Trump fails at fearmongering

That paper is just a general description of what a mirror neuron is and what they do. It has nothing at all to do with conservatives, liberals, and most importantly, your assertion that one group of people uses mirror neurons more than another.

I’m sorry, you have nothing.

You didn’t follow my wiki link…

That’s the part of the brain activated in liberals

Do you really think I posted those links for no reason!?!?!

Is the national institute of health not up to your standards Uccisore ??!,!,!?!?

That’s another description of a part of the brain and what it does, that in no way defends or even addresses the claims you’ve made about conservatives and liberals.

If you look at the STUDY (which you claimed to have read) this is one of three active areas for liberals and not conservatives!!!

Did you read that study??

Quote where any of the links you posted say anything even remotely like that.

You can’t, because they don’t. These are simply papers describing how parts of the brain work, and they make no claims about how anybody of any ideology process information.

Anybody who reads this thread will see you making shit up just as much as Random Factor. You both had your chance to back up your claims, you can’t. I’m out.

Sure you are… … publicans/

They have larger parietal lobe function as well…

Looking for the source.

What is undisputed …

Liberals use a more evolved portion of the brain than the reptilian amygdala

You called me on BS Uccisore by stating that the left doesn’t vote as much as the right…

Scientific proof: … 282982492#

That’s why Christian country music artists do so well relative to other genres…

We’re a Christian nation of morons…

People who go to church and don’t even realize that the building is idolatry, wear crosses and shit…

They pander, like Trump pandered.

The sandbox?? Really Uccisore???

I post a sociological study in line with the OP that conservatives only process information from the amygdala (the known for a fact. Least evolved part of the brain) which causes them to vote more… Keeping perfectly in line with the OP and you move it.

Dude, you don’t even begin to see through the shitstorm that is you.

My favorite sentence in the bible…

Take the plank out of your own eye before criticizing my splinter.

It’s actually a shame that you moved sociology with real studies out of the sociology forum because you are a simple reptile. Science has proven it… I assume you’ll be anti science tomorrow

The thread began with somebody making bullshit claims with no basis in reality, and then radically changed to you making bullshit claims with no basis in reality. So yeah, into the sandbox it goes. If Random Factor shows any interest in demonstrating how “Trump is attacking food stamps” isn’t purely made up, then I may move it back. If you want to create a thread about how conservatives use the wrong part of their brain to think with or that Republicans are lizard people or whatever, go on and make one. If you manage to write coherent sentences worth reading and give some reason to think your positions are true, I won’t move it.

That is flat out stupid. And most liberals are quite proud to be social deviants, loving to break the rules. That is what “liberal” means.

Liberal literally means “do what you want”

This rule applies to everyone.

So if you don’t let someone do what THEY want (say, killing them) then we won’t let you do what you want (prison)

There’s a lot of nuance in liberalism, which comes from more evolved parts of the brain making executive decisions.

Conservative is I do what I want no matter what (small government)

It’s worth pointing out that Ecmandu has been whining through the whole thread about how conservatives use their amygdala more than liberals, and that is actually the exact opposite of what is revealed with neurological studies of psychopaths: … bout-evil/

So if any of this stuff was meaningful, and it isn’t, it would be liberals who are more likely to be socio/psychopaths. But again, I’m not claiming that, because the whole thing is stupid on the face of it.

I spoke too soon.

Neuro understandings are in their infancy.

We know liberals and conservatives process from different areas of the brain in most cases.

Mirror neurons fire in the IPC, not the amygdala Uccisore found something different.

Not being a neurologist myself, I cannot comment on the contradiction.

Well, if you’re all looking for the news to inform you of something, aren’t you all being just a bit too trusting of media to inform you of such things immediately? Such a dismantling of social services state by state would be impossible on a federal level without taking advantage of the loophole in the law that allows for the rumor first to be spread on a base societal level without a seeming source. It then circulates to a frenzy of panic and fear as the haves push against the have-nots and find every reason to support any move made to limit the have-nots from having what they need, based on simple distaste. At that point, any elected president would find it all too easy to cozy up to state officials who are feeling trapped under the pressure of needing to do more for the homeless they have come to view as rats as they themselves are in a rat race and hate being reminded of. Together they would gain the momentum and support of the haves, who have a job, who have cars, who have families and responsibilities and would hate to wind up in the same position, hint, hint, and find it all too easy to do what they otherwise wouldn’t have the power or the right to do.

The fact that there is rumor at all of dismantling food stamps and welfare entirely only points to this and the evidence supporting it based on psychology and social interactions that are known and unknown… it makes too much sense that it wouldn’t be sensationalized media-wise until the foot got more firmly in the door. Right now, outwardly, it’s a hesitant push towards that direction to see what happens. On top of it, they’re also fielding for support in the mind and the spirit and looking for any reason to go to war to relieve the mounting pressure all around. And, if they can get the citizenry to combat it themselves with base military usage, just with aware citizens that are caught fighting for what they then believe to be the right thing, backed by law enforcement; we can then handle any foreign entrance onto our home field should they think about taking advantage of the situation to conquer the unconquerable America. It plays on all levels from there. Perfectly sound and solid planning and thinking.

So asking somebody to back up what they say with evidence is ‘being too trusting’?

You should work for IngSoc, that’s some masterful doublespeak.

I never said that asking people to back up what they say with evidence was being too trusting. It’s that they expected me to back up my statements with evidence gained from the singular source of their choice, so either they expected me to be too trusting, or they were too trusting. I did back up my statement with evidence; the evidence of logical deduction and reasonable truth. I have shown mastermind level thinking at play and the possibility of it being played on a societal level in believable format. I have not doublespoke once, I rather find doublespeak to be distasteful and prefer speaking plainly.

Should I watch the news and only the news and trust it completely as some seemingly do? Or should I not use the reasoning engine that was given to me from birth?

The fact that things are playing out the way they are shows that Trump isn’t truly trying to eradicate food stamps, so this entire thread is tongue-in-cheek to gauge responses. I’ve looked around at the kids around me who’ve suddenly begun to watch politics and, like me, they see the ‘corruption’ that’s all too obvious there, and, thinking themselves clever, point it out and giggle. But, as I’ve come to realize, that is the corruption that they choose to show. The fact that they show as many steps as they do only goes to show that it isn’t what they choose to be about and are glad to have it known as such. It is deception without deception as their audience and fans force the expectation on them to be corrupt and so they find themselves being so against their will.

And, this is evidenced as truth based on what I know personally. A few years ago, I did change instantaneously, outwardly. For a decade I had been growing and changing on the inside and, sure enough, changing steadily on the outside as well, though not as obviously. When I made my instantaneous change; when all of the inward pieces were in alignment and ready for it, I had to fight against the strong perception of my friends and family and those around me. I was ready to change, I could change completely and did anyway, but was forced to be what they expected me to be. I’m not the only one who has experienced this. Even without others around me in society talking openly of this and admitting it, I find truth again in fiction, one of my favorite characters who I used as an avatar recently and channeled the spirit of: Lestat De Lioncourt, Brat Prince of the Children of Darkness; a Vampire who aspired to be a Saint, who traversed the paths of Heaven and Hell and tasted the blood of Jesus Christ, who admitted in his stories that he suffered similarly, being forced to pander to his fans and be the incorrigible brat that he was against his will. ‘Who am I to deny those that love me so?’ And this, through the veils of reality, coming through a mortal writer, Anne Rice.

And me, being me, took a look at that Brat Prince and said, you, a child of Darkness on the Devil’s Road, want to be a Saint. I can work with that.

Take a look again at the presidential debates between Hillary and Trump. Neither of them were in control of themselves. The expectations of their audiences were obviously playing across and through them, forcing them to say and act as they did, inconsistent, arguing things they did not want to argue, did not believe, etc. See Trump now in office and when in front of the media cameras, most likely not saying anything other than the things expected of him by his audience. What he does off camera is probably vastly different. And, if you question the validity of this, think of witchcraft or voodoo with their mediums, their artifacts that help them work their magic. If, in any way, this is more than just fairy tale and nonsense, then the modern television becomes a medium for an audience to focus on a target, whether knowingly or unknowingly. So, when people are pushed into the public eye in such a way on such a platform, they are under a direct heat that they are not under out of the public eye even shortly after being there. There is a reduction of pressure that would be noticeable to them.

Is any of this unreasonable? Irrational? Illogical?

How about you back it up in ANY sensible fucking way at all?

You can’t back up a specific allegation of what a person said with logical deduction. Trump didn’t say he was attacking the food stamp program. It’s against what he campaigned on, it would be uncharacteristic of him, you haven’t quoteed him, nobody in the news is talking about it.

You either made it up , or you’re choosing to believe somebody else who made it up.

No. It is fear mongering, just as are your sources of information, as well as other children … “The Media”.

Liberals are nothing but animal emotional reflex.

True anarchists and aristocrats are the rational ones. Not fake anarchists and liberals.