I Hate All Abrahamic Religions.

That’s just India though. Paganism around the world varies from culture to culture.

As an atheist I find pagan ideals, values, or virtues more tolerable than Abrahamic ones.

Temporal paradox? Please explain.

The Abrahamic religions worship death, conformity, authority, and hypocrisy. They truly are a blight upon this world. None of them value life or genuine independence.

The Abrahamic religions of course consists of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Here’s to dreaming of a world without all three.

Without christianity or judiasm there would still be atheist marxists and shitlibs.

Jews existed long before rome. People want a time machine to kill hitler. But what if someone gave hitler a time machine?

You used to complain about religions which practiced human sacrifice. Now you’re okay with it?

he would have travelled back in time and commit suicide. Or kill himself third person singular (not first person singular.) His old self would be killed by his travelled-back future self.

But wait… if he died before the future, then he could not have travelled back to the past from the future, as his own self would have died before the future had come to pass…

You work it, you kneed it, you seed it.

Without the competition between religions and government, how would you expect to have any freedom at all?

I agree with the above 'IF Only…" but unfortunately the reality of the Abrahamic religions are here to stay for a long time. I do not hate the Abrahamic and other religions. However the Abrahamic must be weaned off [without side effects] as soon as possible.

The point is, at present, religion is a critical necessity for the majority of humans to deal with an inherent unavoidable existential crisis. Without religions the majority would be bottled up with lots of angst and anxieties.

Despite whatever their pros, it is just unfortunate for humanity that the Abrahamic religions emerged and leveraged on the primal us versus them impulse, a superiority complex, mine is the only way, and a condemnation of non-believers. Contrast the Abrahamic religions on such matters to Eastern religion like Buddhism, Hinduism [Vedanta], Jainism, Taoism, and the likes.

Whilst there are negatives from Judaism and Christianity, the facts are we do not hear of much terrible evils and violence committed by SOME of their evil prone believers. Thus we do not have to worry too much with Judaism and Christianity in contrast to the potential evils and violence from SOME* Muslims who are evil prone and inspired by evil laden verses from the Quran and other Islamic religious texts.
*some sound ok, but the reality is some 20% of evil prone Muslims would amount to 300 million :open_mouth: evil Muslims around the world. One evil prone Muslim is sufficient to cause terrible havoc, just imagine what a potential of 300 million will do.

  1. The seriousness of Islam is that their holy texts are supposed to be immutable till eternity and the Quran and Ahadiths contain tons of verses that are evil prone.
  2. The fact is the 20% of potential evil prone Muslims [300 millions and increasing] is not going to be changed at least until another 100 years.

Thus the combination of 1 & 2 is a dangerous recipe for more evils & violence to come from the ‘SOME’ evil prone Muslims anytime from now till as long as humanity is around.

What is more unfortunate is those who critique Islam as having an evil potential are usually accused of being Islamophobic [a non-realistic term] and are forced to shut up.

I hope there will be more criticisms of Islam’s evil potential from more people.

The Christian religion was the first attempt to defeat the Romans and Jews. But it was used as a tool to help the romans and jews, fusing the two with the genocidal Catholic empire.

Islam was created as attempt to not fail where Christianity did, creating a more militant religion to defeat the Catholics and Jews. Converting “atheists” to fight for their cause. Islam was attempt to fight fire with fire.

The US, ran by Jews, intentionally lit that fire in order to use Islamic extremists to further their plan of global domination (911 laws and all this Trump Zionist Air Security TSA bullshit.)

Trump is a fuggin’ Zionist jew and a fascist, just saying.

Try not to forget where it all began.

The first government/manager of a paradise (Ahdam/Eve) chose to be the source of both good and evil so as to be a god (the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil).

After such is established, the burning fire of suffering is eternal. So what types of governing/religions that come about are but the aftermath of far, far worse. And usually as an attempt to reconcile how to be a god with how to be in paradise. Okay, so they couldn’t get it right. They tried. They still try.

But what have you accomplished against such an extreme foe as those with the greatest wealth, power, and aspirations to be God,the ultimate dictator, even though in the name of anti-religion governments (aka “Socialism/Communism”)? Just because the label doesn’t say “religion”, doesn’t mean that they don’t lust to be God. What is says on the tin, is merely salesmanship.

The social egalitarianism of communism even under a fascist dictator form still came out of Christianity. Communism is the material secularist cousin of Christianity.

Complained? No, merely documenting historical behaviors of human beings.

Human sacrifice extends well outside of religion however where as an example can be found in economics. Economics is all about human sacrifice.

Liberal and Marxist philosophies were born out of Christian theology.

Government has its origins within religion. There really isn’t much of a difference between religion and government. With religion a deity of divine origin is god whereas with government an organization of men are god over all other people. Political law was an evolution from divine law.

Authentic freedom and competition comes from nature not from some fictional construct of god or secular authority.

They are all violent religions. Anybody who has read the Talmud, Bible, and Quran thoroughly knows this. All three religions are ones of total social bondage.

Look, I’m a decent guy, but we need the Church. Without it the world goes kaput.

India is predominantly Hindu

Are you a shill?

actually, america was founded in 1776 by a bunch of atheists who wanted to seperate church and state, but ever since it has been diluted and demolished by religious idiots after the dawn of america.

What’s a shill?

With religion the world is going kaput where your argument makes little sense at all.

Religion and the god concept matters very little to nothing at all.