn’t a heavy burden at all in this information age.

Unless you’re just making shit up, of course.

I actually know what an ad hom is, so I won’t be calling any of your remarks an ad hom- they aren’t.

Or you could stop making shit up.

You aren’t particularly harmful or irritating or anything.


I didn’t make anything up. Don’t make me repeat myself a third time.

I’m not blaming Trump or expecting anything to be done about it.

You know that this is concrete enough evidence for you to accept as more than just a possible fact, you just didn’t expect me to get that. Or perhaps, some spirit tagged you to put me to the test so I could learn to read between the lines better. doesn’t matter.

I think some of you here actually want to purge the homeless. Liked it better when you could just see them as non-humans. I think it’s possible some of you here tried not just pulling Trumps strings, but instigating the spread of rumors elsewhere.

At the point of even if I am making shit up, I’m making it up on the fly, which shows that something pre-prepared it for me before I even thought it. That is interesting enough to merit a pause for consideration in accepting it as a possible fact.

At the point of even if I am making shit up, it’s far more believable than a lot of other shit around here that others do make up.

And, again, why? why me? Why crack down so hard on me for this in this manner? Why not Trixie when she makes shit up in her threads. Why to this degree of intensity and focus and attention? For it to be made up, it sure is gaining an interesting and out-of-the-blue response from you, which doesn’t mean it’s not made up. I admit it might be. All I said was that I didn’t make anything up. If anything at all, that does tie into something else I said that was laughed at by others here about how the truth can be highly deceptive.

To follow up, I find that when something I say gets a response such as yours pitched in the pace and intensity that it’s pitched, that I have hit pretty close to a decent truth. I have discovered this in other situations that have raised far worse reactions, what I call ‘shit-storms’, and usually lets me know through body language that a lot of what I say is accurate as Hell. Beyond what my opposition might say in contradiction. Why spend so much time to contest it properly and with effort if it wasn’t something that could be so easily believed? With all the other believable hoaxes and lies and make-believes out there that don’t receive this same scrutiny, one has to believe that this, on par with some of the other best hoaxes, make believes, etc. if it is that, might actually be true.

It’s kind of how I knew Obama was trying to do right while in office. The amount of media hate against him, the amount of cock-blocking done by the rest of the government, etc. was all very reminiscent of my own experiences in politics online too recently and too distantly for anyone in media to know about to copy and to try to make Obama look like a good guy instead of a bad guy. I have noticed that when people go about doing the right thing, they get far worse reactions than people who do the wrong thing. the shit-storm breathes fire down our backs and under our asses.

And, this is no different. There is more possibility now because of your reaction that this is true than before your reaction.


Never said I wanted to purge the homeless. I said only crackheads have got to go. Far as homeless go, the fuckable ones I have a use for and I will take them in any day of a week.

You know, the title under your avatar of ‘the grandmother’ kind of makes me lift an eyebrow at this. Let me see a pic of you, post one and if you happen to be a gilf, I might grant that you can have the confidence to say that you can say what you said with the seeming confidence you stated it. But until I verify it, it’s kind of in question. Note that I myself will probably never fuck you even if you deem me fuckable. And, even if I deem you decent looking as in the looks-decent wagon didn’t pass you by, the ugly tree failed when you fell out of it, it takes more than good looks to make you fuckable in my book and you have a nasty personality, combined with nasty and untasteworthy actions and a seemingly horrible connection with what you should be far more wary of in terms of what grants you your continued sustenance and your get the fuck back up and the portion of reality designed to be your enemy that seemingly grants you powers and passage through doors and back routes that by rights you should not have. But let us see if you are at least decent looking. You said you’ve shared a couple pics here so far, but I haven’t seen them.

Not my fault if you’re too weak and feeble to navigate a couple pages of the picture gallery.

I have no interest in proving myself to you, only thing I want you to know is my personality is better than yours, I care about animals, you don’t. Second, I want a hot lesbian dominatrix, you ain’t it.

Why is it that you call me to prove myself to you and then call me too feeble and weak to navigate other things? What does that say about you? I could easily go leaf through those pages, but called you to post something here. You’re too put out by such an easy request and refuse to do something so simple? Good thing I didn’t actually give a fuck about it and it was more pandering to something you wanted me to do. Forcing yourself upon me to see me cater to your whims, like an imaginary friend you’ll never get again, showing your twistedness for what it is, showing your ugly personality for exactly what it is.

And, I really doubt you’re going to find a hot lesbian dominatrix among the homeless, which again verifies how full of shit you are.

Ur bad at logic. Alls I said is if a homeless was bangable I’d bring her home for the night, never said anything about expecting one of them to be a woman of quality.

Good at dodging the animal point I made, shows you’re low on empathy, as we all know and endure.

If I’m bad at logic, then please explain how my logic fails and how yours is superior. You’re good at dodging this and continue to dog my every move without any sustenance to your own moves. This has nothing to do with empathy and a lot to do with you just spouting off and running your mouth about shit you don’t bother thinking about and things that you remain constantly inconsistent in with each and every passing day. You act as if you endure me and then claim me to be low on empathy… does that mean you’ve finally turned into an overly sensitive little bitch? A pussy as you’ve called me? Does that mean that the womans blood in you has finally begun to flow correctly?