Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

It’s an interesting question. I think the impression art gives the viewer (sense of wonderment) is its primary natural function, but once the artist explicitly says they have a secret intended meaning, that completely distracts from the original impression.

It’s like someone saying: “I’ve got a secret but I’m not telling.” ← Well, now you’ve gotta know.

And then there’s the question of: what happens when there’s a riff between what the viewer gets out of the art and what the artist intends. I mean, if you look at Manni’s piece in her sig, she (he?) seems to be saying that man is devolving into a pig (metaphorically, of course) in virtue of our lazy, fast-food, immediate gratification culture. But what if, in Manni’s mind, pigs are beautiful, awesome creatures, and it’s a privilege to be evolving towards them? Then Manni might be disconcerted and say: “No, no, no, you’ve got it all wrong!” Is it more important to go with our own first impressions or try to get at what the artist intended?

For fuck sake, if you must know…he’s reading kamasutra for children edition…

…because he’s a detective trying to understand the psychology of what makes the criminal tick regarding this material…


I may be wrong here but if you look at the man right before he transformed into a pig --with his belly hanging down and the bag which is in his hand, it’s pretty clear the connotation which manni was trying to provoke.
Aside from that, I think that pigs are really cute. I wonder if they actually consume as much as us humans do in one meal.

There is always that first impression but to go with just that?!!! would be mindless don’t you think?
It’s fascinating and fun to try to figure out what the artist intended but it’s even more fun and worthwhile to “see” what the art invokes in us?
it’s like going on a kind of journey of discovery - and inward one.

i’m stronger

Dude, you gotta prove that’s you.

I see you got back in the gym like you said you would… good job.

I cannot believe that YOU posted THAT.
Is it really you? :-k

It is quite a pleasant image. :mrgreen:

Aut, hurry up and seal the deal before she goes fickle on you.

Pleasant images are just that. They don’t need to be more than that, UP.
Stop your projecting!

Arc, I think you’re projecting your accusations of projection. :smiley:

Nice avatar, gib. :laughing:

I just saw that INTJ in your signature, did the test and got INTJ as well… lol

Introvert(56%) iNtuitive(34%) Thinking(31%) Judging(3%) for me.

I know… off topic. lol.

That would explain our identical penchant for caducei and other such things… our percentages being quite close I guess… especially the weirdly low Judging element.

Now I understand why whenever I read your posts, I instantly got you/understood the perspective you were coming from… weird, but cool. :smiley:

Pic taken by my daughter:

Awe, that looks like a happy moment Gibsomemore.

Yeah, we were having a good time. Forget where we were going though.

Mr Bean

Me & girlfriend Jess