Trump fails at fearmongering

That would be pretty stupid of those states.

Trump wants to take away foodstamps on the federal level???

Why doesn’t he do something useful like raise wages to the price of inflation on a federal level and pay workers 100 bucks an hour.

What a hypocrite!

Why not wait until you find the real truth of the matter before you judge.

I’d like a link too. I can’t find anything about Trump and food stamps since over a month ago, and even those articles don’t say anything about a complete dismantlement.

Trump and Huckabee were the only GOP candidates against entitlement reform to things like medicare and Social security, so this seems uncharacteristic.

Are you sure Trump is the one failing at fearmongering here?

Isn’t it amazing how widespread that psychosis of accusing the other of your own guilt has become? Seeing what you fear, then doing what you see.

Monkey see, monkey do. And when monkey is delusional … well …

Interesting trick.

The interesting thing here is that it didn’t seem to be a trick so much as a reflex. There’s nothing clever about mentioning fearmongering, getting that word in people’s heads, just before you engage in a preposterous example of it. If anything, he sabotaged himself; people would have been more likely to believe his claim if he didn’t begin with “You know how some people make up fanciful claims to terrify people?”

Trump got elected because of fear mongering, makes his denizens happy because of fear mongering …

Scientists have proven that conservatives make all their decisions from the fear center of the reptilian brain. The studies are there for everyone to see

If the study has merit, the conclusions are that either conservatives are more likely to make evaluations based on fear, or that liberals are bad at risk-assessment, or most likely a little of both. You are presenting it the way you are because it suits your immediate needs to present it that way, not because it’s reality.

Similar to how Random Factor seems to have purely made up the idea of Trump going after food stamps, and you accepted it without question; it fits your aims to accept it, and so you did.

Either/or thinking is more reminiscent of archaic thinking, so the rational naturally has built in bias.

You stopped reading my post at the word ‘either’ and then wrote your reply, didn’t you?

After the fact, I looked it up…

Yes, it’s one month old news just like you found.

However, the study on the bicameral populace is solid.

I’ve posted links here before.

Conservatives process all information from the fight or flight part of the brain, and liberals from the reasoning part of the brain.

The studies are done.

There’s no debate.

Now you have to spin what that actually means.

You are kellyanne Conway from that interview Uccisore …

That’s who Uccisore is as a human being.

That’s why liberals get so mad… I can pull a kellyanne in my fucking sleep on meth…

That’s not intellectual, and you know it deep down

No, I read You carefully, but writing philosophy is different from writing social psychology, and there My bias lays, admittedly. In that sense, I am a hypocrite, again, admittedly.

Once admitted, though, I am compelled to forgive myself. Bad conscience is a not so terrible thing to waste.

No, conservatives are more likely to base decisions on risk and corruption than liberals are. You could interpret that as conservatives irrationally acting on fear, or as liberals being bad at risk assessment. The truth is likely in the middle. Again, you are interpreting the results the way it pleases you to interpret them, then declaring your interpretation to be science.

This is hilarious!!!

Liberals are more hypersensitive to corruption by FAR than conservatives!!

That’s why they wanted Bernie!!!

Besides the point…

You’re trying to spin it…

Fact is “known fear center of the brain” vs. “known reasoning center of the brain”

Are you a neurologist now Uccisore (when it suits you to make shit up)??

And now you’re just demonstrating that you haven’t actually read the studies you’re trumpeting on about. Not much point in discussing something with somebody who is both ignorant AND hostile. I can handle one or the other.

Well, I’m mentally competant to hold a job. Are you?

Study in this vein have shown liberals use way more mirror neurons (less sociopathic)

I’m very well aware of these studies, and I know the one you’re referencing talks about mirror neurons …

You are always going to be kellyanne Conway Uccisore …

And the adults are going to have to do real work for you … Metaphorically wipe your ass…

And you lecture me about jobs

Here’s a good breakdown. … ical-wars/

Like I said, pretending that the studies show that conservatives are just straight up inferior in their reasoning is you editorializing the reality. If you read an article about this same subject on a place like Salon or Mother Jones, it will tell you how fearful and stubborn conservatives are. If you read about it on Brietbart or Drudge Report, it will tell you how disorganized and imperceptive liberals are. In your case, I’m sure it’s just something you overheard without even knowing the bias of the source, like that time ‘a friend’ told you 1 in 3 women in the US are raped, and you spent a month telling us all you knew it was a fact.

1:3 military women.

1:5-6 non military women.


That was bizarre!!


Neurologists know the difference between these two sections of the brain …

That’s why I made the snide comment about you being a neurologist when it suits you.

Look up mirror neurons if you disbelieve me!!

It’s neurological proof that liberals are less sociopathic than conservatives.

Barely anyone knows about these studies Uccisore …

Mmhm. A few minutes ago they were widely available studies that everybody can easily see. Now that I’ve shown you’re full of crap, it turns out you were talking about other, hidden studies that barely anybody knows about. Well, go on.

Show me.

Reminds me of the old schism between the Hobbes’s and the Rousseau’s social contract. Guess it has staying power.